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Bent The Bluewhite


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I nailed the blue yesterday morning, errr, I mean white. Allow me to explain. Strongmitts was kind enough to send me a bunch of various 60 D's and one blue nail, which Iron Mind had mistakenly painted white. This nail rates between 250 and 260 pounds, and I bent it without too much difficulty. So, let it be known that the IM blues do indeed vary considerably in strength. The blue I bent is to the blues I recently bought, as is a Trainer to a #1 gripper. The difference is that great. As a sidenote, Bender and OldGuy's assessment of the blue being comparable to the Crown Bolt Company's 1/4 inch HRS stock holds true for the blue I bent. I can just imagine Strongmitts failing with what he thought was a white nail and thinking " the heck with it, I'm going back to synchronized swimming". :laugh

Edited by EricMilfeld
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Congrats on getting the blue/white as far as:

" the heck with it, I'm going back to synchronized swimming".

This might be Smitty and Jedd's next video -except they'd be swimming with a bar of weights instead of a flutter board and bending stuff while underwater!


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Man, I feel bad for my comments of sympahty towards Strongmitts. Sorry man. I hope you see the humor of the situation. Also, nice bend Eric. It all just get's crazy now as you start buying bolts, 60D's, square-stock and round-rod.

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" the heck with it, I'm going back to synchronized swimming".

This might be Smitty and Jedd's next video -except they'd be swimming with a bar of weights instead of a flutter board and bending stuff while underwater!



Bender, it's already started. My screwdrivers get very nervous (atleast the skinny ones) any time I walk out in the gargage. Nothing is safe anymore: "Honey, do we really NEED this butter knife".

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I recently stoped for a tank of gas, and ended up buying a 5" little cheap-o wrench to bend. It just gets worse. No tool is safe...

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too true-im going nuts with this bending stuff-so far i have:

snapped hilti drill bits

snapped a spanner

horseshoed a spanner

bent 10 6" by 6mm 8 spiral nails

wrecked a whole set of scredrivers

nearly straightened a horseshoe padlock

rolled up a dinner tray

as well as ripping all the decks of cards in my house.

i actually now shop for stuff to bend-i am normal: Honest :D

be strong


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I tested my tough blue nail this afternoon, using the method prescribed by Tom Black. To acquire a 1/4 inch bend required 280 pounds on my loading pin.

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one blue nail, which Iron Mind had mistakenly painted white.

Could this have been an older version of the white nail? Weren't they originally 1/4" HRS and the Yellow and Blue 1/4" CRS ? I know Tom Black used to consider a bend of the original Blue nail = to a medium tough 60D. The current blues are easier than any legitimate 60D nail.

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Blues are much easier than any 60D nail. Even ones that have the head and point removed. 60 D nails are aound .273'' compared to .250'' of the blue nail.

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synchonized swimming?! ha ha.......I did put the bag of nails back in the closet for a long time after that though. I thought........man.....if I can't bend this thing I must be weak. Then years later when I tried again, I wisened up and tried all of them. Most of my greens come in at 230-240 range to bend 1/4", then every now and then I will get one that bends like butter.

Hey Eric, I'm glad your blue nails are a little harder and it's not just the fact you are a big panzy! :laugh

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one blue nail, which Iron Mind had mistakenly painted white.

Could this have been an older version of the white nail? Weren't they originally 1/4" HRS and the Yellow and Blue 1/4" CRS ? I know Tom Black used to consider a bend of the original Blue nail = to a medium tough 60D. The current blues are easier than any legitimate 60D nail.

Being new to the wonderful world of bending, I must admit my ignorance with regards to much of this. Was the original white only six inches in length, as well? What was the poundage rating of the CRS blue? I do have enough experience to concur with the assertion that the average legitimate 60D is harder than the current blue nail. I did bend my tough blue today, and then proceeded to only kink one of my 60 D's.

Strongmitts, I'll have you know, I'm a big STRONG panzy! By the way, some of my tough blues are on their way to Ruston as we speak.

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