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Grippers For Kids...


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It's pretty doggone funny. She bites her lip, makes a face, and squeezes til she starts shaking. :D It's got me thinking... Both my kids love to play with my grippers when I'm working them. It got me thinking that a child-sized gripper would make a nifty x-mas present. I wonder if the BB Beginner (50lb) would work? (I'm thinking two handed squeezes for my 5 year old) It'd be nice if a guy could come up with smaller handles... I suppose I could spin a regular pair down on a lathe... I suppose I could call Warren Tetting and ask him if it'd be possible to make a few special order pair... I thought about the cheap plastic sporting good stores, but a) they "don't look like Dad's" and b) the plastic handles would be bulkier and more slippery.

Anybody have any ideas? I figure they'd get a kick out of having their own grippers, and hey it's not gonna hurt a kid ot have a better grip if they get anything out of it.

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Dude, they make pony clamp type grippers of all sizes. Just buy a set of those.

I walked into a hardware store today, and I saw a package of black and red colored woodworking clamps and the package included three different sized clamps. So, you could use one, and the other two could be given to your kids, whichever fit in their hands the best.

I have been having my girlfriend and kids trying bending nails and closing grippers all night.


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My 4 year old son has claimed my Wal-Mart plastic handled gripper as his own. He loves to grab it with both hands and give it a mighty squeeze, but he can't actually move the handles...

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My 3 year old little girl was just playing with my Ivanko super gripper last night. With the springs all the way down she wiggeld at about 1/4 inch with both her little hands. Grunting & red faced. She loves to lift rocks when we go to the lake, too.

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My 4 year old son, who inherited his daddy's big hands, can grip a #1 and give it a go. As John said, he's all red faced and grunting like nobody's business. Start them young and we might just see the #4 closed by a teenager! :rock


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