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Kta Training

Guest chips

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I'm glad I got the KTA program. But I am wondering how I can make serious gains training every day,sometimes twice a day at maximum intensity. When I give it all I got, there's no way I am ready to train again the next day. I'd be lucky if I can hold a pen without shaking. Any feedback?

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Well, I haven't used the exact KTA program, but my workouts are pretty tough, and I have done crush over and over, day after day. My question is, are you using the proper recovery methods? Are you using the proper warm-up. Like I said, I don't own KTA, but I think your hands might feel better with better warm-up and recovery approaches.


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I went through one cycle of kta. Great program. Just give it all you got your hands will adapt to the workload. Just get good and warmed up before training. I kept my hands in hot water working them around good until they got good and loose before I started KTA. I was working closing the #2 CoC shut it the first week of KTA. At the end of program I was shutting my pda .280. So I know the program works. You just got to get motivated every workout and do it with all you got.

You won't always be strong everyday for sure. Because you are maxing out everyday. But you are increasing your strength base for future gains when the rest days increase later on in the program. Take care of your hands also. Keep lotion on them so they won't dry out and the skin crack open. Its tough program but worth it in the end!! Best of luck with your training Chips! Hope this helps a little! :rock

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I'm glad I got the KTA program. But I am wondering how I can make serious gains training every day,sometimes twice a day at maximum intensity. When I give it all I got, there's no way I am ready to train again the next day. I'd be lucky if I can hold a pen without shaking. Any feedback?

Yeah, re-read the book. Re-read the conditions for the program. You will, with no doubt, FAIL based on this statement if you don't change your thinking:

But I am wondering how I can make serious gains training every day,sometimes twice a day at maximum intensity. When I give it all I got, there's no way I am ready to train again the next day.

If you have any more specific questions on the program, join the KTA forum.

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Oh another little piece of advice. Towards the end of the program when the rest days increased and I started peaking out. My hands felt great strength wise from the added rest days and I was slamming my pda .280 pretty easy. I felt so strong I started other grip work, bending alot, lifting my small blob, just feeling great

from the added strength. I probably would have experienced even better gains on my crush and the grippers if I could have just rested like I was suppossed too!!

So stick to the program all the way through....And take advantage of those rest days! :rock

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The main point I was trying to make was that when I let my hands and forearms rest for two days, I'm able to see the improvements quite easily. Whereas, if I'm maxing out twice a day WITHOUT full recovery, the gains are less noticable. But, being that I've only been into the program for a week now, I think my best bet is to wait and see. I don't have the 15+ years of grip training experience that Wannagrip has, so I'll conceed to his advice.

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The main point I was trying to make was that when I let my hands and forearms rest for two days, I'm able to see the improvements quite easily. Whereas, if I'm maxing out twice a day WITHOUT full recovery, the gains are less noticable. But, being that I've only been into the program for a week now, I think my best bet is to wait and see. I don't have the 15+ years of grip training experience that Wannagrip has, so I'll conceed to his advice.

I don't have 15 years of this stuff.

Hey, it says you will not be at full strength most of the time. Also, re-read Rick's preface. :rock

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When I was experimenting before even the guinea pigs I remember even my forearms ached so bad I could hardly stand it even sitting still!

Bottom line: if you stick with it, you will adapt.

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What I do every workout for motivation is go to "The Grip Board" Movie Gallery!! Watch the vids and listen to the music. One movie clip is pretty long has Heath, Tommy,Dave, Pat, others in it. During the music there is two times the music really takes off. I watch these guys do there thing while I chalk up and when the music hits just the right spot I give the gripper everything I got. lol Do that every rep, every workout!! Keeps me motivated, HIGHLY!!

Works for me.....especially when the hands are hurting and I think, "Oh man, no way its gonna happen today"! About 2 reps and I am pumped!! Some of these "Oh no" days have been the best!!!!!

Thats my KTA training ritual!!!!!!!

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I have to agree that the KTA program is somewhat difficult to follow when the hand strength has gone down enough so that you can no longer close at all the gripper that you overcrushed earlier. Is it really useful to go down one step in grippers for the different crushes to be able continue with the program?

It doesn't feel that way.


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The KTA forum evolved in principle to not have discussions on the open

Gboard forums. The KTA forum is designed for those that take on the

arduos and bustass work to vent their frustrations as well as their elations

when progress is made. It is kind of like a fraternal order if you know what

I mean.

We that have taken on KTA have given our word to W-grip to not discuss

it's principles and decorum on the public Gboard. That is just the way it "tis.

If you join the forum, you will find a different world from the Gboard itself.

A "Closed Door" atmosphere if you will. Do not interpret this that I am saying

the KTA forum is pretentious or better than the open forums, it is basically a

place to voice your setbacks and progress to guys who have already run

the gauntlet of KTA............

So come on in and look around :cool

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