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Bending Pain


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Shortly after a few tough bends, I've been noticing a pain in my left arm (my bracing arm). It runs from just above my elbow up nearly to my shoulder, and feels as if it's tendon, or possibly the humerus itself. It clears up after about a half day. Comments or suggestions? Thanks.

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i have been bending for 2 weeks and made steel reinforcing rod equivalents of the ironmind white, green, yellow and blue nails. i was going to work up to them but training like i do, i set to them and horseshoed each one in 10 seconds or less. i have exactly the same pain, in exactly the same area. it runs from the inner elbow of the left arm, through the bicep and finishes slap bang in the middle of the deltoid. as i have only just started bending, but progressed very quickly i think its the fact that my wrists are very strong but the technique used to bend is something new to my body and therefore the resulting pain from going so heavy. i have ordered the ironmind bag of nails to see how my reinforcing rods compare to them and would recommend going slowly with some lighter nails/bars to build the rotational strength in the injured elbow/bicep.

i am addicted to bending and when i ran out of nails i horseshoed a set of screwdrivers and will be trying to snap spanners next week hopefully. however, like yourself i do not want to risk injury and slow my progress. hopefully some more experienced benders will have more knowledge and may have experienced a similar condition on their journey.

my advice-go slow and always warm up fully, maybe with a few light bends before the heavy stuff.

hope this helps


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Sounds nasty Eric,

You could try a different bending style -this is quite a challenge when you get use to only one style. After reading Amaury's post that he trains all the common bending styles I gave it a try and have been doing so since BFGS.

Hopefully you can solve this before it becomes serious -goodluck!!!


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It's quite similar to the armwrestling pain you get as a beginner.


Rest it till it's better.

Train on exercises that don't cause it a problem.

Plenty of massage, to get rid of the scar tissue.

Ice if you need.

Painkill, and anti inflamatory drugs to calm the area down.

Remember as your technique gets better, and your arm toughens up, this problem will occur less.


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It's quite similar to the armwrestling pain you get as a beginner.

Amen to that !

I attended a arm wrestling contest about a week ago, and I can still feel the pain Eric

described in both my arms. :cry

But it's starting to get better ! :)

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I've had that pain. I sort of feels like deltoid pain, but then shoots down into the elbow. This still happens on occasion when I try to bend with out a warm up. If I bent warm, it never happens.

For me, I do a light push-up / pull-up work out with some shoulder presses until I break a sweat. Then, the pain doesn't come back.


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thanks for the ideas Bender, i never thought of using bodyweight stuff-just light bending as i was having a bending session. a full warm up is necessary as the areas are seldom used in other training routines. i dont think its a serious problem just a reaction to a new way of training.

good luck with the bending log-let you know how i go with the "real" nails from ironmind next week

train hard


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Thanks a lot for all the advice guys! I suspect my one or two bends with a timber tie isn't a sufficient warmup before trying the "big bend". I'm so gung ho on this bending that I often get in a hurry. Bad, bad, bad... Yep, the last time I felt this pain was the last time I armwrestled, which was in 1982 as a freshman in high school. I'll rest for a few more days, warm up like I should have in the first place, and see what happens :D

Stephen, I'm looking forward to hearing how you fare with the IM nails. I think I'll soon be bending the blue.

Edited by EricMilfeld
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just read your other post Eric,

im now wondering myself if there is much variation within ironmind nails like their grippers. it would be a shame to bend a blue and find it was only a tough yellow, or to get a yellow and it doesnt budge :angry:

hopefully they will be here monday and after a full warmup :whistel i will see how good my steel rods compare.


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I would like to give a few suggestions (and also repeat some suggestions from above). I am also addicted to bending and have the same pain you have. This is how I have removed/diminished the pain.

I would like to precursor these statement with a special thank you to Bender, whose PM's and website are a continuous inspiration.

Before a bending session:

1. Sledge hammer levering - 5 minutes

a. pronation/supination (palm up/palm down) - grab a spot on the sledge

where you can hold it in front of you.

b. lever to shoulder and back out front - only take 1/2 the sledge, ie

grab it half way down the handle

2. Wrist Curls/Reverse curls - 5 minutes - olympic bar or fat bar

3. Nerf football squeezes - 3 minutes

4. Soak your hands in the hottest water you can stand - 5 minutes

5. Bend

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I appreciate ya Smitty. It is reassuring to know I'm not alone with this pain problem. I have a homemade lever bar I can use in place of the sledgehammer.

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I'm getting a sledge today!! 10 lb. Wow Eric you went wild with the bending.

I really been going slow. Afraid of messing something up from reading benders pages on bending. And remembering Big Steve saying "bending can hurt you" !

Probably just need to back off a little maybe. Try to progress a little slower. Give everything ligaments, tendons time to strengthen. I'm older and beginning and nowhere near your guys strength. So I have no choice but to take it slow!! lol

You did just start bending didn't you Eric?

I liked Smitty's warmup routine!!

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You did just start bending didn't you Eric?

I started only a few weeks ago, and have fallen quickly in love. Unfortunately, my personality type (some call it obsessive) won't allow me to intentionally slow down my progress, so I guess I must pay more attention to warming up properly. I sure hope this is the answer to my pain. The idea of calling off my budding relationship with my beautiful nails is most upsetting to me :cry:laugh

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Another thing I would suggest is wrapping the sore area. If I understand the pain you decribe correctly, I had the exact same thing on the tricep side of my left arm.

I wrapped my arm with an ace bandage for three weeks during every single workout and my arm feels much better now. At first, i could NOT do a pressing movement without pain. Now, it is like it never happened, and I don't even need the bandage anymore.

Don't think you're a wuss becuase you use a wrap or warm-up the right way. I am sure you want to be doing this stuff for years to come, not just up until your final injury tragedy.


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got my bag of nails today :D

i wrecked the white and green but the yellow only went to about 35/40 degrees. i was so shocked i decided to stack up a loading pin and calibrate the stock.

to my surprise the yellow bent as follows:

kinked 3 degrees at 216lb

kinked 5 degrees at 226lb

kinked 6 degrees at 235lb

kinked 10 degrees at 244lb

finally bent past 20 degrees at 250lb :yikes !!!

so i have some mean beasts for yellow nails that are actually more like blue nails going by ironmind's ratings. now i just got to horseshoe one so i dont feel bad. i dont want to test the blue in case it is a red :whistel .

my verdict-if in doubt, calibrate your own nails to see what you are bending!


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I just remembered something else I did when i started bending to help with the wrist pain. I wore the longer baseball wrist bands. The long black terry-cloth bands. There were also a few times I would wear ace-wrist straps with the wrist bands over the top of them. Then with the pair, or just one, I'd do my wrist warm ups to really keep my wrist warm. This helped a lot with wrist pain, but I stopped as I felt i was getting dependant on them. There was a time I was bending for some friends and stopped to put the wrist bands on... lame...

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got my bag of nails today :D

i wrecked the white and green but the yellow only went to about 35/40 degrees. i was so shocked i decided to stack up a loading pin and calibrate the stock.

to my surprise the yellow bent as follows:

kinked 3 degrees at 216lb

kinked 5 degrees at 226lb

kinked 6 degrees at 235lb

kinked 10 degrees at 244lb

finally bent past 20 degrees at 250lb :yikes !!!

so i have some mean beasts for yellow nails that are actually more like blue nails going by ironmind's ratings. now i just got to horseshoe one so i dont feel bad. i dont want to test the blue in case it is a red :whistel .

my verdict-if in doubt, calibrate your own nails to see what you are bending!



your reasoning is only valid if YOU have measured other IM nails, and found variance. i think they are consistent. If you want calibrated nails, contact David Horne.

BTW, a partial bend of the Yellow is a very good first effort. Great job.


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i think my partial bend of the yellow put me off of trying the blue and it was only today that i got one out of the bag and decided to give it a shot.

to my complete surprise i put a 30 degree bend in it unbraced-and it wasnt in the middle but about 2/3 from one end.

the reason i stated about measuring the nail strength is based on an old thread about HRS and CRS variations of the ironmind nails. also to find out why i could not fully bend my yellow-as it was rated 40lb more than stated-just like getting a tough no.2 and wondering why you cannot close it i guess. i am not stating there is variation in the nails, just that my yellow was a 250 rather than a 210, i like to know what i am bending to keep track and make my progress easier.

thanks for your comments RSW-much appreciated!

talking of Coc 2 - i am now at 1/2 mm so it should go this week :D


Edited by stephen aish
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