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Win An Emerson Knife

Bill Piche

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I just missed this in Cal, but I have a Enerson and I love it , very tough knife. In fact a friend of mine is the one who got me going on grip because he took me this show and showed me this contest. Definitly go there and if you don't like the knife , feel free to send it to me!! :D:laugh

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I'll be appearing in BLADE magazine soon, in the feature entitled, "What Knife Do You Carry?".

Any certified COC will be able to close that #3 (IMHO). ;)

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Just think... someday... SOMEDAY, you'll be just as famous as I am!! :happy:laugh:laugh

BTW, I wonder if OldGuy will believe me now!! ;)

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Syb... Syber...Sybersnout? No, no, sybersnott... right? Who are you? Are you a newbie on this board??? :tongue:D

Just busting your chops! How do you like your Emerson? Very nicely made blades, however I have to say I am a die hard Benchmade man. I have carried my AFCK since buying it when I was in the Marines and it has travelled all around the world with me over the years. Sent it back last year from Switzerland to get overhauled and resharpened and they it sent it back at no cost, even for postage! I'll tell you it ewas in bad shape... I am horribly abusive when it comes to knives, watches, eyeglasses, firearms, etc.

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My Emerson is great, although now it's not my everyday carry knife. I seem to be much more responsible than you are when it comes to care of knives, since I've had them out-and-out fail on me at the worst possible time - so I make sure that the knife I do carry won't bail on me at the time when I need it the most.

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Mine came in very handy while I was living in Northern India. It made friends with a lot of snakes... The AFCK is a very simple and proven design with an open back so mud, sand, water, etc. feed through rather quickly so it doesn't gunk up too bad. makes cleaning a breeze. I use CLP on it so that keeps most of the crap out.

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I read the text regarding sybersnott on the Iron Mind site.very impressive to be in the IM news section. :rock

Congratulations on being th first to accomplish this feat especially under the circumstances required.(i.e. unknown gripper,cold, in front of strangers, and for a nice prize)At this point nobody else has done this and it's pretty cool :cool

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Thanks for the compliment. But really, I didn't know what to expect when I got there... and I wasn't trying to win a knife, I just wanted to try that gripper! The situation turned out better than I thought it would - and I got the knife.

BTW, the feature in BLADE magazine is called, "The Knife I Carry"

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What month's issue will you be appearing in? The November issue is on the stands now, but you were not in it.

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Yeah, I looked in it today as well.... if I'm not mistaken, I'll be in the next issue, December 2003.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was at the newsstand today and flipped through the December issue of Blade Magazine. The Snottman wasn't in it. We'll have to wait til Christmas I guess...

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I was at the newsstand today and flipped through the December issue of Blade Magazine.  The Snottman wasn't in it.  We'll have to wait til Christmas I guess...

Must be the same reason Snott thinks we are just going to pass around the cert gripper for GBMME like a beer at a frat party! :laugh:rolleyes

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Nice job, John, on showing us the true path to embladement!

Anyone wanna do a get together on the 8th or 9th? I've been about 1/8th on 2 different #3's, and would love to try this one. Maybe we can all go down and try it, then do dinner or something. RSW, Pat, Steve? Anyone else?

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Nice job, John, on showing us the true path to embladement!

Anyone wanna do a get together on the 8th or 9th? I've been about 1/8th on 2 different #3's, and would love to try this one. Maybe we can all go down and try it, then do dinner or something. RSW, Pat, Steve? Anyone else?

I am certainly up for it. Just pick a day and time.

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If you're coming that close on the #3... you might be in luck on this one, since I thought it was one of the easiest IM #3 grippers I've tried.

Now a note to all my many, many fans: I sincerely apologize. I was sure I would appear in either the November or December issues of BLADE.... but then I thought of something - perhaps they are saving me for the COVER OF THE JANUARY 2004 ISSUE!!!

So don't fret, you'll see me soon enough -- just think, what a way to kick off the New Year than to have "yours truly" grace the January cover of BLADE magazine!!


Oh, and just an afterthought.... bring your copy of the magazine to the 2004 AOBS, and I'll personally autograph it for you! A keepsake to someday show your future grandkids!! You can tell them... "I met Sybersnott - IN PERSON!!". :happy

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Be careful "Wanna"… It appears that “Snott” may be positioning himself for a coup d’etat for the gripboard! :yikes

Take heed… His popularity is soaring... :rock the polls are showing incredible gains in support... :laugh You best get your mug on a cover, any cover quick! :tongue:yikes

Playgirl doesn't count! :tongue:yikes

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Your going way over the top on this!!! :D Congrats anyway. :rock


"Live long, stay strong" - C.F.B.

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Chuckie B.,

You should know by now that I'm the main kook on this forum!! You should also know that fame is a fleeting thing and does not last. :(

Actually, I am humbled by all the sudden notoriety as a result of the Emerson Challenge. It's nice to be recognized for something like that. I really don't dwell on it... but it happened and I was honored to be a part of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No such luck. I couldn't close his #3. Strangely, it felt very similar to my own #3. John, it must have been a different #3 than what you closed. Pat, Steve, Robert and I all agreed that is was a brand new gripper. Shiny, and razor sharp knurling. Incidentally, he does sell his grippers right off the table. I closed his #2 for him, which he said only 3 people had ever closed. When I went back a few hours later, it had been sold. Pat and Steve both won their knives. Robert brought his #3, and compared it to mine. His #3 spread is very wide.

After lunch, Pat and Steve bent a nail or two in a hotel lobby. A couple of cuties were interested, so they did a mini bendathon for them. They left with wide smiles and a few souveniers.

A great day!


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