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How Many Reps With #1 Could You Do When You Did #2


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When I worked up to the #2 I could only do 8-10 reps on my #1, both times that I worked up to it (right and left)

Aren't you supposed to be able to do like 20 reps before you can close next level up?

I have two theories, either it's based on genetics, or it's because I started working on the #2 long before I could close it, using attempts and negatives, instead of building up my reps with the #1.

So what about you guys?

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I only was able to close my COC #1 six times when I was able to close both of my COC #2s (one is like a 2 1/2). I can now close my COC #2 @ five times and I am closing in on my # 3 (less than 2mm away).

I think it just depends on the individual. My hands are very thin and skinny; plus I may have some stamina loss due to many injuries, fractures, nerve damage, etc. in my hands.

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Here we go again.

Reps have nothing to do with strength. I can do a lot of reps on my #1 and #2. I won't tell you how many because the thread will be locked. However, this hasn't help me to close the 3 at all. To close the 3, I did singles ONLY. I was doing way over 20 reps on my 2 and was still struggling with my 3.

Anything above 5 reps don't worth working on it. You need KTA.

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I concur with Tou. I too was capable of doing many many reps with my #2 before I could close the #3. Reps with the #2 and crushing power are just two different animals. Comparing the two is akin to saying that if you can do 100 push ups you can bench 300.

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about 20

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i could do around 42 reps with #2 and do #3 around 2-4

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Tou is correct.

Reps are useless for closing the next toughest gripper.

I can only do 1 rep on a # 1 but am only 1/16 on a inch away from closing a # 2.

Get KTA.

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Everyone who knows me knows that... I HATE REPS!! Go for timed holds and negatives. Tou said it best (isn't it amazing how much Tou and I have in common?... we are both good-looking and have monsterous forearms!!). :D:yikes:D

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Oh really? I should let you know... that at one time I was considering to become a male model (that was in my younger days).... but, you'll haffta admit - I AM DARN GOOD-LOOKING!! :blink:laugh:bow:bow


Sorry about that. My dictionary was asleep at the moment.


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To become that, I'd haffta kill somebody. Maybe it'll be you. :blink:angry:

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  • 3 weeks later...

thats funny i've always done reps i find they work better than negatives but i do them both so i guess it doesn't matter

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Around Six. Not good at reps.

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At the risk of starting a flame war, I think reps on a hard gripper like the #3 or BBE builds strength. Let's say you can only rep the #3 6 times and the 7th just won't close. A week later, you try again and get 7 or 8 complete reps - isn't your hand stronger? Yes it is. If not, tell me what happened!

You gain strength because you're using a heavy load and pushing for more reps. If you click away on a #1 all day, of course you're not going to get stronger because the gripper isn't strong enough to make you stronger. I believe it was Kinney (the man whose principles are partly espoused in KTA) said that he was always progressing - either heavier weights or, if he couldn't do a heavier weight, higher reps on his max weight. Progression is key! Whether that be reps on a heavy gripper or singles on a gripper you can't yet close, that's up to you depending on how you want to train.

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I am weird. All my bodyparts don't seem to a lot of reps to move on to the next weight class. I can only fulley go through a full ROM with the trainer for something like 5, after that my form is going and cannot get a full ROM. I can still close the Number 1 thought. I am working on the number 2. I can close it about 3/4 of the way and I can only close the number 1 for one time through a full ROM, after that I cannot fulley close it, almost, but not fulley. It seems all my body parts are like this for some reason, don't know why.

THey say one should get about 10 reps with about %70 percent of thier 1 rep max. Myself, I can only get around 5 reps with this. Weird.

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Physiologically speaking from my PTI experience an increase in ‘reps’ on practically any exercise increases stamina (muscle endurance) and develops exercise form and technique… not true strength. It may increase your power though. ;)

Strength is typically attributed to not even low rep sets or high rep sets but an ability to perform a certain feat in regards to intensity of force applied and at what capacity in regards to a particular movement. “Capacity for exertion or endurance” a misunderstood definition of strength that has been misapplied to sport strength training and has little bearing on physiological strength directly.

Exercise performance, also known as power, is developed by an increase in both strength and stamina and the ability to do work or an exercise in our case; a tricky combination that is sometimes hard to balance in training as both adversely effect the other and/or other factors come into play such as recovery, flexibility, cardio levels, twitch count, long/short belly muscle types, diet, hydration, etc.

Your hand being stronger therefore is closer in relation to increasing power or bettering your exercise performance than actually building physiological strength.

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So why not doing singles all the time on all exercises ? :shifty

To be strong on a particular exercise two factors help: muscle size and CNS learning. You won't build both of them efficiently only doing singles.

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