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Nailed The #2. Finally.


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My grippers were AWOL for a month while I was living in a van down by the river, and for another two weeks after we moved in to the new place, but last weekend I broke them out and started playing with them. For some dumb reason I put the #1 and #2 in my truck, and while driving my kid to school (45 min each way) I've just been fidgeting with them periodically, doing a couple reps with the #1 to warm up, then cheat closing the #2 and doing negatives, stuff like that. Not much focus, but definitely using my grip. Silly part is I've been doing these half-assed workouts every day. Maybe even twice a day. Monkeyed around a bit on the way in this afternoon, then while I was waiting in the pick up lane, I picked up the #1, did a couple reps with it. about 5 minutes later I decided to see how many reps I could do with the #1, cuz I remembered someone saying something about 20 reps being the "You should be able to..." Well, I did the #1 for 25, and really could have done a couple more but I thought "well shit, why can't I do the #2? I better stop and save a little. A couple minutes later, I picked up the #2 and got it. Could only hold it for about 1/2 second or so, but it felt pretty cool. :D Just now while typing this, I picked up my #3. You guys are freaks. But it does make me feel a bit better that I'm past (or at least AT) that barrier where I can feel like I can actually feel like I have a #3 for a reason besides "Hey, you guys gotta check this out. I know guys who can actually close this!" :bow

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great job! :rock

on the 29th I finally defeated the #2 with my left (weaker hand)

now on to the #3 =)

feels great to close a goal gripper

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Congrats CMunger!! :rock

Exciting getting those grippers closed for the first time!!!!!

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The very first time I tried a #3 - I couldn't budge it. I was in awe that there were guys out there that could close it.

I can now pin-shut that very same gripper. Put in your time, train hard, believe in yourself.... that gripper will fall for you someday just like it did for me. ;):)

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Congrats, I just got the #2 a few weeks ago myself so I know what you feel like.

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Thanks for the encouraging words... I can't imagine closign it with my left... My left is REALLY lagging behind. It just feels all awkward, doesn't want to set the same. Not gonna lose any sleep over it. One strong hand is better than zero. Farmer's Walks, etc will keep it from falling too far behind.

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Yeah I know what you mean about the set not feeling right etc

My left was WAY behind, not even close to the #2, but I worked up to it in a couple weeks by practicing setting/closing it alot and doing several singles every day.

I was measuring progress with pennies and it only took a few days from 5 pennies width to closing =).

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Thanks again, guys. Despite my best intentions of taking a few rest days here, I was dinking around again while waiting for my son, paying particular attention to my set, and pegged it for a triple, which really surprised me. Of course all the monkeying around with the set left my hand pretty scuffed up. So I think that will make it easier to take a couple days off. I say that now. :blush We'll see. I think some chalk might help with that, keep it from slipping and scraping. I'm all excited to start bringing the #3 with me for the school drops now. I guess I better get a #4 to shake my head in disbelief at now. :D

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