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Rolling Thunder Handle

Steve B.

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Does anyone use a rolling thunder handle?

If so what kind of weights have you pulled?

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I have one and use it, more regularly now, but I'm not very strog with it. I usually start with 125# for a couple reps then move into singles and tonight I did 145#, but I have pulled 150# right handed. I also do this not as my first exercise so being fresh I might pull a more respectable weight. Overall I love it though, its a great lower arm exercise. :rock

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I have two rolling thunders and have on each 85lbs and for me that is quite a bit. I walk about 50ft with them and my hands and forearms are worked real good. I walk for a total of 6 times. I now plan to do single lifts {inconjunction with my heavy farmers walks} using more weight to help with my overall strength.

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I have one and use it pretty regularly, I have been able to work up to 160lbs. in plates. Im not sure if it matters but that is with my hand wrapped around the bar, not just using an underhand grip (I think i might be able to pull a little more this way, but I dont think it is "OFFICIALLY" legal). I dont use chalk either when training, just when going into new PR territory. I think it is a great lower arm (and overall ) exercise. Mike

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I am currently training with the RT. My last session my working weight was 150 with either hand. If you are looking for a benchmark the record is upwards around the 250# range. In my opinion a strong lift is somewhere around 200.

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i've only pulled 150#

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I've pulled what I consider to be a "comp legal" 161lbs (counting the handle and loading pin) on my Rolling Thunder. Have budged 171lbs off the ground on occasion. Nothing to write home about though. I love the feel of this lift-wouldn't care if my max on it was 100lbs-it just feels good!

Ben Edwards

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I was stuck at 187 for a while until I started training with it several times a week. Last week I hit 220 with my right hand and 212 with my left.

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195 is the most I've done. My training partner Travis has done the same (with 1" smaller hands). I don't train it regularly, though.

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Dude Clay!! Thats awesome, I have just started training regularly as well, and I hope to be up there with you soon.

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Yes i use one frequently.Comparisons between even one IM Rolling Thunder and another IronMind Rolling Thunder seems to be relatively inconsistant.

New ones are definitely harder than old ones...by how much?? is a good question.

Comparing the plastic IM with other brands that are 'all steel'is even less consistant.

It is a fun lift though...here are some links to recent discussions and just plug 'Rolling Thunder' into a search and you'll find plenty of lift poundages and discussion.

IMO anyghing over 215 or 220 on a BRAND new Iron mind RT(right out of the box!) seems to be world class...however on an old Rolling THunder...245 or more?would be world class :whacked:whacked

link #1on Rolling THunder discussion

another discussion

another thread more discussion

another Rolling Thunder thread

another but just do a search for lots more info

Actually hadn't ever done a hyperlink to a 'thread'before..but wanted to see if it works.... :yikes It is as hard to compare lifts on this Implement as it is to compare grippers.....not meant to discourage you just a reality check :) I am(obviously)very enthused with the lift...just wish it was easier to compare one Rolling Thunder with another :( as i once thought it was....

Edited by Tom of Iowa2
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