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Who Does Shows?

Clay Edgin

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Who does actual shows/exhibitions? I'm not talking about bending a 60D in front of your girlfriend, but in front of a group of people. What kind of stuff do you do? How long are your shows typically?

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I've been wondering this too. Anyone know of where to get a tape of Dennis Rogers,John Brookfield, Slim Farman, or any other kind of strongman exibition?

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I have been involved with strongman performances for the last year. I have a local group that performs in a 60 mile radius, and I belong to a national group that goes all over (and I perform with them when I can). Our highlight this year was being invited again to perform for the World's Strongest Man American Championships in St. Louis, in front of a crowd of 3000 people.

Our strongman shows can be tailored to any situation, but typically we like to perform with a minimum of five guys over a hour and a half. During this time we perform 25 to 40 feats of strength depending on the venue (you can do a lot more things outside).

Grip feats are only a part of our show, as we do all sort of old time and contemporary feats of strength. The grip feats we perform are: big phone book tearing, tearing of decks of cards, nail breaking for time, nail bending, iron scrollwork, levering, and soda can crushing.

We have found that in order to keep an audience into the act, you have to have a lot of different feats presented in interesting ways. Bench pressing 500 lbs really isn't that interesting to an audience, but if you have a guy lay down on a bed of nails, put a piece of plywood on him, lay another guy onto and He Benches 500 Lb, now that is pretty interesting!! While grip stuff is very interesting, it is very hard to keep a normal crowd into it for very long without doing someother strongman stuff.

That is why we have so many different specialists on our teams, so we can fill out the program. We also set our performances to music, which seems to keep the crowd pumped up.

One thing that works great, is to involve the crowd as much as possible, and give away as much stuff as you can so they can have a souvenier.

Currently we are working on cleaning and pressing a 300lb anvil we just got from Grizzley. I know this is not a grip feat, but this anvil is huge, and although doing that weight on a barbell would be easy, this anvil is a real mother. Again, the crowd finds this a lot more interesting than barbell stuff.

Hope this helps, Brian Kerby.

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I do shows for youth groups and churches. I am a solo act, mostly small groups. I think the largest crowd was 150 to 200 people. Feats I do are nails to spikes, scrolling, cards, chain, wrenches, have done some lifting, blobs, hubs, ripping bottle caps, farmer walk with 200 each hand, cans (popping and eating). I mix and match feats. I love the shows I do out of the blue, people walking through parking lots while I am showing a friend some feats. I love to watch people trip out and they love to keep the mangled steel. I preach the word of God and plant seeds of faith.

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That's awesome Steve! I'd love to come see you sometime... I'm still talking about the stuff you did at Ricks. Do you ever make it down around Maryland? Would you be interested in coming to my church if I could set something up? It seats at least 300 people with 4 services on Sunday.

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Dan C. it would be an honor to come down and do some shows. Early spring maybe around April would be cool. You got a couch for a big lug to crash on? :tongue I eat like a bird too! HEHEHE :inno What part of Maryland? How far are you from Rick's?

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That'd be great Steve! I'm about 10-15 minutes north of Baltimore, right off 95. I gotcha on a couch and bird food, but how's a guest room and steak sound? I'll be talking to someone from the church next week to see if I can set something up, pray that the Lord works with me.

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Baltimore, Sweet! Sounds like a game plan Bro. and afterwards we can do some training of I got anything left. PM me from here on out. Thanks for the invite! God will bless.

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