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Bfgs Aftermath

Dan Cenidoza

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So you guys that competed at Ricks, how's your progress coming along? Set any new PR's? Last night I had an awesome workout! I finally closed a #3 left handed, I managed 7 reps right handed and if I didn't touch those handles on the elite I was damn close, I'm talking credit card width. I definitely could have gotten it if I was fresh... it'll fall by the end of the week.

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Dan what does your training look like for your current crush sucess? Keep up the good work. Next year should be interesting

Austin SLater

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mines up as well. closed a rb300 chromed spring for 8 singles other nite. as well as bendin and scrollin really skyrocketin. blob still glued to the floor tho. really got inspired by everyone there.

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Been bending, scrolling, crushing - no real PR's for grip

Got a 1/4" x 6" HRS in 8 seconds though,

Scrolled a 1/2" x 4' Rebar into a pretzel

#3 is still about 1/2" away - I know that is the hardest part ....

Need to work on my thumb strength alot!!!

Gym lifts are still progressing

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Dan what does your training look like for your current crush sucess?

When I was training for the #3 I would carry it around with me and squeeze it many times throughout the day, about 5 days a week. Lately I've only been doing it two or three times a week with fewer attempts (maybe 5 or 6) and this seems to be working better or at least just as good. I also usually have one workout a week where I rep out on the grippers and do a variety of other grip stuff (i.e. pinches and thickbar).

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Don't really know, I havent trained much grip since then.

With all three kids in sports-my time has been grealy reduced. Most of my taining time is now spent getting ready for November.

But, I have a Choker Collar and a Thunderball on the way. New toys always get my psyched to train.

Rick Walker :rock

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Thats because your base strength wasnt up high enough. I cant just barely close a #3-I can dominate one without even warming up. This means my base strength is on a higher level-one that will be hard to go below unless I quit for 6+ months and there is no chance of that!

Can you still close the #2? If so-YOUR base strength is up to the point of closing the #2.

Actually-I am fired up waiting for my choker collar and have some wacky ideas in store for my hands. :whacked

Rick Walker :rock

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PR's every workout. Base strength is higher than when I would max out two months ago. Got that wrench I missed at Rick's Comp. At my second show 2 hours from the 1st this past Sunday. Go figure! Big goals are going to fall soon. My over all body strength is going thru the roof. My 60 foot of steel comes in tomorrow. I will be a scrolling fool for awhile. Going start making new shaped ones pretzels, clovers, and shoot for a 20' scroll soon. I am pumped! God is Good!

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Glad to hear everyone is still feeling pumped from the contest too!!! Man the energy was intense!! I've had some pr's 2" thick barbell lockout over 500lbs!!! That was with an inverted grip...there was a time in recent history that I couldn't do that weight with a regular bar.

My last gripper workout I was able to hold the #3 at a cm from shutting for a few sets with either hand and my last set it was a 1/2cm with my left hand. Anyone who has perused my training log will see that this is bigtime improvement for me!!!

Got a mountain of training ahead of me for next year though if I'm going do that farmer's walk with thick bars!!!! :yikes


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I can't even believe the PR's that I have accomplished. Definitely videotape-able material.

I just wish I would have taken the week after the contest off. I didn't have a decent workout until the Saturday following. The whole week following the bfgs, I was falling asleep at the wheel. Something I never do. Then, last Tuesday night, I got sick and missed a day of work on Wednesday. Another thing I never do.

I think I worked myself into sickness. Basically, I was so pumped from the contest, that I took my body and health into the trenches and it took me a full week of rest (last week) to bounce back. But every single workout since then I have broken some type of grip PR or accomplished a new feat.

Plus, I feel better. I guess I really needed a rest.

My best to you all -


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Damn Jedd, I'd say a week off was in order! My first [grip] workout was just on Tuesday, two and a half weeks after the contest! ... and I wasn't even sick!

What's this about the farmers hold being with thickbars next year? Am I reading that right?

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THat's right dan!!!!! :yikes:yikes

Sandi is also very pumped and has done some pretty impressive stuff on her unregulated training. Yesterday she lifted my 20lb hex block weight overhead with her right hand!!!! Pinching 3x10lb plates regularly now and can easily rep a 10lb plate in the plateWRIST curl!!!! Wow!!! The trainer will close in the near future as well. Last night I got her to try some steel bending and she u'd 3/16 x7", x6" ,x5" hot rolled easily with the underhand style!!!



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