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Pictures - New Grip Idea / The Smurf


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Could not get to the gym last night, so I worked out in my garage.

Jedd and I found a metal implement at a junk yard a while ago and name it the Smurf. I have a rounded grip, similar to the BLOB, but slightly narrower.

(Rick uses it to train his last 2 fingers)


Don't have much equipment at home, so I had an idea. I took a chari and flipped it over and threw a jumpstretch band over the legs....nice!


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Nice idea with the chair Smitty! Very Brookfieldish...except I didn't see any duct tape ;)

You guys actually inspired me to think of a combo exercise although I haven't tried it yet. The duck walk in strong man competitions but instead of the usual implement you could 2 hand pinch a pair of plates (and more weight for the grip freaks) and go for a duck walk. My thumbs are torched this week but I plan on giving it a go next week.


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Not trying to bring you down or anything Jonathan but I think that your 2 hand pinch ablity is going to limit you to the point that there is no point in walking around with the weight. 200lbs is a great 2 hand pinch but really isn't much weight to walk around with. That's the problem with combo moves. You gotta pair 2 things together that you have similar strengths with or else you are better off just doing them individually with the proper amounts of weight for each exercise.

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You have a good point, Incindium, but I think it would still be good for a full body warm-up or a post exercise cooldown, Jonathan. What if you hooked a sled up behind and you and dragged while you did the two-hand pinch duck walk? That much resistance might make it worth while.

I was thinking that perhaps one could use the two-hand pinch and take that into an upright row, too. It would be tough to pull the thing up without smashing yourself in the throat or chin, though, eh?

Good thinking and innovation on both Smitty's and Jonathan's parts.


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Good point the grip would really limit the weight especially for me (I'd be happy to get a decent walk with a pair of 45's) but adding the sled resistentence (nice addition Jedd!) or just using it as a warmup for a regular duck walk would work. It was all theoretical on my part as I've never even tried a regular duck walk.


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have you guys tried crisscrossing the jump bands on that chair? Then you could work your extensors...though if their like mine I imagine the bands would be too much resistence.


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What off-the-wall stuff have you been up to lately?

Off-the-wall is always more fun than conventional.


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