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Gripboard Members Meet

Dan Cenidoza

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I went to D.C. Saturday to watch my father test for his blackbelt (aikido) with plans to visit Bob Whelan later that day around 5:00. The lady friend and I are walking around site seeing trying to kill some time when I cop stops me and says... "Do you do the grippers too?" [i was wearing a MILO shirt.]

Not the usual question I'm asked by first encounters with the police. :inno

We get to talking and it turns out that it's not just some dude that knows about ironmind products, but it's none other than Erik Vining... you know him as HAMMERHEAD!

How crazy is that? I must admit, when I'd tell people I met so and so off the internet I felt a little weird. The internet is a great thing though, I've met many of interesting people, many of whom I now consider my friends.

Anyway, Erik is was cool meeting you. Glad we had the opportunity to chat, maybe I'll see you again. I've got a guy I train strongman with down in Gaithersburg, next time I go down there I'll let you know.


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I've been stareing at icons for too long I can't picture Hammerhead in a police uniform unless he has a helmet with horns on it :laugh

Very cool that you guys happened to meet, btw Dan did you get to meet Bob?


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Too funny Jonathan!

Yeah, I met Bob. He's a hardcore outspoken republican, "all around nice guy" and funny as a mofo! He showed us his gym, I tried a few of the machines and we got drunk afterwards. It's unbelievable how sore I am from just 'trying' the machines! His gym is very small but full of memorabilia and really nice equipment. He gave us some shirts... too cool...








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I never would have thought Hammer was a police officer. :) I have the upmost respect for the police and those that take on that profession.

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Small world! I wish I had a gripper friend on the force. I get speeding tickets like they're going out of style.

By the way, did your dad make black belt? If so, congratulations to your dad. That's an awesome accomplishment.

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Hey fellas,

It was pretty cool running into Dan. I saw the MILO shirt and figured he at least would know what a gripper was, and it turned out he was a COC. Pretty cool.

If anybody ever comes to DC let me know, and we'll try to get together.

Good meeting you Dan, good luck with the Elite!


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Yeah, he got his belt. It's actually his third one, karate (2nd degree), kung-fu and now aikido, which he likes the most.

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.... I tried a few of the machines and we got drunk afterwards.

O.K., you're BUSTED buddy! :angry: Grip training and alcohol do NOT mix... don't you know that already?!? :blink:happy:laugh

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Being that I'm of 50% German, 25% Irish, and 25% Scotch blood, I'm predestined to drink a few beers here and there. And I will testify to the fact that a couple of brews with my neighbor enabled me to achieve a new best on my pinch block recently. :laugh

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.... I tried a few of the machines and we got drunk afterwards.

O.K., you're BUSTED buddy! :angry: Grip training and alcohol do NOT mix... don't you know that already?!? :blink:happy:laugh

7 Black & Tans didn't stop me from closing my filed #3 that I had in the truck. :happy

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I've read a story that before the '72 Olympics, that VASILY ALEXEYEV was not allowed to drink beer in the training hall....apparently it had been part of his regimen of training in Russia and he was a little more than upset. Don't know if it's true or not. :blink:blink

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