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Inching Along


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What are your views on this:

Farmer's walk with two Inch bells WITHOUT picking them off the

ground, but instead, picking them off an elevated platform that

removes all or most of the deadlift portion?

It would be fun to see how far a pair could be carried with this

type of start, or would you be against this?

Some farmer's implements' handles are high off the ground aren't they?

NONE is as close to the ground as an Inch handle is.

Anyway, your thoughts, please.

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If someone can walk with an Inch in each hand, then how they got them into walking position only matters when we discuss the difficulty of the feat. My opinion is that it's damn impressive either way. The lifter, or whoever documents the feat, will just have to be clear as to how they were gotten into walking position.

Most, if not all, brand-name farmer's implements are comparatively very high off the ground. In North Dakota the handles were probably a good 19" off the ground. Most I've used are around 16"-17". Certainly much higher than the Inch's ~5". Even bare, my Mastiff farmer's handles aren't that low to the ground.


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Rick Walker is planning to bring his Inch to St. Joseph, so with my Inch, we may be able to conduct such a walk if anyone is interested.

John Beatty plans to bring the three lightest Atlas Stones.

The Millennium Bell and the Inch 152 will be on hand, as will a 96 pound anvil,

and my 'cone'- more about that later.

Hopefully some guys will bring their grippers to compare.

This will be October 11th in St. Joseph, IL at Kolb Park if the weather is good, or at

Body Tech Gym if it is not.

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The way I see it.... if you can't pick it up the Inch in a DL fashion, then how are you going to be able to hold it bringing it off a elevated platform? "Six on one hand... half a dozen on the other".

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not to ambush your thread off topic but after reading your idea about a farmers walk with inch dumbells from elevated platforms and seeing the guys muscle up Rick's monster farmer's at his contest made me think....Do you have some kindof device so that mere mortals can lift the inch into place on those platforms. Like a rope/chain handle that you could slip onto the inch handle?


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I wrap a towel around the handle and lift with both hands. I can high pull it well above my waist like this...tho' I have to dodge the bells.

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It's a task to carry the Inch with two hands! The spheres are

in the way.

Snott- at Kolb Park a few weeks ago, some men were able to hold

the Inch at the completed deadlift position after lifting it up with two hands.

The spheres rest against the thighs and stop the rotation- so if you walk very carefully with bell against thighs it can be done- if you move the bells away from the body, look out!

Brian Schoonfeld had no trouble holding the Millennium Bell at the top position, though he could not deadlift it.

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