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Inverted Close W/ Coc #2

Guest wells

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Still a good 3mm away from closing my COC #2 inverted. I was wondering if anyone who is able to close a COC # 3 can close it inverted?

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Don't know about the #2...I just tried my master the other day and I got it. I did have to set it a bit and it's a little narrower than my #2. I'd probably have to work on it.


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My COC #1 is no problem but my #2... well... I can just barely get it closed inverted using both hands to set it up for negatives! I feel it hits my weaker pinky and ring finger hard as mentioned in many posts.

I bet there are few if none certified COC #3 closers who can close the #3 inverted. What do you think?

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I have only tried a little and only did it once. It seems tough but maybe if I gave it more effort I could do it more.

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thanks Amaury!

again, very much a matter of technique (i.e. finding the perfect set)

oh and my #3 handles are not too far appart (and my #3 is seemingly not very hard)


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I can close my old BBM and #2 inverted(the 2 takes a lot of finding the right spot in my hand) #3, um...... yea , right (maybe 1/2 inch)! For me ,even trying the three this way always leads to some pain in my elbow. Mike

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I agree OLD GUY, the only time I make progress is when I work the grippers and only the grippers, in the conventional way. I have never noticed any carry-over effect, it is such a different feel (just like chocking up on them). As I always say though, works for some people, just not me. Mike

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I havent tried them lately but some like david horne, jim wylie etc. love them. the reasoning is that it hits the sweep alittle better.

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My sweep is strong which might explain why inverted gripper squeezes are no more difficult for me. I even think that inverted closes should be allowed for certification. For some reason they are not.

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I even think that inverted closes should be allowed for certification. For some reason they are not.

The funny thing is that the rules are actually mute regarding inverted closes. Nowhere in the rules does it state that an inverted close is not allowed. Rule 5 says the following:

"5. The gripper must be held with the spring facing up."

From this of course we imply (and rightly so) that inverted closes aren't allowed but, if all we have to go on is Rule 5, someone should be able to close the gripper inverted as long as the spring is facing up. I would imagine that the body positioning would be similar to that of a reverse lever bar lift for this to be done successfully.

Just a technicality for anal people like me to think about I guess...

Don't get me started on the various interpretations of 'facing up'... :whacked


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yeah, like, how in the world would your witness see the close if the gripper was completely upright? they would have to lie down on their back on the floor or something. Judgeing from the pics (and common sense) grippers are actually closed kinda to the side like, which you could easily do inverted also... I agree, I voted yes for thumbless inch lifts and I'd vote yes for inverted cocs. Makes no difference the way I see it.

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I am close to closing my #3 inverted as well. A very reliable source has told me that he saw Dave Brown, the profesional highland games athelete, rep his single stamped #3 with either hand inverted and regular. But Dave doesn't want to get certified until he closes the #4, which I hear he was getting close on before he sustained a few injuries that postponed his progress.

Edited by ClayEdgin
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I can close my old BBM and #2 inverted(the 2 takes a lot of finding the right spot in my hand) #3...

I tried messing around with my set of the COC #2 and I was able to come a bit closer in shutting it inverted. It'll take some time... I guess my sweep sucks. :angry:

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I can close my #2 either hand inverted for a couple of reps. I think it's very hard to do and it always feels like it is going to injure me. I honestly don't see why IM doesn't allow the inverted method for certification, as most people seem to think it is MUCH harder to close that way.

Ben Edwards

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Guest PBuschman

I can close my #2 inverted without a set. I tried it for the first time a minute ago and it went down easy. I'm no where close to closing the #3 though (a little less than 1/2" away). I guess it's the big hands help with the sweep.

Paul Buschman

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Very big hands are a great help with the sweep. However some like myself think that they are a disadvantage with the close. It's the close that counts.

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