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Hi all,

I've been reading these forums for a week or so, and thought I'd say "hi" finally.

I am totally new to this grip strength stuff, but wanted to develop some extra strength in the hands to help with jiu jitsu fighting - I am a small guy, and often end up competing against stronger/heavier oponents, so a strong grip should help even things out. (BTW, big thanks to Bender for the really informative post about how grip helps his bjj game)

I'm waiting for delivery of the mastering hand strength book, trainer & #1 grippers, can't wait to get started.

Anyway, I'm glad I found the gripboard - I never expected I could find so much info on grip strength!


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Welcome to the grip board. One thing that seemed to help me with grappling was towell chins. Take either one towell and throw it over a chinup bar and grab each side or take 2 smaller towels one for each hand. Also work the thumb it will help with holds. Good luck and God Bless :rock

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Welcome :)

You also might want to look into Apwdler's website as a lot of his training is geared for MA. His fleshy barbell is a neat idea but I've yet to personally try it.


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Thanks for the welcomes!

Austinslater, thanks for the suggestion - sometime I do pull ups on a rope from a tree branch - I'll give the towel a try.

Jonathan, do you have the address for the site you mentioned?



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Welcome to the GripBoard!! :D

Have you heard about towel pull-ups? The way you do them is to throw a small towel over the top of a pull-up bar (one for each hand) and do chins with them. Give that a try until your goodies from IronMind arrive.

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I don't have it handy (work gets in the way again)...he is a gripboard member and I'm sure if you look him up on the users list there will be a link to his site.

The basic idea is he took the padding they use on weight machines, etc. and wrapped his bars with it....Sorinex I believe sell a professional grade squeesable bar I believe as well?


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Here's the site


don't know how to link but just copy and paste

Edited by don of tha new grip
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