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#3 Pics


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Do you guys have any tips to get a good shot of the gripper? Any special type of lighting or surroundings? Thanks Guys-Austin

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I'm no photographer, but I do know that glare is your enemy when it comes to capturing a clear shot of the number "3". A digital camera affords you the option of experimenting a bit with maybe an easier gripper before you take final photo.

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I took two pics of a near-close (on my site) and they turned out perfect. Not just ok, or good, but perfect. I had it shot outside in the sun, with the handles facing the sun and a deep, dark shadow in the back ground. I also hit the "3" with a black dry-erase marker to make it stand out better.

I recieved this info from Tom Blacks article, and it worked very well.

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I suggest a digital camera as it gives instant feedback. We did several practice runs with my Trainer. Which afforded us the luxury of experimenting with light and distances and what not. Once we had the right combination we were able to get 3 good pictures in 3 takes.

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I got some very good ones of my certification close. First I filled in the numbers on the gripper with black ink so they stand out. Then I tried a few trial pics with the #1 and #2 with a digital camera to make sure everthing was good. We took the pictures outside on a sunny day. Those seemed better than other pics I took inside.

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I'd second what was said about coloring in the numbers.

Use a Sharpe black.....slather the ends of the handles and then wipe off carefully.....the ink should stay in the recesses of the numbers....may take a couple of times.....really helps the numbers stand out. ;)

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I followed Tom Black's tips for my pics.

My best pics were taken in the basement. The background was a medium beige wall and my mother was standing at about 4 feet. I used the flash on the camera. The lighting on the ceiling was a fluorescent.

I took many opics outdoor which turned good too but the best were inside, with the flash.

I know many don't recommend using the flash but this worked great for me. I took at least 100 pics before getting a good one.

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The best pics I've taken of people closing grippers have been outdoors- sunny or overcast didn't matter. It does seem that the best shots were taken with the gripper ends facing the direction of the sun (i.e. photographers back to the sun). No flash. I put my digital camera on the macro feature. I first have the person hold the gripper in their hand without squeezing so that I can focus the shot at about 12" away. When they squeeze, I get the camera 12" away again and click. I've wiped chalk into the numbered recess before to help contrast against the silver handle, but I don't think it's critical. I would imagine that that would work even better on some of the black RBs though.


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Guest David Fralick

Use a digital camera, i have taken many pic's of gripper closeings and have never had one that i could not see the number. By the way i close the gripper and take the pic myself.

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The best picture of a close I've ever seen was with a $5 disposable camera. It was much nicer than the pictures I got with my digital.

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