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Certification Question


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I hope some of you Captains of Crush out there can help me with this. When you get witnessed/certified, does the witness or judge provide the gripper or do you get to use your own. My fear is that with all the variances in grippers if a gripper is supplied it may be harder to close than the one I've been training on. How does it work?

Thanks for the help!


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I have the same fear/doubt too, and am waiting until I can comfortably close my "hard" #3. This way there will be no doubt on certification day, and I never have to have the nagging feeling of certifying with an "easy #3".

From what I've heard others say, you bring your own, the witness inspects it, you close it.

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From what I've heard others say, you bring your own, the witness inspects it, you close it.

That is correct; however, my witness did ask if I would mind using his gripper for the certification. Initially I said yes until he told me it had never been fully closed and was kind of rusty. He inspected mine and we used it for the official certification. However, just for kicks I did satisfy him by closing his gripper as well. That made it feel completely legitimate.

I think it is basically your option.

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Guest David Fralick

I am also holding off on getting certified untill i can close my much harder #3. I can close my easy #3 most days but can only get my hard #3 to about 1/4 on a realy good day.

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I just got an email from IronMind on this very subject... certification procedures.

BTW, if I certify anyone (and IronMind instructs me to do so), they will qualify on the gripper of MY choosing. Why? Because I know the gripper; I know it's history. And I can tell you upfront - it WON'T be an "easy" #3, that's for sure. :(

If the person doing the certifying doesn't already have a gripper for you to certify on and you do, then you use your gripper.

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I just got an email from IronMind on this very subject... certification procedures.


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Just the basic blah, blah.

They told me that I am "officially" on the list to certify anyone in my area.

Whenever that happens.... your guess is just as good as mine. :rolleyes

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Thanks for all the input, guys. I really appreciate it. Snott, I hope I don't have to get certified by you. Of course me living in Montana and you in Georgia will probably eliminate that.

Tom :laugh

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BTW, if I certify anyone (and IronMind instructs me to do so), they will qualify on the gripper of MY choosing. Why? Because I know the gripper; I know it's history. And I can tell you upfront - it WON'T be an "easy" #3, that's for sure. :(

I think thats bull s#$t. What about a guy who doesn't know how much grippers vary. Then he goes to get certified and gets stopped after he had been closing his #3. No matter what grippers vary. At least Dr. Strossen could have made harder for the average gripper rather than continually softening them up. I have felt a few older #3's one was a little tougher than mine from 2002 and another was a beast compared to it and I was told by someone that my #3 is a solid one compared to the ones hes tried and closed.

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Even though there is a known huge variance in #3 grippers. People still want to get certified. The list is so long now that it is losing it's appeal. Maybe the Gripboard or Warren Tetting can come up with something better.

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I think we could easily pick a new standard "gripper" and with the guys covered here it gets mailed to those who want to certify (actually to the witness). We start making our own list of those who can witness the feat as well.

There's enough experience to choose a gripper that's harder than an average 3 but not so close to a 4.

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Even though there is a known huge variance in #3 grippers. People still want to get certified. The list is so long now that it is losing it's appeal. Maybe the Gripboard or Warren Tetting can come up with something better.

I think a big part of the reason the list is getting bigger is attributed to this forum. Plus, more are doing it. Take a look at the last 20 on the list and what percentage are members here. The last MILO was a Who's Who on the gripboard!

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I am up for it Wannagrip! Sounds like an awesome idea-

Maybe Tommy can lend us HIS #3-the handle spread is half an inch more than I have EVER seen! :yikes:whistel

Seriously-good idea-I look forward to it-

Rick Walker :rock

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Take a look at the last 20 on the list and what percentage are members here. The last MILO was a Who's Who on the gripboard!

Sounds like September's and December's issues will be too!


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You could use an Elite or a SOS 295. Harder than a #3, handles closer so everybodies hand will fit. Mail it to designated gripboard witnesses in the area of somebody who wants to cert. on it. Hell, you could give the witnesses a gripper that has been tested by some of the crush monsters on the board; that way, every witness has a gripper that is similar in strength, and you don't have to risk getting the one gripper lost in the mail. If sombody wants to get gripboard certified all he needs to do is go to a Gripboard witness and give the "calibrated" gripper a squeeze.


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I think we could easily pick a new standard "gripper" and with the guys covered here it gets mailed to those who want to certify (actually to the witness). We start making our own list of those who can witness the feat as well.

There's enough experience to choose a gripper that's harder than an average 3 but not so close to a 4.

Wannagrip is onto something that is doable. This might take off and prove more satisfactory than the existing certification that uses widely varying Ironmind #3 grippers only. I like Hammerheads suggestion of an SOS .295 or an Elite being used.

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I think Warren will be coming up with something quite a bit tougher than the current #3 certification. I know he will be very strict about what gripper is used and how it is closed.

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I am still undecided, but I am not too sure another certification process is going to be a good thing. I am not a powerlifter, but from what I have read part of the problem people have with the sport is the various governing bodies. Each with it's unique set of rules, policies and records. This leads to contention between the groups over a multitude of issues. One of the things I like about the grip game is that it's still pure. (At least in my mind) I fear that striving to have a 'better certification list' can only be detrimental.

Who knows, maybe it will help. I certainly hope so.

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I don't see any need for Tetting to certify people, but it might help him sell more grippers. I am happy with the Gripboard lists for no-set closes etc. in conjunction with the "Captain of Crush" lists.

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When Warren starts certifying it will be the IPF of certification. Things will get harder rather than easier like they keep getting in powerlifting.

Edited by mattvanweele
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Consider closing a Robert Baraban 300. No one has yet. Or for that matter, how many of you have ever closed one of his 260s? I'd like to know--I want to start a list on that one. :mosher

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