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Griz This Morning


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Griz came by this morning.

His wrist is 7.75". Forearm measured straight with clenched fist, no gooseneck,

right is 13.25 and left is 12.75.

Hand length is 8.75 from wrist line to middle finger tip.

I need to emphacize that he has not lifted since high school and he is age 29 now.

As you all know, forearm endurance comes after some training, and he has not

been training, so his feats are more remarkable from a 'starter's status'.

Walks into my garage and here, not in order, is what he accomplished:

152 Inch, stood erect with right hand, then left hand. This was easy for him.

172 Inch, stood erect with right hand; could not lift it with his left hand.

The MB was not to be, and this bothers him more than a little, and his goal is to

deadlift it. He mentioned having a friend who may be able to fashion a training bell

for him.

At the gym, he pinched four ten pound olympic plates easily, but after getting five

off the floor an inch or so, the plates 'spread' on him and he couldn't raise them.

He did some wrist twists on the wrist roller with 140 lbs.

Was not able to wrist curl 135 more than a rep or two.

On the Hammer Strength gripper he got a few reps, four or five, with 180 lbs.

He loses endurance quickly as would we all in his shoes. But his potential is

a sure thing, and he was giving a dirty look to the MB as if to say, 'Your time is


He plans to order three grippers today. I think squeezing is his real strength, and I suspect he is able to close a #2 now, and make some movement on a #3.

We took some photos, one a close up to show that his middle finger and thumb can touch when grasping the Inch!

He was telling me about a friend of his who was born with only one arm, but the grip strength his friend has, could, Griz suspects, hurt his own hand!

You will be hearing more from Griz, who fortunately enjoys the atmosphere of the grip board, and the lack of bitterness here.

With training, look out!

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A big thanks for introduceing such a talented individual to us all.


Awesome work on the Inch Replicas :bow A lot more is to come :bow

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What a promising start, Griz!

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The MB was not to be, and this bothers him more than a little, and his goal is to deadlift it.

He loses endurance quickly as would we all in his shoes. But his potential is

a sure thing, and he was giving a dirty look to the MB as if to say, 'Your time is


Jolly good - we want more members in the club

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I love this sport! Wow great job Griz! You got a bright future ahead of you in the grip world. Train hard but smart. You have a Master (Roark) in the field. He will teach you a lot. MB has your name all over it!

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I forgot:

In none of the bell lifts was chalk used, and Griz kept drying his hands which tend to become sweaty. I suspect chalk would have helped.

Also, he piched two 35 lb plates smooth sides out, EASILY, but could not

get two 45's. Yet.

When you consider that he lifted weights once every two weeks in high school, and that ended about 12 years ago, his starting strength in these feats is amazing.

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I need to emphacize that he has not lifted since high school and he is age 29 now.

I believe this is the most important 'fact' in analyzing his potential.This is a long time to have gone without any lifting.Also unlike some of the other recent grip 'prodigys he does not have a LONG history of intense,grip and or strength related labor.

Dave is an elelctrician-the wire cutters he uses at work and he lifts weights also and training for strongman.

Josh years of farm labor,turning a wrench,throwing hay,running a jack hammer and lots of sledge and ax work.Also the time between Josh's lifting and athletic 'down time'was less than the Griz.i.e.Josh quit lifting at 18,resumed at 25.

Sean the Cyborg:10PLUS years of balls to the wall lifting,a LOT of VERY HEAVY dumbell work without straps.Wrestled for 8 years which is a good grip back ground.No down time from the weight room either.

Mike Dean:Sporadic lifter,has done 1 strongman contest 5 years ago.Did two power meets(deadlifted 755 in one)in his life,However,No labor back ground and also has a desk job and is exceptionally large.6'2",approx 400lbs.Was the center on the basketball team and played fullback in highschool so this indicates excellent CNS and atleticism ......"for a big man" :whistel

Dan Bigger(one josh's stronger uncles)20 years plus farm labor,machinist,welder,mechanic and 6'3 approx 350lbs.NEVER lifted weights though.Not an athlete.

Ken Blackman.Worked on a farm.Worked in a slaughter house.'Turned a wrench' also-owned a Harley Shop.Elite athlete.(started for the Bengals as a rookie I believe)Has essentially always lifted weights also.Also at 6'6,345lbs...a larger man than the Griz.

The point is that Griz perhaps?has the most potential out of all the other new guys BECAUSE of his athletic/strength training being 'on hold' for so long AND he does not have the same 'work'related experiences of the others and the years of training.Just awesome-completely untrained or unconditioned strength???

if i missed any 'newbies' or recent grip finds please pipe in.

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Thanks to all of you for your encouragement! I am stoke after visiting today with Roark and just ordered the 1-4 grippers from Ironmind. I am anxious to get started in training and strengthening my grip. I will get that MB up one of these days. It is now my mission and main goal to see some airtime on it. Any suggestions as to how to train to get the MB up is greatly appreciated. Roark gave me some great ideas and I am going to see if I can have one manufactured for me to start training on.


PS Roark, if those pictures take can you email me them? Thanks!

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This last couple of weeks?(including today)has been very exciting for grip.A lot has gone on....I think i posted in another thread that perhaps Roarks terrible trio "DB extravaganza"was mistimed??- as all the great Rolling Thunder dudes and INCH deadlifters(beside mobster and Brad G.and the estonian guy and???I know I'm forgetting pople)were in St.Louis at the National Rolling Thunder Championships...I could not have been more wrong.

Roark 'finding'the Griz...or the Griz finding Roark was right up there in the 'exciting things happenin'category :cool .Good luck too you...

Edited by Tom of Iowa2
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Thanks for the updates, Joe. This guy Griz is as nice a fellow as he is impressive. After seeing him get one globe of the MB off the floor, I don't doubt that his turn is coming. Good luck, Griz.

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:bow Well Done Griz. :rock
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Very interesting indeed! We are able to possibly deduct some things based on Griz's performance?

#1. If you have huge hands-wrist strength isn't as important as it would be for smaller handed fellows. If he had a tough time with 135 in the wrist curl-my guess is his wrists are pretty weak.

Whereas I can handle some good poundages in the wrist curl (I do them finger curl into wrist curl) and I can do plate wrist curls with a 25 and a 3 clamped to it with a 2 pound clamp for 10 sets of 3-but my wrists still turn with the Inch.

#2. He seems to have above average thumb strength-pinching 2-35s, but lacks wide pinching strength. Could it be that men with big hands also get an advantage in the thinner plate pinch? Steve mentioned to me how he thinks large handed men can cover more surface area-thus can pinch more even with weaker thumb strength. What do you think?

I like to think my pinch is pretty good-maybe my thumbs arent the limiting factor in the Inch? Maybe it IS the wrist.

#3. That being said-one has to think with some thumb training and wrist strengthening-he could possibly hoist the MB in a realativly short period of time?

Roark-I am truly looking forward to October. I have some cool things to show you.

PM me some hotels that are close to your location please.

Rick Walker :rock

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I think people talk about lifting the millenium to casually. It's seems like it's the #4. Everyone says it will go up but has it yet? Kind of like when someone mashes a #3 quickly. How many went on and conquered the #4? 2 out of what 100+. The millenium from what I heard from guys like Tony Scrivens and Schoonveld is just a different beast. It deserves a little more respect I think and not many given it that respect.

Edited by mattvanweele
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I respect the MB. If the Inch is hard-the MB has to be like a #4!

The point being-he handled the Inch with no training. If he decides to train for it-who knows?

He also got a globe off the ground-better than I could do I am sure!

Rick Walker :rock

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The millenium from what I heard from guys like Tony Scrivens and Schoonveld is just a different beast. It deserves a little more respect I think and not many given it that respect.

I see what your saying'Matt but this guy,Griz, got a Globe off the floor with out any training at all.None.

Scnoonveld,Tony are pro strongmen and didn't move it that much.

What that feat seems to indicate is some 'off the scale'natural ability which may also indicate that the Millenium- will go with some training?

Also there are dozens of #4's out there...heck I'm no expert maybe hundreds of #4's?Lots have had a shot or tried the #4 and it's easy to train for...so to speak... as there are grippers between #3 and #4 and grippers over the #4 for 'overloads'and such.

The Millenium- specifically- is hard to train for and there is only 1??in the USA and not too many get a crack at it.

I think it'll go if the Millenium were available to more to try.Eventually more will get the Millenium (or a DUMBELL similar to it) before too many get the #4???Just a thought.

Edited by Tom of Iowa2
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The thick bells are like the grippers- different starting points for

different fellows. Some people can close a trainer only on first try, others

can close a 2 on first try, and as I recall has not someone closed a 3 on first try?

Thick bells are the same. Although I have no way of proving it, I think Griz could

manage 190 to 200 right now on an Inch. He stood erect with the 172 the first time he ever put his hand on it! Had not lifted weights in more than a decade, so I think we can all agree than any benefit he gained by fortnightly lifting in high school had disappeared sometime after the final prom music died.

It may be time for me to buy a couple of those magnetic plates!

Keep in mind that Thomas Inch mislead us for decades about how difficult the Inch was. What was needed were candidates up to the task. Griz is such a candidate.

Rick, I'll be in touch soon.

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Again awesome lifting Griz.

Anyone who can lift the Inch has one hell of a grip,but to lift it 1st time is outa this world,i too think that Griz will go onto conquere the Millenium which 50-55lbs heavier.

Maybe Griz should contact Mobster on a how to train for the Millenium,sein as Steve is the lightest out of 2men to conquere the beast so far!

I am also surprised that Steve hasnt chipped in yet,maybe hes being a little shy! :tongue

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What give away all the secrets? Anyway Griz just needs to use the old search function here, there's a whole bunch of posts on the tips.

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Ken Blackman was the guy that closed the # 3 on the first try.

Also, How far was Mark Henry able to hoist the MB ?

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On the three sucessful lifts he made with both hands (one at a time) all of which were level (or close to it) hed never attempted to go beyond knee height. He might have been able to, I don't know for sure.

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