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Griz Visits Tomorrow


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Just spoke to Griz- the fellow who picked up the Inch 152 last weekend, and who

deadlifted the Inch 172.

He will be stopping by here for a visit tomorrow and another try at the bells.

I thought, if he is willing, we will test him on pinching 2-45s.

He was in a department store and pinched 5 ten pound plates- don't know what brand etc.

I have a 96 lb anvil, which should be easy for him by the horn- not sure about grasping the flat.

I have traded or given away all my grippers, so I plan to take him to the gym and

load some weight on the Hammer Strength gripper.

He is interested in acquiring some grippers. I truly believe he could close a #2

on his first try. Time will tell.

Good/Bad news. He is a very nice fellow- but he is very competitive, and all this grip talk has whet his appetite to achieve! I think his potential is monumental.

Any suggestions, please post them soon.

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Joe, take some DNA samples so we can see what he is made of. Measure his hands. If he is a real threat to the grip monsters, perhaps break his fingers!

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All the usual stats would be interesting.

Hand length,width,ring size,wrist,forearm,upperarm....i'd be interested in arm span/reach...may be nothing but i've observed guys with unusually long arm spans (in relation to their height)usually have good natural grips(Josh,Sean,Mike Dean,pfister)...may just be a coincidence though.All these guys have monsterous feet for their height to :laugh:laugh

I'd give him a quick warm up ojn the 152.A 3 to 5 minute rest and straight to the Millenium....skip the INCH,conserve energy...but a nice warm up???Then boom!!!Have the camera ready.

The Hammer Gripper?I'd guess get a 12 inch extension for him.The full load on the HAMMER(w/o extensions) will likely be a one handed affair for this gentleman.You could get some fat guy to stand on it....but then that might make the feat a little too 'odoriferous'?

I'm glad to hear that he is competitive and interested...its sometimes discourageing to see others with talent not be interested.Very interesting news.

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My hand measures 9.25 inches and my arm span (underarm to tip of middle finger) is 33 inches. My shoe size is a 15. While it sounds large I am also 6'5" and 250lbs so I think the above measurements are basically in proportion to my height. I am looking forward to tomorrow already!


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Griz-the finger tip to finger tip span...hands extednded to the side?What is that?

Probably have to have someone measure for you....

Sean is 6'1"and has a 81.5 inch 'span',size 15 1/2 shoe.Mike Dean is 6'2"and has an 82 inch span,size 15 EEEE shoe.Josh is only 5'11"with somewhere around 74 or 75 inch? 'span',size 13 EE shoe.I was told Phil Pfisters arm span is somewhere around 87"??and he has a 9 inch hand and for his height normal sized feet..size 15 or so?

Your hands are longer than any of these guys though.Sean and mike around 9 inches and Josh only 8 1/8"...all have fantastic 'natural' grips....although you may take the 'cake'in the natural grip department.

Roark mentioned the use of a HAMMER STRENGTH gripper...this one has an extension.As you can see if a fat guy was standing on it for extra weight :D it would be a less than pleasnt experience.

Old pic of Josh on the HAMMER GRIPPER


we now have longer extensions...which I suspect you would need also.

Edited by Tom of Iowa2
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I think I know what you are asking. If I spread my fingers as wide as I can and measure from my pinky finger to the tip of my thumb it measures about 10.5 inches. My wingspan, standing against a wall with my arms out like a bird the span is 81 inches.


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Griz, you may well have the largest hands of any gripboard member. You must be eager to try some Ironmind grippers, and some of the other things we do around here. :bow

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I'll measure Griz's hand tomorrow to make sure we are talking about the same

method of measuring.

Keep in mind that Griz has not trained in years. so he may not be as ready for the

Hammer Strength gripper as has been indicated here.

His potential, coupled with his attitude, make for a sunrise future though!

I hope to get a photo of his hand grabbing the Inch handle, and the same type photo on a 2" bar, and we'll try (well, he will) five ten pound plates if he agrees.

If his hand is 9.25, it is larger than Saxon's!

Fun day tomorrow!

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My wingspan, standing against a wall with my arms out like a bird the span is 81 inches.


Yep.Thats it.That is a pretty long span.Again nothing scientific but I've noticed a lot of guys with a huge span 'happen'to have a very strong 'natural'grip......of course there are more 'normally'sized people with normal 'spans' that have great grips also....i believe 'Dave'(grip board member that has a good grip)has a long fingertip tot finger tip arm 'span'also???...but his hands aren't nearly as large.

Get that warm up in on the 152# and grab the MILLENIUM.From what i understand...Not even josh or Schoonveld or Big Tony got an end off the floor like you did!!!My opinion is warm up...then jump to the MILLENIUM...the INCH is such a sinch(for you) you can always come back to it.

The fact that you haven't trained makes your future potential even greater.Also apparently you don't have the years of hard-hand related- labor that a lot of great grip 'monsters have.Which also makes these recent grip related 'lifts'all the more impressive.

The standard HAMMER grip machine will be like a toy for you...but have fun!

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Have him use his strong hand AND weak hand in lifting the DB's (just to see what he can and can't do).

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Is it easier to lift 2 db's (ie one in each hand) then it is to lift just one? I am curious how much balance etc has to play in this. Just curious if anyone has tried.


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Why don't you do it and then tell us!! :blink:laugh

(it has been done, but I think it was for a FW situation if I'm not mistaken). :D

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Guest Harlan Jacobs

I have a feeling we may see the 152 and the 172 lifted at the same tomorrow. I also agree Wth Tom about the long wingspan having a great natural grip. In strongman we have Phister, Marunde, Karl Gillingham, and Odd. All have long arms and great grips.

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Griz, just for giggles, in addition to the plate pinching and dumbells, see what you can do with a barbell or a plate wrist curl. Maybe Old Guy and Roark finally have some real competition.

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I may be in the mid to above average range in the barbell wrist curl

(225 for 6 reps- but cannot do that these days) but I cannot plate wrist curl

even a 25 lb plate.

A charity has been formed to help me.

It's about 6am here, so I will go for my morning walk, then workout, then get

ready for the Griz!

One thing we need to keep in mind is that though he appears to have

incredible potential, since he has not been working out for several years (about 11 or 12) his strength endurance may not be there.

We shall see.

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I agree with you on the both inch reps getting air at the same time :cool


I hope the future of grip has a lot planned for you pal,anyway enjoy the ride.

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Is it easier to lift 2 db's (ie one in each hand) then it is to lift just one? I am curious how much balance etc has to play in this. Just curious if anyone has tried.


If you go for one bell at a time then straddle it and so balance is not that much of an issue. 2 bells together they go outside the feet and again balance is not an issue.

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