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Liu Cheng - Level 1

Bill Piche

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The GripBoard Proudly Certifies:

Liu Cheng


GripBoard Mash Monster Level 1

This certification is granted by The GripBoard as an independent third party with no ethical or commercial conflict of interest.

The Mash Monster Gripper is one of a limited number supplied and controlled by The GripBoard.

The gripper is closed with one hand under strict and uniformly ethical and authenticated conditions.

This momentous feat was demonstrated on video to assure it will be valid for posterity.


Official Mash Monster Video


Name: Liu Cheng
Age: 26
Height: 182cm
Weight: 110kg
Date of Feat:  October 19, 2018

Witness: N/A
How Long Grip Training: 5 years
Current Grip Training Program: Close BBSE, COC4, certified GHP9, rolling thunder 100kg
Other Training Info: Fitness,  hard pull
Other Info: Travel, food, music, grip strength
Acknowledgements:  Thanks to my mother, and my supportive family and friends



Liu Cheng - the 111th man in the world to close the Mash Monster Gripper - Level 1.


Interview with Liu Cheng

Could you tell us a little about your background in lifting?
(The foundation of training these years)

How did you get into grip training?
(I started touching grip strength in 2013, and then I trained for a long time, and I trained faster in late 2015)

You are now a GripBoard Mash Monster, what would you recommend to those aspiring to close this gripper?
(Normal daily training is ok but stick to it)

What does your current grip routine look like?
 (I am now training COC3 TNS closure and COC3.5MMS closure)

How has your grip routine changed since you first started training your grip?
(I use a lot of grip mechanisms but prefer good friction grip)

There seems to be a significant variation in the frequency of grip workouts among trainees. Have you experimented with workout frequency and it’s affect on your training?
(I'm going to be in control, and I'm going to train the other grips and I'm going to be at my best)

What are your favorite grip exercises?
(Rolling thunder, silver bullet, hard pull)

What kind of starting routine would you recommend for a trainee new to grip training?
(Don't use too heavy a grip. It's best to fit yourself)

Who do you most admire in gripdom?
(Joe Kinney)

If you were to start over again with your grip training, what would you do differently?
(I will choose the climbing and weightlifting training。)

What do you believe is the most difficult grip exercise?
(I feel TNS training is difficult but I will overcome it.)

What are some of your personal bests in grip exercises?
(Roller-pull 85kg, single hand hard pull 125kg, certified GHP8, and GD80kg.)

What do you believe is the most common mistake made by new grip trainees?
(Too anxious training, often so vulnerable to injury, and to accumulate experience in training)

What do you consider to be the greatest grip feats of all time?
(Rolling thunder single hand up 150kg, closed with COC4 CCS)

Do you have any parting advice for readers?
(Doing what you like is the most important thing, but hold on)

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