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Records And Stats Forum

Bill Piche

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Thanks to that same member who used the report post to moderator link, I believe it's time to establish a rule set for the records and stats forum.

Let me start.

#1 thru #2 gripper. No proof needed. If someone is that desperate to get their name on a list without actually DOING it so be it.

#3 - They must have been witnessed by the IronMind certified witness.

What about the rest guys and gals?

Suggestions please. Thanks for your help.

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Normally, just like the board, I thought a picture or video would suffice for the rest. Although there are some feats I consider "not as hard" to get on the list for that might be just as good with a Gripboard member witnessing.

Just more thoughts...

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As I have the honour of being THAT MEMBER does any of the board members who attended the 2003 Irongrip competition a photo or short video clip as was previously required of me lifting the Inch and Blob (I think Kalle may also have done it).

THAT MEMBER also asked if 2 dozen witnesses might suffice as he had no control over photos being taken and videos shot.

Thanking you all in advance.

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As I have the honour of being THAT MEMBER does any of the board members who attended the 2003 Irongrip competition a photo or short video clip as was previously required of me lifting the Inch and Blob (I think Kalle may also have done it).

THAT MEMBER also asked if 2 dozen witnesses might suffice as he had no control over photos being taken and videos shot.

Thanking you all in advance.


Steve, did you plan on doing that lift? Why in the heck wouldn't you make sure someone had a bead on you with a camera or video recorder even if impromptu. "Hey buddy, what's your name? Would you mind taking of pic of this attempt?"

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Normally, just like the board, I thought a picture or video would suffice for the rest. Although there are some feats I consider "not as hard" to get on the list for that might be just as good with a Gripboard member witnessing.

Just more thoughts...

Sounds good to me just to have a grip board witness.

So much going on I imagine at these events and get togethers that its hard to get every attempt on video or a picture of the feat involved. Just a newbies input here though.

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Thats the thing. I didn't!! Hopefully a full report will show that what happened was I lifted the blob in David's office/lounge and then thought - 'I'd better save my energy for the crowd (we had planned to have fun as it was the amatuer lifting day).

Once I got outside and the interval came along we were trying to eat food, more equipment and so on. As I recall I made 2 attempts, back to back, on the blob with the 2nd successful. David tried several times to pull and then wrist curl the Inch but was suffering, as we all were, from post competition tiredness - you can fail and it's ok cos you competed the day before. In between Jim also played with the blob and I had another go at the Inch trying out my left hand with which I had no idea if I could lift the Inch with (I don't even train it with the 2.5 inch handed dumbbell). Getting the bell up and I moved the Blob into position with my foot and got it straight away. I was both surpised and excited and said out loud 'I don't have to stand up do I?' and then put them down. I must say that everybody there congratulated and encouraged ALL our efforts. I supposed I ought to have asked if anyone had the shot and or video clip but didn't think to ask.

I know that there were at least 2 DV video cameras and several digital and standard cameras there so I'd hope someone must have a shot. Normally by now I'd have several extra shots send to me as attachments etc but alas not yet.

So as well as verifying what the general concensus is as to what might be required does anyone have the photo?

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Uh oh. Another wrinkle.

You didn't full stand erect?

In that forum, Wade Farmers walks with the Inch and Blob if I remember correctly.

Looks like we need some clarification on the lifts themselves.

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Guest Harlan Jacobs

I also agree. Video, picture or gripboard member witnessing the event. Since there are several guys here on the board that go to, or compete in strongman and powerlifting, what about someone that most of us know watches.

Example- Big Tony watches you lift the inch. If he was to email Wanna stating that he witnessed the lift, would this be considerd as a good lift ?

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I saw most attempts at the interval, and of coursed refereed the lifts in the contest.

I saw Steve's attempt, which I think was after Kalle's attempt at the same feat.

Now as for your records list Bill, I suppose we need to know the rules you have set up. If a full deadlift, or even above knees is warrented, then I don't think Steve's would count. But that's not to say he couldn't have done it, as for some reason he stopped mid-flight.

Anyway, as I said before I took no photos. Too busy reffing.

It's your call Bill.


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Uh oh. Another wrinkle.

You didn't full stand erect?

In that forum, Wade Farmers walks with the Inch and Blob if I remember correctly.

Looks like we need some clarification on the lifts themselves.

I'd agree as I consider what I did a test of grip strength not walking etc. I'd be happy with an * next to my lift thus: *(he lifted it to knee height only). It's, in fairness, nothing to walk with 222 pounds total - 350 a hand, now that's a walk!!

I'm claiming I can lift them, not that I did a farmers walk and the list, as it is at the mo, doesn't ask that of me. It is, as you say, a wrinkle.

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But that's not to say he couldn't have done it, as for some reason he stopped mid-flight.

Didn't see the point. I can, like many here (not all...) pull 500 on a good day in the full deadlift and 222 is nowt. To be able to get the blob etc off of the ground is, as best I can tell, more than any except Wade. I'm not Wades equal by a long way so the suggested * would be nice. I wonder what Wade would say?

BTW thanks DH

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But that's not to say he couldn't have done it, as for some reason he stopped mid-flight.

Didn't see the point. I can, like many here (not all...) pull 500 on a good day in the full deadlift and 222 is nowt. To be able to get the blob etc off of the ground is, as best I can tell, more than any except Wade. I'm not Wades equal by a long way so the suggested * would be nice. I wonder what Wade would say?

BTW thanks DH

The full deadlift part has nothing to do with how much one can deadlift. It has to do with how strong one's grip is so they can hold onto an implement during the lift till fully erect.

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Guest Harlan Jacobs

I feel it should be a full deadlift. As you stand , your arm and wrist move a bit. Therfore putting more stress on the hand to hold on. I think it would be a better test of strentgh to complete the deadlift.

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To my mind a partial lift means that either you cannot lift it any higher, or you are about to drop the weight so you quickly lower it. There needs to be a specified number of seconds in which the lifter shows mastery of the weight before he puts it back down. The range of the lift needs to be agreed upon. A full deadlift and hold

with a 50 lb blob cannot be compared to breaking a blob from the floor an inch or so and then dropping it. Of course a partial blob lift is a great start and tells the lifter that he could go on to fully deadlifting it. I am saying that mastery of the weight must be demonstrated by a full range controlled lift, and then holding it, followed by a lowering of the weight. I also do not like the thumbless lift that some do with thickbars and the RT. This is more a demonstration of wrist strength. The bar is not being gripped in the truest sense. Maybe a panel of gripboard members could be formed to examine, and then vote on new record claims. If the majority agrees that a new record has met the requirements, then it goes into the books.

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Reasonable but difficult as it will have to wait until May of next year (my earliest opportunity to get access). I persume the partial lift comment is only in regards to the claim as opposed to all partial lifts.

If may be that a video clip exist - if so it will show how long etc I was able to hold it and as to whether it was dropped from my having a 'weak grip' (ha!)

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Guest Harlan Jacobs

I don't have any problem about letting it down under control or holding it at the top. If you can , Fine. I do things like that when SHow off a bit or make a point to someone. I feel that once you do the positive part of the liftthe lift,whatever it may be, You have made a good lift. But a full range of motion is a must.

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I think the rule about only getting the Inch too the knee is stupid. Why not just get all the other pinch lifts too the knee then to count? Why is the Inch differrent?

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I just looked at some of the criteria for the various lifts. I didn't realize that the Inch wasn't the only lift that only had to be partial to count. I think thats even more stupid. Why not have all the lifts be to full lockout like a deadlift in the IPF. Maybe you should only have to get to within a 1/8 of a inch to qualify on some of the gripper lists.

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I just looked at some of the criteria for the various lifts. I didn't realize that the Inch wasn't the only lift that only had to be partial to count. I think thats even more stupid. Why not have all the lifts be to full lockout like a deadlift in the IPF. Maybe you should only have to get to within a 1/8 of a inch to qualify on some of the gripper lists.


We had to start somewhere.

I just changed TWO that were not fully deadlift so all are full deadlift.

Now, who does NOT belong on the list?

They need to come clean and admit it if they are currently on the list and yet do not really qualify.

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Wannagrip I thought it was kind of weird that some lifts were not to full lockout and others were. I think the majority of the guys on the lists that were changed could do full lifts thats why I was wondering about the partial thing even existing in the first place.

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I believe the knee height stipulation is a concession to the male anatomy and the length of the Inch. :blush If the Inch is raised parellel to the feet it runs in to an obstacle (ahem) as the globes pass the knees. If the Inch is raised perpendicular to the feet it becomes difficult to acertain if the body is being used to prevent rotation. I just got an Inch and this is just my opinion having carried it around (two handed) :blush to place it in the gym. Thought I'd throw my 1/50th of a dollar in...

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