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Pinky & Ring....


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After just reading another thread someone mentioned that Brookfield had certain exercises for these specific fingers and that he deemed these the crucial factor for some in closing their grippers.

I know about single digit lifts and their dangers. I have a Gripmaster which can exercise individual fingers but is more about endurance seemingly.

What other methods do people practice for these neglected appendages?


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Smaller Block weights. I play with a 20 and 25 with just my pinky, and lifted a 35 with pinky and ring. It's an odd feeling once you start to "learn" how to use those fingers.

The Pony-Clamp is another personal favorite.

Shot / dex-ball rotation.

Sand grabbing.

Pinching two 10's.

Walking the fingers up and down a sledge hammer.

Walking the fingers across a single plate.

Inverted gripper closes with last two fingers.

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'Block weights' I think I know what they are, do we know of any images that I can look at just to confirm?

I work my pinch, heavy, 'bout once a week so I like to think that takes care of that.

I am looking to get me a proper pony clamp as soon as I see one about as i'm after dynamic thumb strength n'all.

I am getting better on the finger walks on a 5kg plate but this is just too much for my pinky and so I will endevour to isolate that finger with a lighter one.

Cheers Bender!


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Block weights are "half of a dumbell". ie "The blob". The bigger ones are great for the whole hand, but the smaller ones, once mastered, are perfect for the pinky and ring finger. I used to play with my 25, but once my thumbs got strong, it was just a toy. Now I grab it across the face with just pinky and thumb, and walk around with it. That feat gets a better reaction out of spectators than a whole-hand lift of a 45.

I use a 10 or 5 lb plate for finger walking, and usually do it between sets of squats. Something functional to do while resting.

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Cool, it was what i suspected.

I have been on the hunt for a blob/hex whatever by keeping an eye out at all second-hand stores, markets, yard sales etc. I know I can get a hex at any time but the joy of getting a cheap blob from somewhere keeps me searching :)

It seems they are a rarer and rarer item and I noticed that you Bender have just got your hands on one, I hope it gives you joy. I will keep my eyes out. In the mean time I have been thinking about moulding a solid wood block into a blob using Gazza's dimensions he's posted and then attaching a loading pin to the side of it??!!

I think it will help in that one type of grip training what you reckon?


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Walk your fingers on a GRIPPER. Squeeze it shut and while holding it shut start removing fingers (index then middle). Then replace the fingers, one at a time in reverse order (middle then index). I had to start with a plastic handled toy gripper to gain the dexterity to get started for real. If anyone can do this with a #2 strength gripper, they are STRONG! BTW, learning to let go with the middle finger while maintaining grip with just your ring and little finger is the business of this exercise.

Mike M.

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Have you read the book?

If you have the gripmaster tool, in his book, Brookfield says to take a popsicle stick and tape it across the pedals on the gripmaster. This way you can work one finger at a time across the resistence of all the springs.

I do not have the gripmaster, but my sister found some kind of gripper at Walmart or some place that is made out of plastic and has what looks like the cheapest springs in history made into it. But, since the plastic is laid across all four springs, it makes it tough to close (with one finger, anyway). I am actually pretty glad I have it. It makes a good keep-your-fingers-busy-at-work tool.

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Cheers Jedd,

Although the Gripmaster I have has the ability to interchange the rubber ergonomic grip on it so that you can do exactly as you described by putting the handle on the finger slots as the opposite side is one piece. It still is not the best as the way it compresses always has the ability to 'move' sideways and down and pop out, d'you get me?

Either way I like Supersqueeze's idea, all I need is a IM Trainer to do it with :blush

Cheers guys..

Edited by Digdogz
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I know about single digit lifts and their dangers. I have a Gripmaster which can exercise individual fingers but is more about endurance seemingly.

thanks for the idea digdogz, i've been looking for a way to strengthen my ring and pinky fingers.

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What I have done to help, but I do not practice this regularily, invert a gripper , close it and/or cheat shut with ring and pinky fingers ...holding it for time. In some other posts, I'm sure this has already been advanced.....I hope this helps ... :)

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I've gotten good results from shot rotation and pinching with the last two fingers on 2-10lb plates. I'm going to start trying the fingertip levering described in GMM.

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I find that pinching thin objects (like 2-10s) is kinda pointless for me as it works a very limited and close range of motion. I like to pinch W-I-D-E stuff, feels more natural to me even though I have normal hands.

Jedd and Smitty gave me a unique little training tool that they picked up at a junkyard. It is wide and sloped like the Blob, but has long ends off the sides and bolts to bolt on standard sized plates. I can micro load every time I use it which makes it a VERY valuable training tool. I use it exclusively for the last 2 fingers. It hammers them! (Thanks guys-it is worth its weight in gold!)

I reccomend wide implements as most of the grip feats involve pinching wide things. Make your pinky and ring finger strong and the Blob is gonna rise!

Rick Walker :rock

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