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B.f.g.s. Prizes Are Set!

Rick Walker

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Alright guys-the prizes are set. I am so stoked to be able to offer this kind of top of the line stuff for you guys. This will be the BEST grip contest in the USA this year-hands down. The amount of time, $$, and work that has gone into this is incredible. And, the generousity of the sponsors is AWESOME!! No words can show my gratitude-but I plan on running a first class contest to show it

Anyway-here is the prize layout, I swear, it is finalized this time! :D

1st Place:

-Battle For Grip Supremacy 1st Place Plaque

-Unique 1st place prize (I want to keep it a surprize-it is AWESOME though!)

-The Sorinex G-Rex grip machine

-4 hand crafted RB grippers-2 are 300 IP, 1-260, 1-240.

-2-2 pocket Snatch Packs from PDA

-3 inch DB handle from Fat Bastard Barbell with collars

-The Pincher by Warren Tetting

-The Handle and loading pin by Warren Tetting

-Elite Fitness Shirt

-Fat Bastard Barbell Shirt

-Strongman Shirt (man flipping a tire-very cool!)

-Elite Fitness Shaker Bottle

-Contest Shirt

2nd Place:

-Second place plaque

-unique second place prize (again, you will have to wait!)


-1-3 pocket and 1-2 pocket snatch pack from PDA

-Crusher handle and loading pin from Fat Bastard Barbell

-JUG from Fat Bastard Barbell

-Finger loops from Ironmind

-Elite Fitness Shirt

-Fat Bastard Barbell Shirt

-Elite Fitness Shaker bottle

-Contest shirt

3rd Palace

-Third Place plaque

-Unique prize

-50-pound Blob

-Wrist Roller from Fat Bastard Barbell

-Gripsters by PDA

-Grip Masters Manual signed by John Brookfield himself!

-Elite Fitness Shirt

-Fat Bastard shirt

-shaker bottle from Elite Fitness

-contest shirt

4th Place

-Gripster by PDA

-Captains of crush shirt

-Developing the Grip and Forearm by Thomas Inch

-Elite Fitness shirt

-Fat Bastard shirt

-shaker bottle

-Contest shirt

5th Place

-COC shirt

-How to Develop a Powerful Grip by Edward Aston

-Elite Fitness shirt

-Fat Bastard Shirt

-shaker bottle

-contest T

6th Place

-COC shirt

-Molding a Mighty Grip by George Jowett

-Elite Fitness shirt

-Fat Bastard Shirt

-shaker bottle

-contest T

Everyone else-Contest T, food, drink, and chance at door prize.

Dont know what door prise will be yet-I do know Gazza is senidng some more RB grippers my way so they will be included!

What do you think guys??

And hey-all contestants please PM ME YOUR EMAIL ADDY ASAP!!!


Rick Walker :rock

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I am really impressed with the effort and hard work you have put down, to make this contest happen. :rock

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Rick, you're going to have a helluva awesome show! It's very exciting to see that a grip contest can generate this kind of sponsorship and support. Congrats to you, Rick!


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I add my :bow . It is obvious that you are investing much in this contest. I hope it runs better than you could dream.

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I won't be there but I would like to join the others in thanking Rick for the hard work and all the sponsors for generously supplying mountains of loot.

Mike M.

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Rick I can't wait you've done a great job so far BUT I don't think

you should spend one penny of your OWN money so if you need

more from each contestant let me know what you need and i'll

send it immediately.


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Thanks guys!

Rob-thanks for the offer man, but everything has been taken care of. All that is left over will go to the door prizes-I want to have more than one-this way, the guys who dont win any loot still stand a chance of getting good stuff.

Thanks again-

Rick Walker :rock

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What a great contest! I wish I could be there. Lousy job, preventing me from driving there! :angry:

Oh well, maybe next year. :D

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wow rick whoever wins first place is gonna have some AWESOME prizes... good luck with the contest :cool

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These prizes are all awesome.

Yo, I can get some beef marked way down below store price from my plant. Can I help out by supplying something?

Email me.


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Yo, I can get some beef marked way down below store price from my plant. Can I help out by supplying something?

Comment: Beef makes excellent door prize :rock

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really unbelievable prizes. I can't believe you can afford to give all of that stuff away. You must have some good sponsorship. Looking forward to hear how it turns out.

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