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#3 Or Reps

thomas straub

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i was wondering what the record was for the most reps with the #3?

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i no heath can get 15 i think, but how many do you think joe kinny would get?

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Thomas, there is no telling what # he could have totaled....even he doesn't know...But I do know this, the more you try for reps, the more you get..... recently I have attained many on my Master gripper...I'm not going to say how many exactly...but if you have kept up with previous posts on the subject of grippers and reps, all I can say is that I have exceeded my previous post # for closes on my Master. What I will say is this....if Kinney was at his peak and decided to train for reps for say 2 months or so, it's IMO that he would have easily topped 30 reps on the #3 ( emphasis added - both that it is my opinion and that I have no doubt that he would have done this ).

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so what your sayin is if he went for reps he would get 30 thats really good, my goal is to beat that!

Edited by thomas straub
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I do know that just becuase somone can ccould close a #4 it doesnt always translate for strength. But in some cases it would. I mean it doesnt hurt. If you train for Grip strength you'll get the results you wants, with a little added endurance. If you Trian for Endurance, you'll get endurance, with a little added strength.

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I do know that just becuase somone can ccould close a #4 it doesnt always translate for strength. But in some cases it would. I mean it doesnt hurt. If you train for Grip strength you'll get the results you wants, with a little added endurance. If you Trian for Endurance, you'll get endurance, with a little added strength.

i see what your saying ssj, so all joe went for was strength not endurance.

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I don't know what he was going for. I'm sure though if he wanted he could go for endurance and rape a #3

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I don't know what he was going for. I'm sure though if he wanted he could go for endurance and rape a #3

yeah but most defently he was going for strength

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Thomas, in IMO, he would have easily toped that ( 30 )..But once again, there's no telling.

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Thomas, in IMO, he would have easily toped that ( 30 )..But once again, there's no telling.

well joe got 7 reps with the #4 i think, and if he could do that i also think he would be well over 30.

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well joe got 7 reps with the #4 i think, and if he could do that i also think he would be well over 30.

I hope you meant the #3 cause I highly doubt that

anyone can get 7 reps on the #4, especially since

only 1 man has been certified on it :dry


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joe kinny didn't get 7? how many reps did he get only one, what am i saying only one thats amazing.

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Thomas, in IMO, he would have easily toped that ( 30 )..But once again, there's no telling.

well joe got 7 reps with the #4 i think, and if he could do that i also think he would be well over 30.

Joe has never done more than one rep with the #4 that I beleive anyone knows of but has closed it for around that number of singles. Once again you should know what your talking about before you go and post.

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well joe got 7 reps with the #4 i think

That's 7 singles chief.

7 singles is dadgum impressive, 7 reps on a 4 is damn crazy. Please take some time and know what you're talking about before posting.

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Hell, I'm working on one single with my #3. :blush:blush 7 singles with a #4 IS damn impressive!

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Heath can correct me if I'm wrong about this, but Joe claimed that he did seven singles in a warmup to closing the #4 for the video. He also claimed he could close it all day long if he wanted to. :blink

Now, that's scary freaky grip strength!! :ohmy:bow:bow

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:cry:cry:cry Thomas, i have two #3's and i swear that someone that can close the harder one could get at least five reps with the other (this easier one being as i have once mentioned almost the same strength as David Hurzeler #3, so no flaw). Those that have a lot of grippers certainly know what i'm talking about !
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7 reps on the #4?!.......never

oh yes right 7singles not 7reps my mistake.

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:cry:cry:cry Thomas, i have two #3's and i swear that someone that can close the harder one could get at least five reps with the other (this easier one being as i have once mentioned almost the same strength as David Hurzeler #3, so no flaw). Those that have a lot of grippers certainly know what i'm talking about !

becasue one is double stamped and one isn't?

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Hell, I'm working on one single with my #3. :blush:blush 7 singles with a #4 IS damn impressive!

hammerhead how close are you with the #3?

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:cry  :cry  :cry  Thomas, i have two #3's and i swear that someone that can close the harder one could get at least five reps with the other (this easier one being as i have once mentioned almost the same strength as David Hurzeler #3, so no flaw). Those that have a lot of grippers certainly know what i'm talking about !

becasue one is double stamped and one isn't?

Single and double stamped means nothing. It's how deep the spring is set and how far the handles are spread. Theres also many other factors like materials and seasoning.

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yeah but single and double stamped mean something we have a double stamped #3 and my brother is 1/16 with it, and i bet if you give him a single stamped he would close it!

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yeah but single and double stamped mean something we have a double stamped #3 and my brother is 1/16 with it, and i bet if you give him a single stamped he would close it!

Single double means crap. Double stamp is the new way they make them, it's easier for a pic. I have felt very hard double stamps, mine and John Wood's. I have also felt very hard single stamps, Scott Clayton's, 3Crusher's, terminator's, Kaz #3, etc. So, it would all depend on the gripper he got, and single or double stamp would have jack to do with how hard it was.

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