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Week or so before a contest


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What's you routine look like before a competition?  How long do you take "off" before a competition - a couple days - a week?  Do nothing - do a light workout - if so what and how many days out?   Curious what others do ?  Do you usually have to lose weight to fit into your weight class - if so how far out do you start to diet down?

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I try to hit a decent workout about 5 days out (powerlifting or grip).  If there are grippers in the contest, since I don't train them, I'll spend the last couple of days relearning how to set on a light gripper.  Seemed to work well last time I did a contest with gripers.  Got 169.9 with a block set, which was higher than when I trained them.  But I was pulling around 600 at the time and heavy deads seem to keep my grippers strong whether I train them or not.

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I used to take 5 days off (doing nothing) before a contest, but have gradually pushed this up to 8 days. With this much time off, in your head you can start thinking "I must be starting to become weak", but the reality is that you're just giving your body sufficient time to heal up so that you can perform to the best of your abilities. Almost all of my PRs are set in contest settings.

I think the results from this method are strongest when you are training a lot in the weeks leading up to the contest. If you aren't training a lot, your body might not need as much time off to recover.

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I've only gone to grip competitions on Saturdays, so the Monday or Tuesday before I'll only train squats like normal then nothing else up to the comp day - like Eric said above, not training for a week can make you think you're missing out but you need that rest to come back to the best of your ability - not training usually leaves me a little mentally/emotionally on edge too so I also consciously try to just remain calm and carry on

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I agree with about a week out or the Monday before a Saturday competition. Gives your nervous system a chance to settle down and be primed for the challenge and rigors of the competition platform. With strength... more rest is definitely better than too little.

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I seem to take an opposite approach. I take about 4-5 days off and on my last training day, I go heavy (about 80-90% max) and only do about 2 sets.

When I used to compete In climbing, I would do the same thing leading up to a big trip or competition.

personally, if I take a week off and do nothing, I feel weak.

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10 hours ago, Boulderbrew said:

I seem to take an opposite approach. I take about 4-5 days off and on my last training day, I go heavy (about 80-90% max) and only do about 2 sets.

When I used to compete In climbing, I would do the same thing leading up to a big trip or competition.

personally, if I take a week off and do nothing, I feel weak.

Just curious: do you just “feel” weak after a week off, or have you found that you actually “are” weak?

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Saturday Grip Contest.  I do a "contest" day the Saturday before - doing the events in the same order as they will be held etc up to maybe 90%.  Then on Tuesday I do a light to moderate whole body weight routine but just one set of everything with nothing taxing on my grip.  I stretch my forearms and fingers and have the wife roll the forearms with "the Stick" and massage them Tuesday as well.  Try to get a little extra sleep all week and eat well.  Thursday I take a walk.  Friday night I take 2 Aleve to calm down the achy joints that are pretty much a constant at this age.  Saturday after weigh in I eat a good breakfast - usually oatmeal,  eggs, two big glasses of water, and a little regular coffee (I usually drink decaf normally) - and I'm as ready as I'm likely to get.  I drink lots of water during the contest and snack on those carbohydrate Gel packs throughout the day.

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7 hours ago, Eric Roussin said:

Just curious: do you just “feel” weak after a week off, or have you found that you actually “are” weak?

Well I have noticed that it takes me extra long to warmup after a week off and that starts to get in my head that I am feeling stiff.

whether perceived or real, if I feel weak, I will underperform. 

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I don’t do any grip the week before a comp and go lighter with the weight lifting. More body builder routine rep range with the weights. I am now in the unlimited weight class so I just eat a lot and make sure to get plenty of rest.

Edited by Chez
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