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Big Steve

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Hey guys those of you who pray please help me out tonight. At 9:30pm est. I will be on live TV. :blink:whacked:cry And I think I am taping a show after that. The name of the show is "His Place" on Cornerstone TV. Skyangel satillite maybe carrying it also. I will do some scrolling 1/2'' bar, 14''spike, 60d nail, wrench, and maybe some cards or a horseshoe if this is what they want me to do. Thanks guys see you on the TUBE. Man, I am so pumped ain't trained in 36 hrs. I am biting at the bit. AAAAHHHH!!! Steel won't be safe tonight! :angry:

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I don't have to say a word brother-you know my thoughts are with you. ;)

Rick Walker :rock

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Shoe Em' what a well trined grip monster can do. Good Luck!

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good luck steve

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Wow! What an Awsesome God I serve. Man, it was sweet! Everything I touched melted. It was a blast! It was a mangling party. Wrench, horseshoe, 60d nail, 1/2'' bar 4' scrolled twice finished it in the shape of a fish. Cards 1/2ed and 1/4ed joke. Spike 14'' 3/8''snack! All but the 60d in about 2 mins with talking. Thanks guys for all the thoughs and prayers. Ya'll are true Bros in grip. Steve

Oh yeah, in the parking lot after the show popped a can and bent six more spikes. Like butter they went.

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Incredible Steve! I don't know what is more amazing: your brute strength, or your limitless endurance. I've got to go rest for a bit, after reading your post...

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Great show Steve-and I even saw little Tom sitting in as an extra! :laugh

Awesome bend with the half inch bar-in your mouth no less. :bow

Rick Walker :rock

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It replay last night at 12:30am. But every now and then I'm sure they will show it again.

David, I have a tape of it as soon as show it to people around here. I can ship it to you guys in England. I hope to have that new nail idea done by then.

Amaury, still trying to get in touch with the Preacher in Esbly, France. When I get the date nailed down I will let you know. I will have a lot of questions about a lot of things.

Rick, do you see the little girl sitting with Tom at the end? She is Gina my beautiful bride. :kiss:blush

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What a great report!! Wish I'd have known about it before hand and I would have looked out for it on the tube.

Nice job, Bender53!

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Your new nail idea intrigues me. Thanks about the tape, I will get someone to hopefully do a copy in the PAL vhs video system we have here in the U.K.

Are you going to France?


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I'm praying hard for a mission trip to Esbly, France about the time of the comp. around the middle of May in Paris. If all goes well I hope to swim the English channel on my day off and visit you guys. :yikes I had to write that a man can dream can't he? Yes, I am planning to swing by Gazza's place and see you also. It is a tall order but God can open any door for me to travel if He wants to. I am planning a bend-o-thon to raise money for the trip. Thanks to Tom Black for that idea. I will shoot for a hundred 60d in under an hour. Should be no problem with the right training. They are the same as the ones you got. My bride checked on plane flights and it is ezer (cheaper) to fly into London then drive to France in a rental. I hope to be over there for 10 good days most will be spent in France. If Gazza can get his kids youth group to invite me to his church well I could stay for a spell in merry old England. Hint, Hint. :whistel I will just have to see how it pans out. There will be some cool grip pics international style for everyone.

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You are most WELCOME to come and stay at my house for as long as you want to my friend,no problems with the grub,but i dont think i got a bed big enough to fit you pal :D

Davids house is about 45-50 miles from my house,i can easily arrange to take you to his house to visit the STILL British Champion and grip Legend,i am shure that this would be fine with David,as his hospitality is second to none.

Maybe you can both do a Bendathon together :D

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