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Ahh! So Close!

Clay Edgin

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Friday I was doing deadlifts and squats and brought my grippers to pass around the gym. As usual, nobody even came close to breaking parallel on #2...and since I shaved down the handle almost 1/4", NOBODY there was going to close it completely. I just finished a set of squats and had my adrenaline flowing and I picked up the #3 with my left hand. I didn't set it and just squeezed, getting it to about 1/8"! I can't even do a no-set close with my right (stronger) hand. I double checked to make sure I had grabbed the #3 :) I tried setting it and squeezing again and got 1/8" again. I'm so f-ing close...

In other news, my right hand is feeling much better compared to how it felt before. I was afraid that I pulled a tendon or ligament after closing my #3 with it but it's almost feeling ready to get back to some heavy gripper work. I still pump the trainer relentlessly and the #1 when I can get access to it. It's funny - thick bar work, farmer's walk, deadlift, pinching, etc., doesn't hurt my hand at all, but the gripper does. The only time it doesn't is when I'm at the gym and then I can squeeze away with no ill effect. Two more weeks and it should be 100%, at which time I'll attack the #4. Hopefully I can channel Heath's grip strength and make some progress on it.

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Nice! Glad to hear your hand is getting better. How does your right compare to your left?

For me: left tends to be better at pinch

Right better at grippers

Left wrist is stronger as well due to a injury with my right

I'm right handed.

Mabey the left is better at pinch because the non-dominant hand tends to grasp an object while the dominent hand (for me the right)tends to do the minuplation.


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:blink ya funny think i'm right handed and i can close the #1 with 2 fingers around 4 reps, but my left can do 10? also my left can get 1/8 2 finged with the #2 very weird
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Hopefully I can channel Heath's grip strength....

Oh, so THAT'S your secret! ;) Maybe I should try that too!! :happy

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Guest gripmaster316

For me my right hand is dominant in everything, gripping, pinching, supportive (thick bar), levering etc. My left hand is useless for now. Good job Clay on narrowing down the #3 with your left.

Edited by gripmaster316
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I'm left handed and my left hand is slightly stronger usually in most activities other then the grippers. With the Ivanko supergripper my left hand is usually stronger so I tend to give a lot of credit to the spring wound direction theory, at least that's what I use as an exuse for my left hand lagging with the coc's :whistel


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Sybersnott, SHHH! Don't tell anyone my secret ;) I think I'm partially to blame for him not shutting the #4 at the AOBS... lol

My right hand used to be much stronger than my left since I had broken the left wrist twice as a kid and always favored doing things with my right hand. But now I've made a special effort to concentrate more on my left hand and its strength is getting up there too. I seem better at pinching with the left for some reason too. Everything I hold in my left hand feels awkward, including the grippers, and I have to set the grippers differently in the left hand.

What really got me was one night I dropped a deadlift with my right hand while my left hand was still on there firmly. It surprised me that my dominant hand would just give up like that. I've got to refocus on strengthening both at the same time. Grip strength is more a mental game than a physical one. How does the saying go? It's 90% mental and 40% physical...

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Guest gripmaster316
What really got me was one night I dropped a deadlift with my right hand while my left hand was still on there firmly.  It surprised me that my dominant hand would just give up like that.

Same thing happened to me Clay... although I just started DL's (I am doing 375) my right just plucked itself right off the bar. I was really shocked because I had chalk on. Your hands can be really weird sometimes.

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For me: left tends to be better at pinch

            Right better at grippers


Mabey the left is better at pinch because the non-dominant hand tends to grasp an object while the dominent hand (for me the right)tends to do the minuplation.

Hammer head, This is something I have been taxed by since I started, My left hand can perform consistantly on pinch whereas my right, dominant gripper hand, fails?? Crossover? Or just the way our hand dexterity has attuned over the years?? Interesting anyhow.

Another thing, My friend 'big' Jim comes round my house twice a week or so for beers and chats and he does a few concentrated reps on my #1 then I make him do negatives on the #2. He came round for a BBQ on saturday and shut that damn thing in front of me! Emerald with envy I was! :blush And yet, my point in all this rant, is that he can't close #1 on his left hand!!! Talk about disparity, and so its his birthday soon and can anyone guess what I'm gonna get him???

Can I hear #3 anyone! :tongue

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