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Jeremy Copley - Level 1

Bill Piche

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The GripBoard Proudly Certifies:

Jeremy Copley


GripBoard Mash Monster Level 1

This certification is granted by The GripBoard as an independent third party with no ethical or commercial conflict of interest.

The Mash Monster Gripper is one of a limited number supplied and controlled by The GripBoard.

The gripper is closed with one hand under strict and uniformly ethical and authenticated conditions.

This momentous feat was demonstrated on video to assure it will be valid for posterity.


Official Mash Monster Video


Name: Jeremy Copley
Age: 40
Height: 6'
Weight: 220
Date of Feat: 3/28/16
Witness: N/A
How Long Grip Training: 12 years off and on (mostly off)
Current Grip Training Program:  2 times a week, I alternate grippers,pinch,thickbar
Other Training Info: 
I lift weights 3-5 days a week
Other Info:  Hand size, 7 5/8

Acknowledgements: Thanks to my wife Ginny for putting up with me and being supportive in whatever I do. Big thanks to all the people that put time and effort into making the Gripboard and gripsport a success.

Could you tell us a little about your background in lifting?

 I've been lifting weights since I was 13, trying to get bigger and stronger. I competed in a couple benchpress contests many years ago.

 How did you get into grip training?

I was looking through a bodybuilding magazine and in the back of the magazine I saw a picture of Ironmind grippers, it said, do you have a strong grip (or something like that) so I ordered a COC #3 and my grip journey began. 

You are now a GripBoard Mash Monster, what would you recommend to those aspiring to close this gripper?

Train hard, consistency and patience.

What does your current grip routine look like?

I work grip 2 days a week, day 1 is gripper stuff: deep sets 1-3 reps, 5 sets, maybe some strap holds. Day 2 is thick bar(which I have neglected until this year) and pinch work.

How has your grip routine changed since you first started training your grip?

When I first started I would work grip 3-5 days(which is too much) a week for a month and then stop for a couple years and then start again. This year I'm trying to be more consistent and give myself more time to recover between workouts.

There seems to be a significant variation in the frequency of grip workouts among trainees. Have you experimented with workout frequency and its effect on your training?

For me less is more. I respond better to low reps and heavy weight if I start feeling the wear and tear I'll back off and do more volume for a while. After I recover it's back to the heavy work. 

What are your favorite grip exercises?


What kind of starting routine would you recommend for a trainee new to grip training?

Start slow, give your joints and tendons time to get stronger. Vary your grip training and keep the rep range low.

Who do you most admire in gripdom?

Everyone on the gripboard and at contests have been great and very helpful. I'm kinda old school so I'll go with Joe Kinney. His video inspired me to crush grippers (that's all that matters to me)

If you were to start over again with your grip training, what would you do differently?

Nothing really, be more consistent

What do you believe is the most difficult grip exercise?

Thick bar stuff.
What are some of your personal bests in grip exercises?

 Closed 20mm set gripper 160+ (rgc), lift blob 50, lift 45 hub. 
What do you believe is the most common mistake made by new grip trainees?

What do you consider to be the greatest grip feats of all time?

Coc #4 close of any kind

Do you have any parting advice for readers?

Train Hard!



Jeremy Copley, the 101st man in the world to close the Mash Monster Gripper - Level 1.

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