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Is This Normal?


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Crushed the #3 twice, with authority on Sunday.

Once, on Monday morning.

Haven't, since.

Tried today after a two day layoff. Not even close.

Is this normal?

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Absolutely. Put the #3 in a drawer for a week and then try crushing it again. Give your hands some time to recoup. When my #3 was acting up and didn't want to get shut, I left it in a drawer for a few days until it had learned its lesson and then I was able to shut it again :)

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I closed my #2 for the first time a week and half ago. I wasn't able to reproduce the feat again until last night when I was able to do it 4 times. The funny thing is that my hands felt really weak the days leading up to it as well. There is some kinda of peaking wave with hand strength(as well as in other types of strength) that is more apparent for some reason. I'm thinking that maybe the percentage strength difference between peaking wave and bottoming wave is higher than your average type of lift. I could be totally off base but I've definatly noticed this....

Edited by Incindium
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The first time I closed it and then about every three days for about a week and a half I mashed it. Then I went to get certified and looked like a pussy (only a quarter inch) I waited ten days and went to try to get certified again and I destroyed a older tougher #3 for certification. Definetely rest for about a week and you should be able to put it away again.

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Guest gripmaster316

Even though I haven't closed the three yet, when I closed the two the first time I could do it every time after that. Maybe I am just abnormal. :blink

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I would have to see how you were training prior before prescribing rest.


More work may actually be the need. It all depends.

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Wannagrip what would be an example of a program that needs more work? Then what kind of a program would you recomend to replace it.

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The funny thing is that my hands felt really weak the days leading up to it as well.

I have noticed this as well. While actively training, when my hands feel their weakest I am normally at my strongest.

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Wannagrip what would be an example of a program that needs more work? Then what kind of a program would you recomend to replace it.

There's a myriad of "normal" programs that...KTA and the basic principles of KTA could replace.

It has now been applied to some other big grip feats by a KTAer as well. This leads to the "learning" part of any program. Variation on a theme. 3crusher alludes to this in his post.

I am also back into experiment mode myself and am excited about it. :) I am experimenting in the mode of "Beyond KTA".

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Thanks for the reassuring words, guys.

I, like a moron, picked up the #3 again yesterday and tried it. Couldn't resist it though. The siren call of closing it again. Arsed it up.

Couldn't hold 229 in the Romanian DL this AM. How weak is that?

I'm DEFINITELY taking the perscribed few days off.

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Guest shovelboy

OK maybe I'm just blind or dense or something. Is it just because the ars is out further? Like a squat positioned DL, or just not touching the ground, rapid reps?

I checked to see if both hands were palms out, they weren't (try that!)

It doesn't look any different to me

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In a Romanian DL you basically keep your legs straight, and swing your pelvis back and forward to lift/lower the weight.

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The Romanian DL primarily blasts the hamstrings. Some are of

the opinion that it works the hammies better than a legcurl.

Good flexability is very important. Constant tension is required

through the whole range of the movement. The shins must remain

vertical and hips higher than they would be in a conventional deadlift.

The plates do not touch the floor. To blast the hamstrings more

and work the calves, put a board under the balls of the feet

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Guest shovelboy

OK! I made the foolish assumption that the guy in the video was using a weight close to his max, but that could be cause its close to my max!!! :blush

Any suggestions as to the %of max to use for this or is it just the normal 65% - 80% in 2.5% increments?

I do see now the difference in the pelvis especially

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RE: Some are of

the opinion that it works the hammies better than a legcurl.

Anything works the hammies better than a legcurl.

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Anything works the hammies better than a legcurl.

I suppose so :) but at the moment the RDL and legcurl are the

only 2 movements I can think of that works the hamstrings

directly with weight resistance.

Any others?

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