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Mailed Money Order For Kta Today


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Harlan nope this is only name I use or have. Haven't posted on another board.

Tou my goal is the two. Dad is training too just a hair from closing the two now. So I guess his goal is the two also. Would hopefully love to close the #3 one day. So I guess that would be both our long term goals. I appreciate all the great gripmasters here as yourself Tou and all the valuable information and advice you all provide on this board

for us newbie grippers. I never knew grip trainning was popular.

I can say my recent training with the grippers and plate wrist curls and

wrist rollers have helped my hitting in baseball. Thanks guys!!

Oh and Mr. Wood thanks for your reply to my question about busting

the beer cans in your video... Awesome.. Thanks for giving a interesting newbie with no posts here a reply..

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have fun with ur grippers, i hope u close the #2 soon :rock

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YEah i've been tempted with the KTA.... but bit short of cash atm, and chicken must come first :p

I'm still yet to close the #2 but can get over 20 reps with the #1, so it shouldn't be too far round the corner.... bought the #3 a while ago to give me more motivation :D

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Harlan my name tdogg doesn't stand for Top Dogg. It what my baseball coaches called me when I was young. Stands for Tyler Dogg.

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Cannot wait to start program......Hope it will help me as much as it has some of you guys.

i wish you great luck. :rock

but i myself can already close the #2


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well done Thomas how long have you been training the grip?

I've been training 4 months.

How close are you from closing the #2?

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1/2" or so right now. Baseball season still going on here and I pitch alittle so it has effected my grip training somewhat. Have made improvements over the last two weeks though. And I'm hitting the ball harder. How old are you 15? What are you stats height weight hand size etc. I'm 16 5' 11" 200 upcoming junior in high school. Never lifted many heavy weights just light stuff for reps when I was younger alot of running and played all sports. Basketball, Football, Baseball & a high red belt in Tae Kwon Do. Dad never let me lift heavy just showed me the exercises and worked on form. Said now I could start going heavier. lol I really like the grip training though and admire all those they dedicate themselves to obtaining such tremendous hand strength.

I hope I can get my #2 closed shortly hoping the kta program will help.

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I'm 14 years old



I can close the #2, and get the #3 parellel, i'm training to be the youngest kid to have closed the #3. i didn't really play any sports still don't now. I only grip train. Could you give me your measurments such as arm, forarm, neck, chest, legs, hands, and so on.


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My other measurments ern't to good but anyways





hands-almost 7.5, i would say 7.4


lower leg-15

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Good stats there especially for 14! wow. As far as my measurement lol I have no idea Thomas. Have never measured anything except the other night from tip of middle finger to the first crease in my wrist. Was curious as to what my hand size was compared to some of the guys that are on the forum. Wish you the best of luck in your quest of sutting the #3 looks like you will have soon.

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Thank you tdogg :D

i also wish you the best luck on being a grip master :rock


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u still have to START weightlifting Tom then u'll get some real results, not bad for a 14yr old tho,

PS: Tom's my brother

PS: My stats

Age:15 (turning 16 very very soon)



Neck:16 3/4"


Arms:16.5" and 17"pumped


Wrist:7" and a bit



Not the best measurements but good for my age.

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Well got the KTA Program today. I was amazed at all the gripper info and tips. Worth every penny. Now I need to order the CoC #3 and get started. Thanks WannaGrip!!!!!!!!

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Guest Chris Mellen
I'm 14 years old



I can close the #2, and get the #3 parellel, i'm training to be the youngest kid to have closed the #3. i didn't really play any sports still don't now. I only grip train. Could you give me your measurments such as arm, forarm, neck, chest, legs, hands, and so on.


Wow... consider yourself LUCKY! I WISH that I had access to grippers and such at that age! :yikes


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