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Smashing A Potato


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Hello everyone... I just registered to the board and im just starting to get into the whole grip strength world.. Being new to gripping i dont know all the feats of strength but my question is how strong would one need to be to crush a potato about average size...And has it ever been done?


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Well John Brookfield can crush one... so I guess you need pretty strong hands.

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Robert Baraban told me that Nallan Holle can crush one now. He said it took him a while to get that mind over matter thing down. :blink

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After reading about that feat in Brookfield's book I set it in my mind as one of my grip goals. To date, I have only split potatoes in half several times by driving my fingers through the spud. I'm hoping with another year or two of serious grip training under my belt that I will be able to complete the feat.


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It seems like I remember a member that used to post on this board a long time ago, David "Gorilla Hands" Erives, wrote a little tidbit about crushing potatoes with several pictures of him in the different stages of the process. I remember him talking about doing fingertip pushups on a hard surface to condition/desensitize his fingertips for the feat.


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Guest gripmaster316

I have seen a picture of Gorilla Hands, and he is a big guy. Doing finger tip pushups when you are 200 plus pounds is very difficult but can be very rewarding.

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BTW, whatever happened to Gorilla Hands? He used to be a frequent poster here in the GripBoard... but not anymore.

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I got an e-mail from him near the end of last year. He's not really training grip so much anymore. Devoting a lot of his time to music and a band he plays in. When he was training, though, he was very strong, if I recall. ;)

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