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Aobs Dinner


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Less than two weeks to the big dinner! I was wondering how many were planning on attending. I'm hoping for a SERIOUS Gripboard turn-out. It sounded incredulous last year! Who else will be attending?

Also, I have relocated to Springfield, MA, so if anyone is driving down from the New England area and wants to ride-share, let me know!


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I'll be attending. Hope to meet you, and a lot of our other members. Maybe we'll see something big happen!!!


"Live long, stay strong" - C.F.B.

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Count me in! Look for the GRIPBOARD placard somewhere on a table, usually in front of the stage.

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Guest Chris Mellen
Less than two weeks to the big dinner! I was wondering how many were planning on attending. I'm hoping for a SERIOUS Gripboard turn-out. It sounded incredulous last year! Who else will be attending?

Also, I have relocated to Springfield, MA, so if anyone is driving down from the New England area and wants to ride-share, let me know!



Can somebody tell me exactly what occurs at this event? Who hosts it? Why exactly does it exist? Is it for showing of strength, or more of a get together?


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The event was originally set up to celebrate the birthday of (edited to save space) Steinborn years ago. They invited all of his friends from way back... it was such a hit they decided to turn it into a yearly affair and honor those in the strength/physical culture arena. You have all types that come to the dinner... Olympic athletes, WSM athletes, bodybuilders, strength showmen, powerlifters, those who are fans of strength, etc.

It is a dinner/show/get togther - and considering it's held just once a year - AND you get to meet some of those most famous figures in strength like Kaz, Mark Henry, Slim "The Hammerman" Farnam, Dennis Rogers, Richard Sorin, etc. Also, all the GripBoard guys are at the event... WOW! :yikes

And..... and here's the best part..... the great and mighty Sybersnott will be there LIVE AND IN PERSON for you to meet and get your picture taken with him! Now that's worth attending the dinner!!! :yikes:rock

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Sir Snott,

Please try to learn if this will be the final AOBS dinner.

Thank you.

Joe, according to the last AOBS newsletter, which I get, they seem keen to carry on. What made you think it might be the last? Its on my list of things to do one day...

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I'm merely curious. I once asked Vic if he considered honoring Joe Weider at the dinner. There was a silence, then a statement to the order of 'There are many other people to honor first'. We both knew what he meant.

If the dinner is for fellowship and memories it can continue

quite some time, but without naming names, it does seem some of those honored in recent years caused me pause to wonder why.

There are some major players on the Weider side who, I think by any objective analysis, should have been honored before some of those who have been already, but that is just my opinion.

My point is, that unless the spotlight broadens, candidates may become more in short supply. That's why I asked Sir Snott to check.

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I thought originally the dinner was to honor Sig Klein.

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It was not Steinborn, but Sig Klein. The Dinner started out as his birthday party. I don't know if I've ever seen a list of honorees, but there may be an emphasis on East Coast people because the organization started small and is based there.


I think your statement "If the dinner is for fellowship and memories it can continue quite some time" is quite correct.

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Guest nyforlove

I'm sending in my reservation today--not sure if they can do this, but I'll request seating at the "GripBoard Table(s)" Should be a great time--and don't forget to check out the Discovery Channel's "Science of Superhuman Strength" appearing this week--times are posted in a separate listing here on the GripBoard. Let's hope Dennis Rogers is featured.

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I'm sending in my reservation today--not sure if they can do this, but I'll request seating at the "GripBoard Table(s)" Should be a great time--and don't forget to check out the Discovery Channel's "Science of Superhuman Strength" appearing this week--times are posted in a separate listing here on the GripBoard. Let's hope Dennis Rogers is featured.

I think the GripTable is full. You would have to request that information from 3crusher as he has made the special arrangements for the seating. It is a group of friends who know each other personally.

No offense, but you can't just enter the board anonymously and expect to be welcomed to the grip table.

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No offense, but you can't just enter the board anonymously and expect to be welcomed to the grip table.

And why not? Is not knowing him a reason to dismiss him? Will you be the one that does not welcome him?

I'm curious terminator, how did you develop such "personal" relationships with the members here? Did not many of the members first meet at the AOBS? I'm also somewhat offended.

Thanks for the tip on the discover channel nyforlove!

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Guest nyforlove

That's okay, guys. I'll try to come by the table to introduce myself. Travelling in from Manhattan if anyone's interested. And check out "Science of Superhuman Strength" on Discovery tomoroww night at 10:00 p.m. EST. Best.

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Last year, Vic Boff, may he rest in peace, was more than kind in accommodating my request to set up a table for a bunch of us who were going to attend the AOBS. This took work on his part. He was also kind enough to locate our table right in front of the stage where all the feats of strength were performed. This dinner, and the association that runs it is about keeping alive the memories and accomplishments of the greats of The Iron Game. It is all about giving back to The Iron Game-not what you can take from it. For last year's dinner, I asked on The Board who wanted to sit at the table, only AFTER I was told by Mr. Boff that he would set up a table for us if I could get enough guys. Snott, you make it sound like the Grip Table has been a long standing tradition at the AOBS dinner, and that we all have our front row seats reserved. Come on, have a slice of humble pie once in awhile, please! This is not the case for those who are wondering. I never broadcast that there was going to be a Grip Table at the AOBS dinner this year. I never received one PM from any member asking me about this. What I did do was ask a couple of the guys I have developed friendships with from The Grip Board, and also some friends of mine that are not on The Grip Board if they wanted to attend this year's AOBS dinner. I have asked Mr. Drechsler if he could accomodate my wishes, and he will try. Mike, there are no cliques that are forming. Over the last couple of years, a few of us have become friends, and have even had the opportunity to work out together. If you want to label it a "clique," that is your choice, not mine. Dan, the people that are hopefully sitting together this year knew each other long before last year's AOBS dinner. True, last year some of us at the table met for the first time, but not one of those guys asked if there was going to be a table this year. Snott assumed it, and blabbed it all over the place that I was the person to contact, like I was in charge of the AOBS dinner seating arrangements, but he never directly asked me about it. NYforlove, it would be nice to place a name with your posts. It seems most of us would be interested in the special on Discovery, but this has been the sole subject matter of your posts. Are you getting paid to promote this show? Are you featured on it? Please let us know if you arein it, so we can keep an eye out for you. Snott, no offense to you, but please do not assume anything about anybody before knowing all the facts. Hopefully those in attendance from the Grip Board will all meet to say hello.

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Good post 3crusher.

Unfortunetly, I cannto attend due to work. I had been planning on attending for some time now-and my wife even got off from work for it. Being a new job-I cant get it off. Believe me, I tried.

That being said-I understand where Pat is coming from. It is not a cliques, or a "i am better than you" thing. It is a band of brothers with strong ties OUTSIDE the GripBoard thing, and it is something that needs to be respected.

I dont know much behind the history of the "GripBoard Table" but what I do know is the guys that arrange it are the"fathers" of it so to speak. The table isnt full of just anybody-you got the strongest hands on the planet sitting there-no set #3 closers, close to #4 closers, blob and inch lifters, benders of tremendous steel, people who tear things and roll up frying pans, etc.

That would be like me going to a WSM dinner and pulling up a seat with the last 5 years winners. Are they better than me as humans-no. Do they diserve much respect and honor-absolutely.

The GripBoard table is about that. If I get a chance to go next year-I will sit where I get a seat. Getting an invite to the table should be an honor that you should work towards-not just expect.

My 2 cents-

Rick Walker :rock

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I was also under some misconceptions about the "Gripboard Table". I assumed, or was led to assume, that the gripboard members were happy to make an effort to sit all at one table. When I first emailed Artie, he said no one else from here had sent in their reservations, but that he "would make every effort to seat us all together."

I understand the desire of those who have known each other for some time, whether it be on or off this forum, to want to sit together. I have respect for all those who have accomplished much in the grip game, and should I sit at the same table, I will be honored to do so.

The truth is, I will be honored to sit anywhere in the room, because the level of experience, knowledge, and accomplishment in the iron game will be wholly pervasive at any table. And though I may sit at the "Gripboard Table", I may not become personal friends with any of you, whereas sitting at another table, I may make good friends with a power lifter or strongman.

In fact, there are benefits to all sit together and show a strong standing for Cyberpump!. But there are also benefits to having gripboarders throughout the room, talking grip with those who are less exposed. And I, even I, may be able to close a two when the the world-class powerlifter eating next to me can't.

nyforlove, You will get out of the dinner what you put into it. I intend to shake all of your hands, make some new friends, and hope that the Iron Game is benefited by what we all do that evening.


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Well 3crusher about covered it. If my original post is re-read, you will see I emphasized the anonymity of the poster. It's not about cliques or disrespecting anyone. If it were someone who were a longstanding member of the Gripboard who we are all familiar with making the same post it would have been differently received.

I know the trouble Vic Boff went through last year arranging a Griptable (extra work for what turned out to be a very sick man), and I know the trouble that Steve has gone through this year insuring that a close group of friends are able to sit together at this important function.

Perhaps some still think I was being a prick, oh well opinions vary. Don't worry I sleep pretty well at night.

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Guest nyforlove

Hi Guys,

Didn't mean to get a whole debate started--just saw the posts about the dinner and thought it was a way to meet others whom we've only seen "virtually" so far--will still make the effort to say "hi" but will understand if you are not receptive--don't want to take anyone's seat, but would be happy to commute together from mid-town Manhattan. As for me, I actually first posted last month re: Dennis Rogers' appearance on "Ripley's Believe It or Not," and have been a strength enthusiast for many years--remember well when WSM was on broadcast television on Saturdays and ABC Sports' Jim McKay provided the voice-over for the Sports' intro that included a clip of Franco Columbo from the bar-bending competition. Was (and am) pleased to have discovered this site and credit this site and other 'net resources with getting WSM back in production on ESPN. No, I am NOT appearing on the Discovery program nor do I have any connection with the channel; although I did set a weightlifting record at my high school during sophomore year, it was for the "small," under-16-year-old category and certainly not impressive even in relative terms. Nevertheless, my record topped that of the football team quarterback--a small guy himself--and the record still stands today, but at 5'8" and with small hands inherited from my Irish grandfather, a carpenter, my efforts today will understandably never get any attention. Still, am proud of my grip and have been complimented on same by those much bigger than I, tho' I will not progress anywhere near their level. All the best! -Steve

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I'm sending in my reservation today--not sure if they can do this, but I'll request seating at the "GripBoard Table(s)"  Should be a great time--and don't forget to check out the Discovery Channel's "Science of Superhuman Strength" appearing this week--times are posted in a separate listing here on the GripBoard.  Let's hope Dennis Rogers is featured.

I think the GripTable is full. You would have to request that information from 3crusher as he has made the special arrangements for the seating. It is a group of friends who know each other personally.

No offense, but you can't just enter the board anonymously and expect to be welcomed to the grip table.

How else does one get to know anybody?? Have another read of the quote attributed to Joe. At each and every OH dinner I love meeting new people.

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In ironhistory.com Jul 19-Aug 1, 2002 I offered a list of the dates when the AOBS has been held, along with some of the honorees each year.

But upon checking it just now I see dinners two and three

are missing?

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Sorry about anything implied or intended about us being a "group". That's not what I meant and if anyone took it the wrong way, I do sincerely apologize to those that did.

I believe, and correct me if I'm wrong about this too, but out of the group of us the person closest to Vic was you. Sometimes someone will ask a question about the AOBS, and instead of having a quick answer for them, I would say, "Contact Steve about it". I should not have been doing that... it was wrong, and I admit it.

The whole GRIPTABLE thing was to immediately indentify those who are on this forum, and place a name with a face. Actually, I like this idea very much because you would 1) be sitting next to someone who has your interests, which is grip strength/grip training, and 2) you won't be sitting somewhere with someone you don't know (a complete stranger). I remember the first AOBS I went to. I got to sit next to Gary Cleveland, the Olympian weightlifter. It was a blown opportunity because I didn't know who he was (at the time), and didn't have anything interesting to say.

Last years AOBS was a blast! I got to meet Heath, Pat, Tom, Greg, Richard Sorin, etc... and we all sat at the same table and got to witness some great grip strength feats! Before going to last years, I said to myself that if this AOBS was anything like the first I attended, I wasn't going to go anymore. But because we had the GRIPTABLE last year, it was really fun!

Steve, yes... please... if we can do it like we did last year, I would really like that. No promises, of course... and like I said, I'm sorry if I lead anybody on like that - it was not my intention at all.

We are just "friends" who know each other and have an interest in grip!

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Please determine who is using Sir Snott's I.D. on that last post of his.

I sensed sincere regret; must be an imposter :D

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Saw this quote and thought of the gripboard guyz:

You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.

--Dale Carnegie

Is this not what goes on here? I have learnt much and enjoy reading about peoples progress in the multiple areas of grip training.

To eventually meet up with new faces on the board should surely be looked forward to by all, as I think this is where the futures lies.

I mean not to sound pompus , I have been a memeber for a while, and hope that once my grip goals are met, or not, I would be like to think there would be plenty of 'hardy' handshakes going round were I ever to cross that Atlantic and show you what a British mans capable of with a good AOBS dinner inside him.....and a few beers ;)

Look forward to the dinner guyz, you will make it what you want it to be.


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