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You're Not Going To Believe This!


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I attended The Blade Show here today in Atlanta, a few miles from where I live - this is the premiere event showcasing the talents of knifemakers from all over the nation and those who have an interest in knives/cutlery.

So it didn't surprise me a bit when I went up to the Emerson Knife booth and saw a bunch of IronMind grippers lying right there on the counter.

At this point, I decided to play dumb. I'm good at playing dumb. :happy

"What are these?", I asked one of the guys at the counter.

He started explaining to me about the grippers and the various strengths. He then told me about the "challenge". (Actually, the challenge had ceased for a time because NOBODY could close the #3 gripper).


He asked me if I would like to try to give the #3 a shot.

"Would you like to try?", he said. "Sure, why not?", I replied.

I picked up the #3 and mashed it shut. It went down like butter.

You should of seen the expression on his face. :ohmy I had the gripper STILL pinned shut when he tapped his buddy on the back for him to turn around and look at me holding that gripper shut.


"I've never seen anyone shut that gripper before!", he replied. I finally told him who I was and said I knew about the challenge, and I wanted to try it for myself. I pinned it shut three separate times.

Listen to this: I was talking to Derek Russell (one of the guys at Emerson working the booth), and he told me that I WAS THE FIRST PERSON EVER to shut that #3!! :bow

I then asked him about the other grippers. I asked how many people have shut their #1. His reply? No one. (this is a gripper I was grinding shut).

I asked him the same about their #2. His reply? No one. (I was grinding this gripper too).

To tell you the truth, the double stamped #1 and #2 were quite easy for me. And the #3.... nothing but a piece of cake for the great and mighty Sybersnott! :bow:rock:bow

I also asked Derek how many people had tried the #3. His reply was, "Thousands.... thousands". :blink:ohmy:bow

I can't be THAT good! Or maybe I am.... huh.... :rolleyes

He also told me he's going to contact Strossen and tell him that someone has completed the challenge. This is a challenge that has been going on for the past few years at the knife shows.

And I'm the first one to ever do it. BTW, they were so impressed by me that they gave me the knife.

Mission accomplished. :cool:cool:laugh

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Cool story and nice accomplishment !

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Yeah, I was kinda worried there because I didn't see any sign or anything about the challenge, UNTIL I saw the grippers lying there on the counter. So I asked the guy about it and he told me the whole story.

I didn't really expect to get the knife, I just wanted to try those grippers and see their reactions. But they were so impressed, they went ahead and gave me the knife. BTW, they said they had a #4 there but they couldn't find it so I didn't get to try their #4.

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When does it come to your area?

When the show came around last year, I only found out about the challenge AFTER the show had passed. Otherwise, I might of done it last year! :)

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Good story.........but I have a question?

I finally told him who I was and said I knew about the challenge, and I wanted to try it for myself.

who are you? did you tell him you were the mighty sybersnott? :laugh:laugh

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Too bad they don't have a knife show close to the AOBS Dinner. Now THAT would be hilarious for sure! :mosher

Snott, was it a decent 3 or was it on the easy side?

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Nice day out for ya :D Congrats on that particular #3 closed cold :bow

I think that thats a nice base level of crushing strength to have,to be able to close most #3,s when the oppertunity arrises.

John,have you ever been handed a #3 that you could not close after you were certified.

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Good job Snott! :mosher

When and if the challenge comes to the East Coast, a number of us should get together and make sure they NEVER offer that challenge again. :yikes

Rick Walker :rock

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Good job Snott!  :mosher

When and if the challenge comes to the East Coast, a number of us should get together and make sure they NEVER offer that challenge again.  :yikes

Rick Walker :rock

Hey, don't ruin it for the rest of us who can't do it yet, I want my free knife someday! :laugh That said, it would be funny as hell if about 30 CoC's lined up at a knife show. I think they'd be getting really nervous after about 2 or 3, and be in tears before the tenth person stepped up to the plate. :online

Edited by CMunger
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Now that was a fun knife show! Congrats Sybersnott!

I'll be on the lookout for knife shows from now on.

Your post inspired me. I walked into the bedroom, grabbed my #3, and with no warmup or chalk, mashed it shut with conviction. Yes, I still made use of my signature deep set, though ;) Now I'm ready for the knife show!

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funny story snott, good work :rock

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Yeah, I'm surprised nobody else was able to close it; the #3 that they had felt like a good stiff BBM but just a bit tougher. My BBM is a bit weaker than the #3 that they had. And I won't even talk about the double-stamped #1 and #2.... come on, really no challenge there either.

BTW, the knife I got was a "Specwar B SFS" folder with green handles. A nice carry knife - and I was looking for one kinda like it! ;)

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Thats the way to do it, Good story good vibes, I wonder if they may alter the challange now that they know the 'impossible' is possible by you select few.


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