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Something Wrong With Pinch Grip


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So, I started grip training a few weeks ago, and have recently begun pinch training (2-ish weeks ago).

I can close the #2 from credit card width in my right hand, and I can rolling thunder 165 with both hands (in fact, I did so on my first try).

By contrast, I cannot even Ironmind hub 25 lbs in either hand. My max is 22.5 (including the implement weight). Now, I have only hub trained twice, and both times I failed 25 lbs. My hands are only 6 3/4ths inches long, but somehow I doubt that is the issue.

I have not been using any chalk, and have been hubbing with all 5 fingertips in contact with the hub as per strict Ironmind rules. It seems people lift a fair bit more when they stray from this type of grip. Perhaps I should? Does chalk add alot as well?

Is something drastically wrong here? This seems weak enough to be a borderline medical condition.

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Chalk and training. Don't burn yourself out either. Slow and steady wins the grip race.

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I understand it will take time, and I am very patient. Is this a normal starting max given my other lifts? That's all I am concerned about. Also, is my technique the preferred technique? I am unable to find good quality info on the matter.

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You can't compare the hub to anything but a hub.

Borderline medical condition?? If you really think this you have much bigger problems than your grip. Why don't you do what works well for everyone else? Watch YouTube videos, use chalk and practice.

Edited by EJ Livesey
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I was exaggerating there. It just seems quite low. I was expecting maybe a 35 lb max to start off. And if there was somewhere I could learn good hub technique, I would be more than happy to switch to a different setup. I had hoped this board of all places would help with that.

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I was exaggerating there. It just seems quite low. I was expecting maybe a 35 lb max to start off. And if there was somewhere I could learn good hub technique, I would be more than happy to switch to a different setup. I had hoped this board of all places would help with that.

Dude you tried it twice and never posted any videos for us to help you and give pointers. I'm sure if you practice, use chalk and post videos your numbers will climb. Just because all these guys make it look easy, doesn't mean it is.

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IM Hub is generally a little more challenging than a straight, textured plate hub. 25# is not out of the realm of possibility starting out. Keep in mind it's not a normal hand position to be creating a lot of force in, in everyday life..

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Post a video. I never did a hub. Recently tried it in China with a 25 pounds plate. Couldn't do it. Maybe I needed chalk. Maybe I was so tired from work and travel. But before that did pinch 2 35s there with dry hands and it was fine. Before going to China a week ago I lifted my 45 pounds york blob. I don't have a weak pinch. And sometimes I can easily two finger lift 2 35s. But hey didn't do the 25 pounds hub. As EJ said post a video so the more experienced people can help you.

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Like others on the board have said, post a video of your attempts with the hub. Show how you place the fingers you'll get feedback on how to improve. Since you're starting out, don't be concerned about numbers; get a feel for the tool (what feels good and wrong, take notes).

When I started out with the IM Hub, it was 13-16 lbs, I've learned that you need to put time behind what you're doing. That weight doesn't seem possible anymore, considering what I've lifted on the IM hub but I've learned what's needed and not for lifting the hub.

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Hubs are incredibly difficult without chalk. So yes using chalk will add a lot of weight on your max. It's the only grip exercise that I always use chalk for.

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Hubs are weird - not exactly a pinch - not exactly anything except what they are. Some hand anatomies seem to give an advantage. Plenty of other areas strong people struggle with the hub - just practice and train progressively - see where things go.

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Ever do fingertip pushups? It's a weird stress on the fingers that is similar to hub lifting, seems to carry over pretty well.

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So, I started grip training a few weeks ago, and have recently begun pinch training (2-ish weeks ago).

I can close the #2 from credit card width in my right hand, and I can rolling thunder 165 with both hands (in fact, I did so on my first try).

By contrast, I cannot even Ironmind hub 25 lbs in either hand. My max is 22.5 (including the implement weight). Now, I have only hub trained twice, and both times I failed 25 lbs. My hands are only 6 3/4ths inches long, but somehow I doubt that is the issue.

I have not been using any chalk, and have been hubbing with all 5 fingertips in contact with the hub as per strict Ironmind rules. It seems people lift a fair bit more when they stray from this type of grip. Perhaps I should? Does chalk add alot as well?

Is something drastically wrong here? This seems weak enough to be a borderline medical condition.

The thumb is neglected in training and life. What you're seeing is normal.

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Grippers = not very friction dependent, little chalk necessary (until you get up to really big grippers)

RT = a little more friction dependent than grippers, you probably want some chalk

Hub and other pinches = super friction dependent, give an elite pincher a sweaty hand and he won't be able to lift half of his max.

Put chalk on your hands or you're basically trying to do a Formula 1 race with street tires.

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Sounds normal. I didn't have an IM hub when I started but tooks some time to even hub a 25# plate. I think when I first touched an IM hub I was in the 30# range and had already been training grip seriously for over a year.

- Aaron

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my girl out lifts me in hub. everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. if you feel a lift is way behind thats what to focus on

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Thanks alot for the input guys. Strongly appreciated. I will do it a few more times, adding in chalk, make adjustments accordingly, and be back here with a video by the end of the month. I really appreciate it.

I was a little suspicious, because my 1.5" block pinch is stronger than my HUB, as is my dynamic pinch strength (I use IMTUG 2 and 3). I think my tiny girl hands (specifically fingers) do not help either, but that sure won't be enough to stop me.

Do you guys think it's worth doing a Hub max every week, even at this level, until I get to a semi-decent number, or should I start rep work immediately rather than maxing? I'm a little confused on how often one should be maxing for grip exercises in general , not just the pinch.

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I can hub my plates at all times now. When i couldn't i did holds on an im hub stripped of its coating. When i had 60lbs on the loadable one, i got my first plate in the air. I think it has a lot to do with teaching your hands to produce the force, after that its fairly easy. Good luck in training man.

Edited by Jose Cabrera
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Is it commonplace to strip the coating off the new IM hub?

Never heard of anyone doing that on the new one. It's actually got some grip to it unlike the old one.

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I was going to say, I'd think that would be considered cheating if you were competitive.

If you're competing everyone will use the same hub...

If you'rew going to film yourself doing a feat, you need to show exactly how you have modified it, i.e don't claim you're doing something that you don't.

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