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Was watching this series on Netflix and I'm sure some of you have seen it but Pat Povilites is on one of the episodes. He bends one short bar and breaks a bat over his head but the real thing they showcased is him putting his hand in a foot hold trap.

Has anyone seen this? Really cool show.

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I have personally watched Pat stick his hand into the trap. Super impressive and kinda crazy :). I trapped for years and have been "caught" several times over the years - it hurts. I will on occasion stick my hand into a "fox" trap - which is nothing at all compared to the trap Pat uses in his show - he must have bones of steel - and quite a pain tolerance !

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They tested his bones supposedly and they are stronger bones than average.

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The blind kid episode was the best, hands down.

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It would be cool show but for some reason they find it necessary to exaggerate things. Like in episode where guy had "super human" grip. Dynamometer showed 108 lbs and they made him hold two aero planes pulling opposite directions. They claimed that since holding planes back required force almost 5 times of dynamometer result, it made him superhuman.

Unbreakable monk was also bit iffy. Off course they checked that guy was indeed pressing that drill to his his own skull but they did not check if he was holding back with other hand.

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Wasn't this originally on Discovery? Dennis Rodgers was on one of the episodes too.

Here is something that was on National Geographic channel in 2006 or so, the quality of Dennis' footage is very good, and starts just under the 3 minute mark:

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