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How To Grip The Blob?


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I was wondering how you guys grip blobs? Is there an optimal placement of thumbs and fingers related to the center line (vertical)? Is it just preference depending on hand size?

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I found a 50lbs blob and tried to lift it the other day and to me it felt like the first time I tried to close a CoC3: impossible. I don't know if there is any technique to it or you just have to be very strong at wide hand gripping. Perhaps tilting it a little bit helps? Look forward to seeing what others say. I was able to lift and do curls and other things with the 25lbs one, and I think I might get a 35-40lbs one to start training for the 50.

Edited by Evan Raftopoulos
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I found a 50lbs blob and tried to lift it the other day and to me it felt like the first time I tried to close a CoC3: impossible. I don't know if there is any technique to it or you just have to be very strong at wide hand gripping. Perhaps tilting it a little bit helps? Look forward to seeing what others say. I was able to lift and do curls and other things with the 25lbs one, and I think I might get a 35-40lbs one to start training for the 50.

Jedd's eBook "Lift the Blob" is well worth the investment.

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I try to get as much of my fingers down the side as possible. Skin stretch is very important. Fingers go on "cut" side. Also, use your other hand to "squash" your hand as deep as possible onto the Blob before clamping down and lifting..

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I do just as Bob described. And there will always be personal preferences regardless of hand size. So much of grip and general lifting is simply experimentation.

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I for example do not try to get as much hand as possible on the blob (and I have small hands) - just finding the right spot for the thumb and then try to lift it. The day will come when You feel that You have found this very spot!

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what I tried for training while I was at that gym is to lift it with both hands and try to control the descent with a bit of assistance with the other hand. I think it's ideal if you can train with the blob frequently to get used to the positioning because other than lifting the blob there is nothing else I can think of that requires such a wide pinch grip. But I think I have long way to go because my thumbs are still relatively weaker than my 4 fingers together. I can lift 165 lbs Rim lift but it seems that with pinch grip it doesn't matter how strong your fingers are if your thumb cannot match that. I need to train pinch grip more. Will be getting a 2 inch pinch block with loading capacity soon and I'm thinking of also attaching something to it to have the to option of training wide pinch grip.

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Do drags along the floor and up an incline as you get stronger. Get the time under tension, plus you can measure your gains by the distances you're dragging. For me it got me from glued to the floor to clean and pressing the 50... Didn't take a crazy amount of time. Just simple progression.

Absolutely agree with Bobs technique pointers. I know I've heard Luke Raymond mention something like digging the fingers almost to drive the blob backwards. Good luck.. You'll get there

Edited by jvance
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Do drags along the floor and up an incline as you get stronger. Get the time under tension, plus you can measure your gains by the distances you're dragging. For me it got me from glued to the floor to clean and pressing the 50... Didn't take a crazy amount of time. Just simple progression.

thanks man, I'm going again today at that climbing gym with the blob and I'll be trying this for sure. I'm excited about it! I also just got a 41 lbs blob from ebay (found one only 20$) to start training for this more frequently.

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Odin has many of the real deal tips for success. Sliding it off floor or rocking it back at the second of lift off is pushing the limit of good spirit of real Blob lifting. Hands clean,freshly washed ,wrist bone centered over center of blob, fingers forced down tight. Grip first real hard then don't lift with your arm just stand up with arm held as a loose rope. A Blob lifted straight up and "clean" is quite a feat. Also if you think a bit about it if you stood between two Blobs they are most securely placed at each side slightly towed in to slightly oppose "normal hang "of a human anatomical resting standing hand position of palms slightly opened outward. It creates a slight secure natural bind .

People are all about success and that is great ! Being only 50 or so pounds the Blob when I created the challenge, use ,and protocol for lifting it about 35 years ago feel that unless the spirit of making it a true clean lift ,useful training tool ,and super grip feat the meaning of lifting a Blob can well be lost. As on the other half of the original Blob is stated so many years ago" what man can lift me". When you do finally make it , rest assured you will be part of a short list of high level grip men and ladies worldwide.

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Odin has many of the real deal tips for success. Sliding it off floor or rocking it back at the second of lift off is pushing the limit of good spirit of real Blob lifting. Hands clean,freshly washed ,wrist bone centered over center of blob, fingers forced down tight. Grip first real hard then don't lift with your arm just stand up with arm held as a loose rope. A Blob lifted straight up and "clean" is quite a feat. Also if you think a bit about it if you stood between two Blobs they are most securely placed at each side slightly towed in to slightly oppose "normal hang "of a human anatomical resting standing hand position of palms slightly opened outward. It creates a slight secure natural bind .

People are all about success and that is great ! Being only 50 or so pounds the Blob when I created the challenge, use ,and protocol for lifting it about 35 years ago feel that unless the spirit of making it a true clean lift ,useful training tool ,and super grip feat the meaning of lifting a Blob can well be lost. As on the other half of the original Blob is stated so many years ago" what man can lift me". When you do finally make it , rest assured you will be part of a short list of high level grip men and ladies worldwide.

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Richard brought up a big point that I think gets missed a lot with grip feats. Clean hands. Wash all of the oils and moisturizers out of them. Everywhere. Not just the pads but between the fingers, back of the hands, everything.

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I tried the drags today and some assisted lifting with a superband

my fingers are not very long but I think with consistent training I'm gonna lift this thing one day.

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Bob, I found a video of yours lifting the blob and inch a the same time. Love it! Do you usually train in the rain? :)

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I'm not a dude who has had a lot of success with blobs, but I can give one useful point of advice here; start out slow with them. The really wide position your hand is in for blob training is something you're not used to at first, and if you overdo it, you can end up straining your thumb and having to take some time off. In the beginning, take it a little easier and let your hand adjust to working in such a position.

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Bob, I found a video of yours lifting the blob and inch a the same time. Love it! Do you usually train in the rain? :)

Thank you Evan! Yes, I always train. but I may switch or alter the movements I am planning to do in some way. The toughest is when there is a freezing rain (not too common here) and anything metal freezes up if uncovered for a few minutes. That's a good time to switch to plastic-handled tools. A light rain is good, as it cools things down, and my skin tends to be dry-I could pour a pail of water over my 135 lb. junior Inch and lift it easily, so I try to get stronger than water lol. After I had a colectomy several years ago, it's easy for me to get dehydrated or my electrolytes out of whack in the heat, so hot weather takes more thought, planning and precautionary measures than cold weather for me. I tend to mix things up and train my (many) weaknesses in the summer months now.

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Since the Blob lift is an isometric pinch hold training in the range with of a real size one if you truly want to make it is better than working up through the various sizes and width Blobs. A adjustable deload system with a sling type band underneath or Choke pinches on a Pops gripper will I think get you there quick. Remember ....thumb and fingers in equal balance strength and position is vital.

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There's actually a LOT of technicality in lifting the Blob and big block weights. If you are just plopping your hand on there, or just trying to smoosh it over the blob for maximized contact, you're missing some big pieces of the puzzle. There's a lot to do with thumb application, as in wherabouts the edge of the blob contacts your thumb. Even where exactly you are placing your hand on top of the blob itself can lend you additional leverage.

This is all before even trying to pinch it, tilt it, or anything. There's a lot of little things that can add +/-5% to a potential Blob lift. These things are particularly important if you have smaller hands.

Here's a true story: I covered some of these at Sorinex several years ago. Richard heard me going over these points, and he literally said, "I just learned more about Grip than I have in the last 20 years."

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Since the Blob lift is an isometric pinch hold training in the range with of a real size one if you truly want to make it is better than working up through the various sizes and width Blobs. A adjustable deload system with a sling type band underneath or Choke pinches on a Pops gripper will I think get you there quick. Remember ....thumb and fingers in equal balance strength and position is vital.

I have a gripper machine made by Tetting that looks like the Pop's gripper, I haven't thought of using it for pinch grip training, thanks!

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Here is a vid I shot years ago. It is a de-loader setup, really cheap. It might help some of you trying to get a confident grab on the blob. It really helps to train with the exact implement you want to lift.


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Place hands opposing on each side of gripper as from a seated position the gripper points away at 90degrees. Fingers locked and slightly bent into a fixed choke grip handles tough finger and thumb tips no further down than first joint. Then in unison squeeze as if doing a double handed choke! Your grip strength will explode! You can use a combo of weights and or the bands as supplied with Pops gripper.

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Depending on combo of weights ,bands or combined. The bands /weight combo allows for a smoother ride and increased resistance as the handles move up. I do either 5x5 or 5x10.

Of all the things I have tried this has the best across the board overal grip carryover to most every feat or grip exercise. So many facets of strength, range of motion, graduated overload, dampening over acceleration through momentum, range can be shortened for partials but as a rule used sparingly. If you sit back close your eyes and run through every facet of desired grip prowess you can see how this movement can easily help meet the need. Your overall grasp and if ever required to protect yourself the choke grip thus developed is a devastating defence.

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