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Bill Piche

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Seriously, I have never seen such a display of strength....ever. Dropping 320 lbs from an overhead lockout down to a zercher, that is freaking awesome.... :rock:rock:rock

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As I have said before, I am not aware of any drug free lifter in the world who is stronger than Chris James. He also helps to confirm, that oldtimers like Saxon, Goerner and Apollon could do the things that many of us have come to doubt.

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MY GOD...... ummmmm... great job!!! *steps back slowly* You truly are a monster! :bow

Description: It was a C&J of 320 on a two inch bar, when he had it above his head he threw his right hand to the center of the bar and balanced it for a brief moment.... if he had centered it better im sure it would have been longer. Then drops it down and cradles it into a zercher hold and drops it into his waiting alternating hands THEN lets it down. Dropping the weight to the floor from above his head was a feat in itself!!!!!! :bow

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Thank you for that. It was awesome. :bow

Step the bar up-from one drug free lifter to another.

Rick Walker :rock

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Awesome Chris. Yes, if you had gotten your hand in the center you could have balanced it a long time. Who's that guy in the background? Funny, he seemed real casual about the whole thing until you went to hold the bar with one hand, then you were freaking him out!

I wish you had jerked our rule 5 chain for a couple of hours. Would have made everyone think if you described that lift first without posting the video. It has to be seen to be believed, regardless of the source.

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I heard of Hermann Goerner doing something like that with the same type of bar and weight. I read he dropped it like that and didn't think that was possible. Chris I've not seen many feets of strength in person thiugh I have seen ones on Cyberpump though like the one of Mark Henry playing with the inch but handling that bar like that is just plain awesome!

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There is an account of Goerner doing a similar feat with a 150 Kg thick handled barbell, which the editors of Strength and Health thought was ridiculous. If they had seen this video, it wouldn't have seemed so farfetched. Chris's easy clean is absolutely amazing!

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Woohoo! That's just what I needed before tomorrow's contest! Phenomenal display of strength.


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Keep the videos coming Chris, very, very IMPRESSIVE!!! :rock:rock


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HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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There's strong, super strong, and then there is Chris James strong!

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That was bloody great!!!!

Keep 'em coming!

If you had a centred the bar better, you certainly would have held it longer. Oh, and the guys face was a gem!

But what's even more scary is the fact that this looked too easy. There is another 50lbs there!!!!!!!!!!!!

Once again, well done,


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:bow Chris

You are the Strongest DRUG FREE lifter i have ever seen,and i,ve seen a few.

You are the Real Thick Bar Daddy,no disrespect to Big Steeve,but you can do so much more with thick bars.

I hope Mr.Goerner is looking down saying thankyou Chris for helping keep the oldtime lifts and feats of strength alive :bow:bow

Lets see some more Big Fella,as i no that you practise the Goerner and Apollon lifts.

For those that dont know that bar is similar to an Apollons Axle used in the worlds strongest man comps,poundage is up there with the best and Chris is DRUG FREE and probably giving away 50-100lbs bodyweight.

What enables such raw power DRUG FREE,is 15-20 years of GUT BUSTIN

workouts and a never quite ETHIC.

Once again congrats Big Fella,your dues are comeing :bow:bow

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Just watched it again,did ya all notice, none of this mamby pamby,supersuite shite used,not even a BELT :bow:bow

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:blink Freaky ! :ohmy Awesome ! :bow Unbeliveable !
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Women who look like Catherine Zeta-Jones, Guys as strong as Chris James and the Holle brothers. Many great actors. what a country Wales is!


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Guest gripmaster316

Ummmm... oh..... I see...... Ah..... Well... I am kinda speechless right now... I hope to find the right words some day. :bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow

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