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Grip Weakness/wrist Clicking


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I work as a software engineer, so I'm using keyboards and computers all day. Never really worked grip before, so I wasn't aware of this...

but sometimes, I really have to rotate my right wrist a lot and "click" it multiple times before I can get my grip on.

Sometimes, I can't get it to click, and my hand strength is halved.

What's going on? :unsure

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Razorman, mine does the same thing. I pop my wrists constantly throughout my workouts. Doesn't seem to hurt anything, just annoying as hell.....

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My wrists hurt until I do..... and it's annoying because there's loss of strength as well.

Any ideas?

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I have an idea. Go see a Doctor! If it is worrying you enough to post on here about it, then a visit to the Doctor seems justified. We are not qualified on here to give medical advice.

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Doctors don't know much.

They just stare at you and say "you really only need to do some light aerobic work three times a week for half an hour. Eat according to the food pyramid...."

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I agree with OldGuy, go see a doctor about it.... better to be safe than sorry.

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The quality of doctors varies as much as it does with any other category of professionals. Go see a GOOD doctor! They're few and far between. Perhaps a sports specialist would be best???

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I am not diagnosing your problem or anything like it, but my

wrist "clicking" was attributed to fibrous tears in the

Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Tendon.

The tendon would disslocate a bit during supination and extension

movements causing the clicking.

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When mine starts clicking bad I lossen up all the muscle in my arm. I get a 5 gallon bucket of ice and a hot tub. This is the best way I have found. Also I got one of messager and use the horse linament that Rick gave me and rub that stuff in. Wow it lights you up like Christmas. Thanks Rick. Thanks to Johns hand health chapter, Wanna's KTA program, and the gentleman who injuried his hands in a car wreck. His name slips me sorry. Oh yes rest and anti-inflamitories.

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Guest wells

See a hand specialist. They work all the way upto just before the elbow. :rock If you have carpal stiffness... so much that it pains you... there is something wrong... if there is deterioration of or missing cartilege then the clicking could be serious.

However the pain may not be linked to the clicking. My wrists click all the time and my doc said it is quite normal... especailly for thin and skinny wrists to click just as long as there is no pain.

Best bet is to see the hand doc. < <

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