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Extensor Workouts

Jedd Johnson

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I was wondering how often you guys train the extensors of your hands and what are the staples of your routines? I have stuck with lifts off the ground with my fingertips in a tube, balancing weights on my hands, plate lifts off a bench (RE: Brookfield) and manual resistance. But I am looking into getting a bucket of sand or shot this weekend.

I am pretty much doing two of these exercises every other routine ( I train grip 5 days/week), but I do the manual resistance every grip day.

Thanks for your input. I want to maintain a balance to prevent injury.


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Get the bucket of sand! I prefer the fine "play sand". I hit that 2-3 times a week for 4 sets of 25 each hand (extend and grab, focus on extending), and then one final set to failure. I love it, it's an incredible burn that you can't get with other extender excercises. It also aleviates grip-induced pain. A true "hand health" excercise.

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I use rubberbands at work when I get a little bit of time, I do a couple high rep sets till my forearms burn.

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Thanks for the replies. I will definitely be getting a bucket of sand for my house. Also, my plant where I work has tons of rubber bands - don't see why I can't score a few.

Have a good one.


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