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Mark Henry


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Correction: He is probably having some CAKES!

Mike M.

HAH!!! That is true, the guy is nothing short of HUGE!

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If you look in the "wrong" places, it is easy to find a great deal of criticism of Mark's work ethic - but to me he is probably THE MAN when it comes to all round strength in the world today, bar none.

I hope he is having a great birthday.

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The Mac,

I agree with you about Mark Henry. If you could have seen the way he MANHANDLED the Inch replica IN PERSON (the video does it no justice), like a few of us on The Board (Richard Sorin, Pat Povilaitis, Heath Sexton, John Hicks, Tom Black, John Wood, Greg D'Eramo) did at the AOBS along with a couple of hundred others, you would be even more impressed than you already are at his overall strength. He is awesomely strong!

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He is still with the WWE , but seems to still be on the injured list or on hold. Since becoming a pro wrestler he had had a few injuries including breaking a leg. At least a living can be made from wrestling. I doubt if anyone is able to live from strongman earnings. The only other well paid strength athletes are the very best in the world shot putters, discus throwers and the other throwin events found in track and field. We may have to wait until Mark no longer has a contract with the WWE to see more of him in Strongman competitions. He is still young at 32 so I am optimistic about seeing compete one day.

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Not to mention (ahh but I am ahem) his pulling, left and right handed, level and for three reps a piece the MDB!!

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Yes, I wish I could have seen it live too...

To be honest though, whilst the clean and push-press on video was awesome enough, the most impressive thing was when he put the Inch back on the table (and I've heard many others say that too). The way he did it was probably one of the most awesome displays of strength I've ever seen.

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Yeah, I haffta agree with 3Crusher... the video does not do him justice. He is freaking strong!

After he put the Inch down, he picked it up again with his left hand and placed it on the table right in front of Vic Boff. I was the guy who took it off the table... with both hands of course! :)

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