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The Green Mile.... Sort Of


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We have a number of employees that have changed their lives from simply working a good day to having better diet, being smoke free ,and after a long ,hot day have the stones to go lift on the very equipment they build and we sell. Everyone has walked the non stop " green mile" inside the building carrying Sorinex Kettlebells( 880') strapless at weight 50 or 70 lbs each side. Cyborg does the 70s (140 lb total)several times a day. Our 61 year old Director of Operations just did a full carry with 50s today . Workers turned lifters this year have done the full trip including "Fargo" that weighs a bit over 150 that now does fingertip on a edge pull-ups and carried the 140lb. load full distance. I need to get with it to stave them off! An idea I had was to carry a pair Each of 50, or 50/70( PAIR in each hand) weight and grip ripping test. 100, or 120lb total of bells in EACH hand would be pretty amazing.

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What a great place to work!

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Very cool to know about Sorinex. I thought if my teaching career doesn't work out, maybe I could seek employment with Sorinex. But I'm in Ohio and not likely to move to South Carolina. Oh well.

I just recently purchased the fat vertical handles and the Sorinex axle. Both are great products. I really like pull-ups with the vertical handles and can get up to 5 on a humid day here in NE Ohio.

Will definitely purchase more products from you. Thank you for sharing.

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Always looking for "good people "that in the right conditions may become "great." Always invite visitors.

I did wait to the end of the day for my nagging hip flexor injury to loosen and hope I had recovered enough o2 in my blood since the bleed to be able to make the green mile. I grabbed the 50s first walked "the Mile" 880 feet actually quite easily and decided to make it a bit harder by using only two fingers on each bell. It was comfortable and easy. Not even sweating yet or out of breath in 94 degree temp. All office personnel and shop warriors are getting pretty excited about their weights and times.

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Measured each distance on our carry course with 50 and 70 lb.kettle bells. Instead of 880' it is 1098' . We just had one of our office people( all strong) trot a pair of 70s in 2min 44 seconds. He is a 420 axle lifter. Beat Cyborg at 3 minutes 3 seconds an 810 deadlifter,and Kevin Kamphouse all 6'6 of him at 3 min 1 sec.

The best gut check is an untimed full carry at 100 lbs less bodyweight for Fargo nearest thing to a spider monkey we have . It's well over 110 degrees in shop and they just cruise on.

I can do the course pretty easily with leaving fingers hanging on 50 s hoping to let my leg hip flexor to heal from an injury.

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Tried a variation of the Green Mile . In street clothes ,no warmup, floor start, 70 lb kettlebell and a 36 lb kettlebell in each hand.= 106 per side = 212 total. Record to shoot at for me personally was 100 lb dumbbell pair = 200 lb.carried 164' in 21 seconds. Made the evil "double pair" in 21 seconds 178'. Easy carry but not fast on my feet any more. I will be 65 on next Friday. Good test of grip for an old guy.

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Just to see if i follow.. people are walking a mile carrying a dumbbell in either hand, daily, or even a couple of times a day? and still making progress?

their supporting grip must be through the roof.

Just wondering, is Cyborg built like a tank that's in the BJJ circle?


Edited by Jones1874
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Cyborg is amazing enough to be featured on the Stone Cold Steve Austin Ranch challenge show next week on TV. I would match him this "being "in front of anything " clean" and human. He pared the 1098 carry with the 70s down to to 143.8 and it kind of gassed him but it was third carry of the day plus a workout following.

The walks with a mile claimed ,were they timed, witnessed , done with straps, paused , not supported on body, any special special rules to be allowed or considered? Carrying "raw" a pair of hundred pound dumbbells for a mile if is as it sounds ....truly amazing. I think I heard about John Brookfield to claim doing something like that and in his prime if anything like that could be done....he could probably do it!

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In a prep today before lifting tried to move leg smoother carrying a pair of 70s in kettlebell ( 140 total)102 yards in 33seconds. Seems that on stronger based people the short carry carries are in not in proportion with the heavier weight going better.

If the breath endurance was there that was aprox 2:05 in 1098foot full carry IF the aerobic capacity was there. We are recording and trying as many combinations of speed, distance ,weight carried, bodyweight,and difficulty factor in the grip based carries. The capacity of course is overcoming the weakest link be it feet,legs, breathing, grip or mental fortitude.

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Hey Richard have you ever looked at the Monster kettlebells by roguefitness? Love to see the looks on peoples faces when they see a pair of 150lb bells sitting at the door.

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We only have up to 145s in our training area. I have tried to find out more about claimed full mile walks carrying a 100 in each hand. Unless you have carried such a weight it sounds possible. There may have been some latitude givenon how the feat was done.

Just those bells lifted and carried each day has added to our overal health , teamwork and many customers give them a try as well.

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Tried a variation of the Green Mile . In street clothes ,no warmup, floor start, 70 lb kettlebell and a 36 lb kettlebell in each hand.= 106 per side = 212 total. Record to shoot at for me personally was 100 lb dumbbell pair = 200 lb.carried 164' in 21 seconds. Made the evil "double pair" in 21 seconds 178'. Easy carry but not fast on my feet any more. I will be 65 on next Friday. Good test of grip for an old guy.

Hey young man - great challenge! It's 70 yards around my house - I carry my 100# DBs once in a while - usually just my 70# ones - but I've never timed it - I'll have to try it for time. I've done the 70s for a double lap or 140 yards several times now - pumps up the forearm a bit. I can't imagine carrying anything of substantial weight in my hands for a mile without a setdown - I wont say it can't be done - but .......

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You have been there sir and done it...wisdom and hands on !

I just set my Farmers Walk handles up at 102# per hand - 1 3/8" handles - bodyweight is running around 197 or so. I'll start working with them more regularly and see where things go. That little bit extra on the handles will probably limit me some for distance but we'll see how it goes. Just did 2 laps (140 yards) - breathing was getting kinda ragged at the end - grip was worked but still all right :). I like these better - the DBs beat my legs up too much.

Edited by climber511
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  • 2 weeks later...

Bleed stopped and wind coming back. Took the evil double pair (70and 36lb) kettlebell in each hand (212 total) a pretty easy 300feet in a timed 44 seconds. With two large bell handles on each pair make it a fair grip feat. No warmup or chalk. Street clothes. Easy ,not a drop of sweat or elevated breathing. Plan now is to carry evil pairs down and 70s back for time.

Wondering if I can hold the two 70s in each hand and go a bit as well. Try it!!!!!!! Leg as are so much better for it!

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Made evil double pair(36+70lb kettlebell in each hand did shuffle again 300feet with deadlift starting from floor. Down in 44 seconds and then dropped the 36 from each hand and quick stepped the pair of 70s back to the start line 100 yards ( not measured for time) Back to normal work with breathing and talking with customer in 3-4 min afterward. Most all workers present found just deadlifting the double paired kettlebells unsuccessful. I revisited the heart doctor today and he was aghast when he asked if I was getting around "ok "now. I asked him if he wanted me to carry him back to his car. Wide eyed he said "I think you are well".

Come on grip guys( Jedd and Andrew and really blaze it) this is a real good test of grip and breathing!

NEXT ....On to paired evil super pairs of 70+50s, then 62 +62, 70+ 62, and final........70+70 in each hand.

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Going to try to lift paired 62s( total for 4 kettlebells 248) and see if I cand hold and walk any distance with them at all. The weight is nothing , the pain of the grip is another thing! Hand almost will be in Blob lift position with 124lbs of weight trying to pry apart.

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Big mistake. After a hard day lifting yesterday I thought to see if I could perhaps even handle 2 pair of 6O lb. Kettlebells. The grip is terrible. I un boxed what I thought was the proper weight and I could deadlift them see how close I could come to 100 yards. At the last minute I asked a witness to time and measure my distance. I struggled for over a minute to cleanly grasp them free from my body in a conventional non crook, no hook grip. No warmup ,street clothes. 110 degrees in shop. With a struggle I hoisted them up to full deadlift . It was difficult, but, then thought let's go! First steps were hard as I gained speed . About half way down I had a strong pain in my Achilles' tendon on my left foot. My body said "drop them "now! The timer did measure the carry at 130' done in 27 seconds. Big problem........wrong weights ! They were all 70.4 lb( 32kilo) kettlebells. 281.6 was hard . Work on getting my foot feeling better and resume. Try it you will see what I mean.......

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Heel area on left foot swollen and tender. I as my friend"The Breeze" said" ducked the bullet" . I think my Achilles' tendon was in the first stage of rupture and Thank goodness I did not continue. I will heal ,( no pun)and start back. The wrong 70lb. kettlebells are large so much that they have to be put a good distance apart to lean them towards each other to ever get a finger/thumb tip grasp. I found the only way to carry them with my 7 7/8" hands is knuckles forward thus giving even centered grip and they stay away from body. Hand ripping experience!

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Achilles still tender . Chomping at bit to get back. Rehab today on heel and light carry, and lifting. Still anyone tried to lift a pair in each hand of 70lb. Kettlebells and walk.(280 total) I used a thick handled Ader brand bells.

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