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Bent Nail For The Unbeliever.

Big Steve

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The funniest thing that has ever happened to me with bending a nail, happened when I was on my way home from Rick's place this passed weekend. I was not going to post it but the more I thought about it the funnier it got. I was low on petro so I pulled into a gas station and got out to pump gas. A gentleman came out to help me and as the money was changing hands I told him I would see him in about a month. Right then another fellow pulled up in a truck to get gas. He was over hearing the attendent and I talk. I was telling the attendent that I was up here training with a fellow strongman. He said Oh like ones on ESPN. I told him yes kind of and the ones that do feats of strength. I told him the I bent nails. He looked at me funny like, head to the side and a half a smile. So I went in my car to get a 60d nail. Brought it out and showed him and the other fellow in the truck. The fellow gets out with a laugh that I will not forget, and yells, "Thats not a nail! This is a nail!" He reaches into the toolbox in the back of his truck and pulls out a 12'' spike by 3/8, then hands it to the attendent. Gets in his truck with the cheesy smile on his face as if he catch me at something. So the gentleman that I am, took my little 60d nail and bent it ever so gingerly with the use of the attendents gloves. Then I get mad, no one laughs at the gift God gave me. No one! So I ask for the spike kindly and it was handed to me in fear. The man in the truck knew I called his bluff. I put ever bit if strength I had left from the blob feast that I was just at. I dug deeeeeep down, there was a lot riding on this spike. I look up and smile. A bomb goes off inside me. I mangle that thing! It was a snack! I look up jaws are dropped and I am laughing very hard. As I get in my car I tell them next time it will be horseshoes. I pull off and they are fighting about who keeps "The nail of the unbeliever." I laughed and thanked God for many miles. "YOU WANT LIKE ME WHEN I'M ANGRY!" :angry:

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Unreal Steve! Better than a scene from a movie, cuz it was REAL! :bow

That's the kind of stuff I daydream about.

Edited by eric milfeld
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A lovely story budy :D:bow

I would have just taken one look at the size of ya,especially those paws,would have been enough.

you will have to carry some of those big spikes around with ya bro and start out pulin out a 60d and when the doubters look on hand em the spike,then show em how its done.

just dont hand you the JAWBONE of an ASS when your angry,as look what happened last time that was done.

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Very cool my man. I would have to agree with Gazza though-your sheer size and obvious strength would have shut me up.

Lots of non-believers out there. Good job zipping the mouths of a couple of them-

Like I said before brother, you never cease to amaze me! :bow

Rick Walker :rock

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What a wonderful story Steve. I wish I could have seen the looks on their faces :ohmy Praise be to God :rock

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Thank you guys. RSW I went over my knee first. It went about 120 degrees. There aint much there when you got 4'' of hand on each side. Then I just put all of 325# into benting that thing. I was thinking of nothing else but the bend.

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Ah yes, the "widowmaker." Impressive bend Steve. There's a very short list of people who can bend those nails at all. Right now, Stanless can and Brookfield. I think I read in (edited to save space) that Dennis can. The ones that Stanless bends I am told are harder than normal, Pat can vouch for that, he tried one at the Dinner. I still can't finish them off, frankly, you must have some tough legs too because they hurt my legs when I bend them. I can only bend them about 3", which might be close to your 120-degrees over the thigh. Do you finish them off like you did the wrench in the gripboard video (between the legs)?

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Tom, the one Stanless gave me at the dinner was a hardened 10" X 3/8" spike. He never answered me when I asked if he could bend it fully. I bent it quite a bit more several months ago, but haven't messed with it lately. I think I could U-shape it if I choose.

You are correct, there are many different levels of 12" spike. Some are just plain child's play, usually the galvanized ones are a piece of cake. I feel pretty safe saying that I think I can bend any 12" X 3/8" spike out there now to full U-shape. I use a rolled up sock or towel to cushion my leg like Stanless (remember, I don't have 325 lbs of beef to act like a cushion).

The funny thing about those bends that Stanless had me try was that they were my first two long bend attempts. The first one was the 13" X 5/8 bolt that Stanless kinked after 2 attempts. I flexed it but it snapped back. The 10" spike, both Stanless and Dennis Rogers seemed taken aback when I kinked it.

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Tom it is not really between the legs. I post it on my left knee and vice it with my left hand then just took it home from there with all my God given might. It felt strong for awhile as if it was going to win. I got some carbon 14'' spikes that I have to be on my A game to do. I have not tried the between the legs thing yet. I saw Dennis do it with some wrenches on a couple of shows. He is only a buck 50 at the most. I can get away with the way I do because of my fat ability. Sometimes I can use my belly as an extra appendage. Like for holding drinks and hamburgers. I was sleeping under a tree one day in a park and wake up, a famliy of four had spread a picnic blanket over it and was having lunch. They ask me to join them but I did not want to intrude. :whistel

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I just happen to have a nail that is 10" long and 3/8'' thick. Plain steel not coated, painted or galvanized. What is an acceptable way to bend it. (make that try to bend it?)

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What is an acceptable way to bend it.

I believe that the consensus is that anything goes with steel >9". If you want to do an unbraced bend, then I think the double underhand ("spike bending") style will give you the best leverage for a long piece of steel.


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Awesome and inspiring story :bow Steve !!

I did a bit of bending myself in work the other day .I work in a steelworks mainly on the blast furnaces and theres quite a few of the rough and tough types there.One of the men in the blast is a Universe standard bodybuilder with over 20 inch arms.So the men are asking me if you can lift so much why havn't i could muscles like the bodybuilder .Itried to explain the difference in training and other aspects but they just did not understand. So there were a load of 6 inch nails hanging around so i gave one to the bodybuilder and asked him to bend it . He tried and tried but only managed to slightly kink it , i took the nail off him and picked another one up and then bent the two together. You should of seen their faces !

On the other hand he's got a great six pack and i've got more of a barrel !!

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LOL I love storys like that. Welcome to the belly club. Strength comes in funny looking packaging sometimes. Just look at Tommy, Rick, and Dave.HAHAHAH Just busting your chops guys! Hey Dave you got a belly too? :tongue

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Chris and Steve

I would rather have any of your physiques anyday over a 20" armed water baby,But as you 2 keep on showing/proving pure strength comes from the Heart and Mind of a strongman :bow

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Alright Steve-I may be strange-but I aint funny looking!

Wait-yes I am. :whacked

I have the 12" spike you bent here still in the garage. Speaking of the garage-dude, I killed a GIANT spider in there last night. I am talking GIANT. Bigger than the palm of my hand. :ohmy

Must be some kind of mutation going on around here-Yikes! :yikes

Ever see "Eight Legged Freaks!"??

Rick Walker :rock

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That is a 14" see if you can break it. It will be a workout in it self. And the spider is more than likely a north american tarantula (Theraphosidae) not really poisonous. You can eat them. Just boil and eat. They will make you stronger. Yummy :whistel

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Speaking of the garage-dude, I killed a GIANT spider in there last night.  I am talking GIANT.  Bigger than the palm of my hand. :ohmy

* Note to self *

* Self, never ever go to Rick's house....

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They must have got into my creatine or something :tongue

Heath-trust me dude, I am in no means a fan of spiders of any size. Truth be known-my wife squashed it with her sandle-I ran :blush

Rick Walker :rock

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