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Bill Piche

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What "Dave" is that in the pic Tom? Looks like he is from the land of the GIANTS!

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I'm going to have to get to Warren's soon. I just tried calling him but his line is busy... hmmm... wonder why? Wanna, that's Dave Ostlund.


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I'm going to have to get to Warren's soon. I just tried calling him but his line is busy... hmmm... wonder why? Wanna, that's Dave Ostlund.


I thought it might be. Either everyone else is 5'2" or he's VERY tall. :D

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Dave is tall, but he does look freakishly large in that photo. Maybe cameras add ten pounds and three inches. :)


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That is a very impressive looking grip machine,too me anyway!!! :bow

I would imagine that you would need less weight due to the smoothness of the bearings.

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Your right, Mr. Tettings grip machine is very impressive. I'd like to get one so I could use MORE weight due to the smoothness of the machine. Does he have a web site yet?

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Warren told us that he will have a web sight in a few months. Dave Ostlund IS a big guy. If Warren had a 50lb blob I would have taken a picture of him picking it up. He also came within a wisker of closing my #3. However Jeff broke the cherry on it for me. He told me it was slighlty tougher than others he has closed :cry

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Great looking Grip machine, but I prefer one that immitates the motion of the Grippers (like my Gripinator LX). Also, it doesn't look like Beyond The Range training is possible. Still, I am sure it is very effective.


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I'm wondering...could you stand on the plates for some extra weight with negatives like the G-rex???


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Jonathan you can stand on the plates to do negatives or you can just load it up' pull up with two hands and then let go with one and HOLD ON with the other :blink

Tou, do to the engineering and craftsmenship of this machine he sells it for $300.00 plus S&H. It is worth every penny.

RSW The handles are the same diamater as the grippers and the fact that they are brought up parrallel when closed you are doing "beyond the range" closes with this. much more so then a filed down gripper. :ohmy

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That is the best lookin grip machine i have seen to date and knowing

Mr.Tettings pedigree will be well up to anything thrown at it :bow

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Why no one has done what Kinney did to make these type of machines better is beyond me.

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