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Thumb Strength


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Hello, I've been stuck at the same strength level for many months on my thumb work, my IM pinch grip has been at about 35 lbs. I've tried different things but nothing seems to work, I train my thumbs 3 times a week for high volume, do guys know what i'm doing wrong . Thanks for the help

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Have you tried the home depot pony clamps yet ?

They are great for building up your pinch.

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The pony clamp with rubber bands, as per OldGuy. Play with it through-out the day. The clamp, not OldGuy.

Also, try different pinch widths. Variety is good. Static gripping builds strength in one position, but training with many widths will have a strong carry over to your goal width.

Finaly, max effort singles build max effort strength. Reps and time holds over 15 seconds both focus on endurance.

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Thanks for the help guys. Yes i do have the pony clamps and i can't come close to closing them so i do isometrics with them. Do you guys train your thumbs everyday

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I'm training my pinches every third day, for three sets of singles, held for up to five seconds. I'm progressing slowly, but surely. My two hand plate pinch is 185, and I'm soooo close to pinching two 45's. And finally my right hand has caught up to the strength level of my left. I attribute this to training the two hands plate pinch. I agree with Bender that training various widths is a good idea.

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