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Future Coc,c


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Hello all i would like to share with you the experiences i had today at a local fund raising event,held by my local shop/post office all proceeds were to the local Cancer research charity.

There was face painting,car washing,etc and my youngest daughter AMY

took along her variety of plastic sporting goods grippers as well as my Ironmind#1 i dont have a trainer.The idea was to charge 10pence per squeeze of the #1 if closed you got 50pence,i decided to go alonglater on and see what was happening,when i got there,there was lots of people around my daughters table playing with the grippers,i went upto the table and introduced myself to the people there,my daughter said no one has shut the #1 yet dad and weve made lots of money.i then picked up the #1 and closed it either hand for the people there.One of the kids said his dad was real strong and would bust the gripper,i said were do you live,the kid said my dadas comin hear soon.I then went home and had some lunch and looked on the gripboard for emails etc and did a bunch of other stuff.After this i went back to give some more support,when i got there ,there was lots of people all round my daughters table again,this time i hads taken my RB 160ip gripper and a brand new pair of york grippers,designated extra strong on the box label.

The kid that was there before was still there with a friend and his dad had also turned up and was a big fella.The Kid and his mate had apparently had about 30 goes each on the Ironmind#1 with different hands tryin to out do each other,there dad hadf tried the #1 and almost got it,my daughters a strict judge LOL.The kids dad says lets see what the trick is them.n,so i no set close it for 5reps each hand.

This realy pisses off the big fella and he declines to have another go.

Lots of people ask me questions and the 2 12year old kids are lookin at me like i am Superman,i opens up the brand new york grippers and give the 2 kids one each for being the best sports on the day,THere

DAD then said to me it is the happiest he has ever seen his kid and asks about the grippers,He ended up buying some RB Grippers off,of me on the spot and is keeping then for his kid for Christmas,but i reckon there for him realy.

The moral of the story,Maybe these 2 kids will end up future coc,s.I

shure hope so :bow

My daughter made some money for a good cause,2 kids went away happy,and i am a proud Man and DAD. :D

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I brought my grippers in my school last january. None of my students could close the "Wal Mart purple handles" gripper. One of them got it close which is good for a 8 years old. They were totally amazed when I mashed the #3 in front of them. They also liked the nail bending and the card tearing.

My sister organizes a "wine and cheese" degustation tonight and over 20 guys will try my grippers. Probably that none will be closed except if J, my very strong friend joins us. If he does, and if he gets drunk, the #3 might encounter his biggest crush ever.

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That's a great story, Gazza. Thanks :)

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RE: I brought my grippers in my school last january. None of my students could close the "Wal Mart purple handles" gripper.

You have Wal-Mart in Quebec? :blink

How does that work with the Bill 101 situation? Aren't they required to call themselves "Marte de Mur?" :whacked

Je blague, mon ami. Je rêve de revoir la belle province.......

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Québec is getting more and more english. I live in Montréal and it's common to go at a supermarket or store and cashier speaks english.

I don't make a case with it.

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RE: Québec is getting more and more english. I live in Montréal and it's common to go at a supermarket or store and cashier speaks english.

There's something rather sad about that. Can we go back to the old Montreal? The one where you could hear multiple languages, and it was clearly Quebecois? I'm proud to have spent my first two years in Quebec City and several more in Montreal.

RE: I don't make a case with it.

Oh! Please don't get me wrong, Tou, I'm not trying to jerk your chain or have a joke at your expense. :ohmy That's the problem with the Internet. It actually saddens me that Quebec is filling with Starbucks' and WalMarts and everything else. If we wanted another Toronto, we'd have built one, no? Just so long as they NEVER EVER EVER try to change Quebec sufficiently to get rid of the depanneurs and St. Ambroise. Otherwise, they've got a fight on their hands.

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Thats really cool you that you live in montreal tou. I live in northern vermont and am only about 45 minutes outside of montreal.

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That's the common coplaint from Canadians... that it's turning more into "America" than remaining Canada. You'll get that with any border town that comes into contact with another country. Go to any border town in the states that borders Mexico - they don't all speak English there either.

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RE: That's the common coplaint from Canadians... that it's turning more into "America" than remaining Canada.

Tou lives in Quebec: it's a different situation there. (If you don't mind a comment from a dumbass, Snott). The people in Quebec are ethnically, linguistically, and by religion very very distinct from the rest of Canada. In fact, they actually refer to themselves as a separate race, which they refer to as "old stump" or "virgin wool".

They have their own culture, their own cuisine (your Cajun fat-fest fry in lard deal comes from Quebec: but then again, when it's 30 below and you're lumberjacking, as it was when they first arrived, you DO need 15,000 calories a day... that's why they cooked that way).... and they've been fighting for the last forty years to stop being assimilated, the same way Louisiana became assimilated (find someone there who speaks French. You can find a lot of people whose grandparents spoke French and who speak with accents, but finding true Cadien is getting trickier and trickier)).

The fact that Quebec is now becoming flooded with Wal-Mart, Starbucks etc. rather than the great boutiques that made it the fun little cosmopolitain city it was is truly saddening.

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my friend and i always bring our #1 to school i love seeing people fail to close it and then they ask if i can close it, and i bang out 20 reps easily, so far there's been 2 people i know at school tht have closed #1 first try which is pretty good.

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England is becoming more and more like America (not a bad thing) soon people will all be saying ass and not arse. Everywhere there are Pizza Huts, Seven Elevens, McDonalds and so on. You name it, it's there. Not everyone can come to live here and millions want to, but many of their countries are rapidly becoming Americanized. It could well be that the American way is the best. America got there first. Many are now following, or at least extremely envious. Maybe this post is in the wrong place, so I will apologize in advance.

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My 18mo. old keeps trying to get a hold of my grippers. Naturally, they're way too large for his little hands, but he gets a grip right at the top of the gripper, and then squeezes it for all he's worth (the handles don't move at all, which annoys him). The grunting and gritting of teeth is amusing to watch.

As for England becoming the new USA - I doubt it. I think it's more likely to Indianify before it USifies.......... Last time I was in Manchester, I think I was the only one NOT wearing a turban or a bindhi. Luckily, I'm no bigot.... otherwise I'd have been in shock. That to me explains the Harry Potter mania - I mean come on, Potter? Grainger? Wizened old folk who believe in fairies and live in a Victorian Tolkein paradise? Sounds like a pining for England as it was, Jennings getting a postal order from his batty aunt, etc. more than a fantasy to be able to use magic. It's not as if Harry's best friend at Hogwart's is named Sanjeev, is it?

Edited by Razorman
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I am English and go back and forth between the USA and there. So I am in a good position to see things happening.

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Cool, OldGuy - I'm English in the process of immigrating to the US. Been here (legally, folks) since 1997 in pursuit of that goal. I'd love to spend some time in the UK again, but they won't allow my cats in.....

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I got lucky and was able to qualify for residency and so on under an amnesty way back in the eighties. Why Do I live down near Miami? That is where the plane landed. As long as you behave yourself I feel you should be able to live anywhere in the world. Where are you now?

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You DID get lucky, OldGuy. As for me, I'm living in the Pacific North West: :rock I had to find a job where no American could be found to do the job, and thankfully I have a degree, a diploma, and years of experience in my field.... get labour certification from the Department of Labour (takes a few years...) , then make a two-stage application that included having a full physical including a blood draw, and fingerprinting for criminal background checks. Now the application is in the aging department just to see if I'll give up and go home before they decide to actually issue the card.. :blink

However, I am in the final stretch. It will be worth it.

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