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Hrs 29.5" X 20 Mm Braced Bend War

Ivan Beritashvili

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Nine months passed since I have bent 80 cm x 20 mm bar in February for 2nd spot in braced benders list.

That bend was very tough and was my maximum. So 75 cm bar layed untouched for all this time. I just wasn't ready. Neither physically, nor mentally.

I gained some meat, gained more overall strength with farmers, yokes, presses, eagle loops lockouts, significantly improved my leg crush, my hips toughened from hoseshoes. So yesterday at 29th of November I decided to give a go to 75 cm x 20 mm bar.

It resulted in 11 minutes of true war with HUGE efforts applied and lots of pain. This my biggest steel bend for today.

Honestly i was about to give up when for about a minute couldn't find the way how to get the bar to past 90 degrees. As I have written on facebook today I feel like been well-beaten with a baseball bat. My hips are very sore, my ribs ache, my right elbow pit (brachioradialis muscle) is smashed.

This bend is worth of every single feeling I have now in my body. This is a big victory and my big pride. I broke my own mental barriers and I know that I will cert on it in time. But for today - it is something I don't want to repeat in closest future.

Hope I sound not very dramatic :D:D:D


Edited by Ivan Beritashvili
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Damn Ivan. That was a hell of a fight. Huge congrats. I know you wanted this for a long time.

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This is Awesome!!! Congrats Ivan!!! And can I say that both of your sweep techniques are cool.

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Top of the mountain bend right there. I can remember how braced bending really beats you up so I can appreciate this monumental bend.

Great job.

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Damn Ivan. That was a hell of a fight. Huge congrats. I know you wanted this for a long time.

Thank you brother! a very desired piece of steel. I have to train more to bend it faster.

Wooooo, congratulations Ivan!

Thank you Jose!

That's a crazy bend to watch. Well done!

Thanks for watching Jared!

that's really impressive!

Thank you Josh!! Glad you like it!

This is Awesome!!! Congrats Ivan!!! And can I say that both of your sweep techniques are cool.

Thank you Carter!! I can proudly say, that elbow grab technique is my invention. It is the strongest and the most mechanically effecient.

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World class!

Congratulations Ivan!

Appreciation from the leader is just priceless. Thank you Manthos!

Top of the mountain bend right there. I can remember how braced bending really beats you up so I can appreciate this monumental bend.

Great job.

Thank you for kind words Tim! I know you are very experienced bender.

Could you please share videos of your top-bends from braced list submissions? I would be very grateful.

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It's not that easy. When I was braced bending I recorded the videos on an old format VHS recorder, then dubbed it to DVD and mailed it to David Horne.

Basically, all those old bends are in a box in the basement on VHS-C tapes and my old DVD recorder burned out a couple years ago.

Maybe one day I'll be able to transfer them and I'd like to. I never was the long bar bender that you, Manthos and some of the other guys are though, I can tell you that. Spike length was my big thing and I think I had the mid-bar record at one point but that was a good night and the longer mid-range stuff is out of my zone. I think I tried a 29.5 inch 3/4 inch bar a few times but never even got remotely close.

I know you had to feel that bend and congratulations once again.

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This is Awesome!!! Congrats Ivan!!! And can I say that both of your sweep techniques are cool.

Thank you Carter!! I can proudly say, that elbow grab technique is my invention. It is the strongest and the most mechanically effecient.

That IS something to be proud of!!!! I will certainly have to try that one day whenever I get into long bar bending.

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