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Sorry guys, when you get there just click on the maverick folder, if it dosnt work the first time just click it again.

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At 5'9" and 330lbs,and with the size of those wrists(and the way your hand buried that gripper :D )I believe that it 'appears'that we may have some genuine 17.5 inchers? :blink

It's a slight exageration(on my part)but it looks like the width of your wrists is MORE than the length of the handles of your gripper! :rock

Very THICK looking forearms.

You've been a good sport about all this.I bet you do some crazy things in wrist and hand strength when you 'grow up' :DProbably just need some advice from the experts and legends on this forum...seriously...THEY are here.

i think you are a monster in the making!

Good Luck

Maybe a pic with a gripper across your wrist or a measureing tape.

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I read my post and it sounds like i'm being sarcastic?

I'm not!!i'm serious.Some massive looking forearms!

Did you see those pics of Big Tony in the Gallery?

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Thank you very much, and I know that the real deal grip experts are on this board. I have a great amount of respect for all of you and hope to learn alot from you. I have seen the picture of Tony Scrivens, what a beast. I was very serious with my measurements the whole time, I think Im just gifted genetically when it comes to forearms. Thank you once again for your support and no hard feelings. I will take some wrist pictures for you at some point.

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If you re-read most of my posts i was just explaining to you that we need something to put it in 'perspective'. :D

It was sort of like a puzzel.I did notice-immediately- how the gripper looked in your hand,it made me go HHHMMMM?this kids wrist and hands are thick!!...but the other forearms photo didn't do your forearms justice :cool

Then,As you told more about your height/weight,wrist measurements and sport speciality(arm wrestling)it started making some sense and seemed plausible.

Don't pay attention to me.i just ramble on too much,i AM a trivia buff though and have lots of worthless information :whacked but there really are some experts on here that will likely 'unlock'your potential.

A guy i used to work out with (Josh Bigger,he's in the gallery too HE also has mMASSIVE forearms!)is not 'really'an arm wrestler but DID armwrestle some tough guys,dabbled in it and he said the crushing power in his hands often astonished(even phsically hurt!!)his opponent although it was his wrist strength and speed that ended things...so whatever these guys teach you will undoubtedly help you in your armwrestling.Add to your arsenal.

My gosh,the grip experts??? David Horne(also an armwrestler?),Mobsterone,Wanna Grip,Wade G.,Terminator,Old Guy,Bender53,Rick Walker,I'm forgetting so many peopel..the list is beyond belief...on and on..this is a fraction of who is on here.hisorian Joe Roark is on here all the time...

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Once again thank you for the vote of confidence. I too have seen many people that have massive hands and forearms. Some of the guys I lock up with in a tournament absolutely crush my hands, even though they claim they never formally trained grip. I have also met some people with a background in grip work. In April I met Rob Sasso at the Vermont armwrestling championships, he is #20 on the CoC list and has a truly powerful hand. He told me his record is 20 reps with the #3's. He is a super nice guy too.

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Here is some CRAZY stuff that josh did.i watched him Arm wrestle this guy who supposedly had some national experience and always beat everyboy in the area.The look on his face when the locked up was priceless as Josh exerted some crushing pressure,they went back and forth and then josh,decided it was time and the guy was just stunned.Those were the days......


there are two pages.

Also Mobsterone and mark henry lifting the MILLENIUM dumbell in there.

Chris james does some insane stuff! :rock The British dudes have some cool photos.jim Wyle,horne etc.British grip comp photos...i don't have the links but after looking at Josh's photos start snooping around within the Gallery!lots of other stuff but i like the Grip 'lifts'..so to speak..

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Wow, he looks like a real monster, with those forearms and the strength in his hands he would probably be one hell of a powerful toproller. The gallery is really great, some of that stuff makes you feel like a weekling!!, I suppose in the grand scheme of things I really am. When I first started poking around the board I watched the video of that guy tearing decks of cards. He ripped them like they were nothing. I figured if he did it that easily, if I put 100% effort I might be able to do it. WRONG. You guys are truly amazing. My next step is to get some ironmind level 4 nails, the yellow ones go pretty easy now so I will give them a try.

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I have retired from armwrestling. As I got older armwrestling started to injure my elbows which interfered with my workouts. The last time I did any was when I was taking some computer classes at a local vocational school. Some of the young guys there challenged me in the cafeteria.

Before he started training with weights my son armwrestled a great deal, and quickly built up his forearms to a rock solid 15''. Like me he no longer has much interest in it. He has also lost interest in getting huge and has reduced to 205 from 260. He is happier now he is no longer so massive. At armwrestling back in the day, I was a natural, having a knack for instantly adjusting to the style of the other guy and finding a way to pin him. I do not like the way that armwrestling is done these days standing up and being able to hold onto a peg with the other hand. However when I did use to wrestle, after winning and the other guy complaining, I would offer to go again and do it his way.

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That picture with your arms crossed convinced me!

Sorry I didn't believe you. As Tom of Iowa said, it's a perspective problem with everything else being bigger too. My frame of mind was also confused yesterday looking at that "closed" #3 on the same site.

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Thank you Mr. Black, and no hard feelings here. I was just about to private message you and ask you to take a look at the pics. The last thing I would want to do is misrepresent myself on this board to some of the strongest hands in the world, I wouldnt lie to you guys. I just am glad that I figured out how to post some pictures so my reputation wouldnt be spoiled here. On the case of of not closed #3's I have heard that he was asked to make many closes that day for pics and my guess was that eityher the wrong picture was posted or the picture was taken too late after he had started too release. I kniow he was registered so I assume he can really close them.

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My next step is to get some ironmind level 4 nails, the yellow ones go pretty easy now so I will give them a try.


If you cut 1" off of the yellow, that should equal the Blue. Maybe you should try a 60p nail if you are finding the Yellow easy.

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Guest gripmaster316

Okay, okay. Stop the press!!! My friend I humbly apoligize for even starting the controversy. You definitely have massive forearms!!!! If you need any tips on how to pick a number two and crush it on the spot, you can PM me any time.

P.S how much can you wrist curl???

Edited by gripmaster316
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Yes the first photo is of an engine. It was my friends inboard motor for his boat. I think it was a 3 litre. I picked it up on a bet. I dont know the exact weight of it but I can tell you to me it felt like a ton!!!

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Thank you, yours look pretty big too in the picture next to your log in name. Im glad I could get those pictures up, I didnt want to come off as a punk kid who just lied about how big he was and what he can do.

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Your body structure looks abit like that of Sultan Rakhmanov a Russian

weightlifter,who was also a very good armwrestler.

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I have heard of him, I would assume he is way bigger than me though. Although Im not very tall my shoulders are exceptionally broad. I dont know if you can see in my pictures but I took them against a doorway and I almost take up the whole door.

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You seem to have the structure of a Paul Anderson or a Louis Cyr. I am fairly boad shouldered myself at around 24'' across. No problem fitting through doors though!

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Welcome to the Grip Board.

Nice pics.

What is your age again.

You look young.

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