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How Do You Know When You've Mastered A Grip Level?

Strong Man

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i know for sure i've mastered T and #1 but I can only close #2 7 reps

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i can close #1 around 45 times i would think when you could just pick up the gripper and close it?

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I believe when you have mastered a gripper

you can pick it up and close it at any given



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Guest MikeTheBear

Good question, and one I too would like answered. According to Ironmind's site, once you can close a gripper 20-25 times, you are ready for the next gripper. Is this accurate?

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When I was training with the grippers on a regular basis, I made very good progress performing sets of very low repetitions and singles. I didn't benefit from the high reps. People will experience different results due to physical makeup, genetics, etc. It's good to experiment and see what works best for you.

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I consider a gripper mastered when you can grind the handles nice and loud. Joe Kinney style.

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When you can pick the gripper up and close it fully, without a warmup, on any day of the week. That's complete mastery in my book.

Ben Edwards

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For me, the '25 reps with a gripper means you are ready to close the next' was not an accurate indicator. I could do 25 reps with the #2 long before I closed the #3.

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I think it's also an issue of mentality. At first a gripper is intemidating, and is a goal of yours. When you first close it, it's exciting, and every time after that, it's still a great feeling. Then you start to rep it, and think 'yea, take that', and it's still a great feeling to finally close that goal gripper for a goal set of reps.

For me, I see mastery of the gripper when you lose the thrill of closing the gripper. When it's no longer a challenge or that big of a deal to close it. When your new focus becomes the next gripper. Yes, when you can close it any time, with out warming up. When you look at it and wonder why it was such a big deal to close this "easy" gripper.

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Is it accurate ?

You can be able to close a #3 for 5reps and not be able to close another #3. Now this statement for example IS accurate...

That's all i have to say about what Ironmind wrote in the FAQ section! :tongue

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That 20 to 25 reps isn't even close to being true in my case. I could only manage around 4 to 6 reps on my #2 when I closed my #3. I thought maybe my #3 was week but I got certified on Tony Scrivens gripper which is around 5 years old and was never closed prior to that day.

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That is pretty much the case with me. I don't own the grippers so I haven't been able to mess around with them that much. But when a guy brought the set of grippers to a powerlifting meet a few weeks ago, I closed his number 3 after the meet was over without that much trouble. I then tried his number 2, and while I didn't do as many reps as I could have if I went to absolute failure, it started feeling pretty hard after about 8 reps; there is no way I could have done it 25 times.

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Guest gripmaster316

I can close the number 2 8 times and I am about 1/4 inch from closing the three. Maybe I have a hard 3???

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I knew I had really mastered the #3 when I could close it everyday for three weeks straight (21 days). Cold - no warm-up - straight to close.

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If by mastery you mean total dominance, then anytime, anywhere, whether refreshed, or following a workout, you can close it.

As with any lifting feat, what you lifted for a one rep max

a few weeks ago but have not come close to since then, is not a poundage you have mastered.

If circumstances must be 'just right' for you to close it, you have not mastered it.

There are no doubt many certified 3 closers who cannot close a 3 under the above circumstances; they won the battle for certification but lost the ongoing war.

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Flashes of brilliance just like Sybersnott!! :blush

I must add, as Roark pointed out - strength varies. That goes for grip strength; at least for me anyway. I am not 100% all of the time.

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I can close the number 2 8 times and I am about 1/4 inch from closing the three. Maybe I have a hard 3???

It could be a difference in the way various people's muscles work. I know that on all of my lifts I am good at maxes compared to how many reps I can do, but that may be more of a function of how I train.

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very true rbrown i know i'm only good at maxes, compared to reps

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