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Workout - What Am I Missing?


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Plate pinches



Thick/Fat bar


2 sledgehammer holds in the middle

Baseball/Softball - chain weight

Pliers wire weight

Towel Pull Ups

Finger Pullups



Thumb Clamps crushes

Wire Cutters - wire




Wrist Curls

Wrist Extensions

Plate curls


Finger extension

Finger Walks







Phone Books


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If you are doing all of that-you are doing way to much IMO.

Rick Walker :rock

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Don't forget the hand-health excercises:

Sand Grabing/Blasting

Dexterity balls

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NO, I'm not doing THAT in one workout, I was just listing all exercises I could think of, anyone have any additions???


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The Coin Bag Carry.

August Johnson carried in one hand a 32lb bag of coins for one mile without adjusting his grip.


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At work, I sometimes have to change the movie sign-which requires carrying a 8 foot ladder about a quarter mile down the road.

I like to 1 hand pinch it (it is quite wide-but not super heavy) and try to carry it all the way there with 1 hand and all the way back with the other.

It is pretty tough-but I can usually make it.

Rick Walker :rock

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How about a grip machine. There is such a variety of them, so take your pick.

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Guest gripmaster316

What workouts are you missing? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Your hands must be steel after these workouts.

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NO, I'm not doing THAT in one workout, I was just listing all exercises I could think of, sorry for the bad phrasing

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Ring Lifts

Single Finger Dead Lifts

Brick Lifting

Hangboard training

Pony Clamp

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Bender, thanks for the reply

Is Hangboard training and long board leveraging a weight at the end?

Is a Pony Clamp the clamp from the hardware store for your dynamic thumb, pointer finger strength?

Thanks again

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A hang board is the multi shaped board for doing pulls and hangs off of for developing the open hand, static finger strength needed for rock climbing.

Yes, the pony clamp is the black or orange home-depot clamp.

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Have you thought about thick rope climbing? Works everything....

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