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Snatching A Water Jug

Tom Black

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I was reading Tommy’s post on the hammer pinch and thought this must be the day for new exercises because I found something fun just last night. I was loading some 5-gallon water jugs from the front porch into my sister-in-laws house when I had a feeling come over me that I could snatch one of them by the small end just like I did with my makeshift Ironmind loading pin “club.” I tried two times, but it was very awkward and I underestimated the difficulty of balancing a jug of water about a foot wide and two feet long. On the third attempt I had the bottle triumphantly in the air above my head like a torch. I weighed a full bottle later it was 43.5-pounds on my digital scale. Sorry no picture yet, but similar to my over 50-pound Ironmind club lift. I think the handle is a little thicker, and of course the water moves around a bit.

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A friend of mine takes two full 5 gallon water jugs by the neck, and holds them in the hang position one in each hand. He then levers them up to his shoulder. He can do this many times.

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How is it possible to lever them up? They must be swung up, right? At 43.5-pounds the torque would be huge if the lever-up were strict. Tommy, they are commonly available, I think even home depot sells them full of water. These particular bottles were from Berkley springs, closer to you than me.

Here's a picture:


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Here is the best kind as it has a side handle built in.


Tom he has been doing the water jug feat for several years. He started with a lot less water in them than 5 gallons. I can swing them up, but cannot do it the way he does. It reminds me of the enormous clubs that some Turkish wrestlers used to train with. It is a lever to the shoulder, not a straight arm lift to overhead I am talking about. Your post about snatching a water jug reminded me of this.

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I have never seen those jugs with the handles built in. Seeing them reminds me of a feat Tom has on his Web Page ... I forget what he calls it, I have always thought of it as "The Viking Mug". It looks like you are raising a huge and heavy mug to drink from. Anyway, I challange anyone to open a full bottle (one with the handle built in) and raise it by the handle with one hand for a drink. The Viking Mug!!

Mike M.

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I have two of those jugs with the side handle for the water cooler I have at home. No I cannot do what you describe!

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Very Cool idea, once you get good at the movement Tom you can unscrew the cap at the top position and give yourself an instant shower!


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True with water you can microload easier than any other way.

Or you could use light beer and work your way up to Stout....

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I was wrong, I can take one of those jugs completely filled with water and then lifting it with one hand by the sidehandle drink water from it. I just did it. Must be easier than we thought!

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Ahhh good to know I'm not a freak! Or perhaps, you're all freaks, then at least I'm not lonely ;)

I’ve been doing various strange things with water machine bottles for a while at work... not often, just when i feel like it.

Either lifts - using the side handles and doing cleans, jerks, bent presses, snatches, etc. is a bit of fun... so are farmers walks up and down stairs with water jostling around :)

OR some grip stuff - like trying to lift a full bottle like a hub lift.

The ones at my work have a molded plastic seal over the hole, which has a bit of a rim, but is very slippery.

I can't do a proper hub lift with a full jug, but I can lift it with a "screwing the top off a jar" type of grip.

Haven't actually tried lifting one with a strangle hold on the neck... nor have I pretended its a mug :) I'll have to try these today...

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This sounds like another great idea. I'm definately going to have to find myself a jug. Tom, do you think you'll be putting up a picture any time soon?

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Maybe I'll take a picture this weekend. I'd like to see a picture of someone drinking out of one like a big beer mug. I don't think I've ever seen one with a handle around here.

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Nice feat Tom! I have a 15.5 gallon beer keg filled to 130 pounds (full, it's 160) and it is a bear to get overhead with two hands. Getting it from the ground to pressing position isn't so difficult as you can just kind of bully it up there. But once you start pressing it off of the chest the lateral wrist strength comes into play. Slow and steady on these until I get better.


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Nice feat Tom! I have a 15.5 gallon beer keg filled to 130 pounds (full, it's 160) and it is a bear to get overhead with two hands. Getting it from the ground to pressing position isn't so difficult as you can just kind of bully it up there. But once you start pressing it off of the chest the lateral wrist strength comes into play. Slow and steady on these until I get better.


I watched 3crusher easily SNATCH a 135lb keg on Sunday, both hands on the same lip of the keg. My idiot self turned off the video camera for this feat.....and turned it on for a great closeup of the side of his house. My bad, but I bet he could duplicate it at any time.

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Well, the side of the house is important too! Steve, did you have your hands on the handles for this or did you just grab the lip of the rim? I was pressing mine with a hand on the top and bottom of the keg.


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BC, keg laying on side. Hands on lip of top and bottom of keg (same side). Lip he was holding starts as top of keg, and becomes bottom as he snatched it overhead. So all the weight is held above his hands at the top of the movement.

He also easily pressed a 175lb keg using one hand on top, one on bottom method. I've seen him do this a buncha times, even walked around with it locked out. He has pressed this 175lb keg with his hands on the same lip as in the snatch above, but hasn't snatched it yet.

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